视频标签:Looking good
视频课题:高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Grammar and usage (1)_ Restrictive relative clauses with relative adverbs第4课时
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Grammar and usage (1)_ Restrictive relative clauses with relative adverbs第4课时
第4课时 | Book1 Unit 4 Grammar and usage (1): Restrictive relative clauses with relative adverbs | |||
1.教材分析 |
What:在本课时里,学生将在以“体重”、“睡眠”为主题的语境中,展开对由关系副词when、where、why引导的限制性定语从句的探究归纳和应用实践。 How:学生首先在以“体重问题”为主题的语篇中观察、感知、理解和探究由关系副词引导的限制性定语从句的形式和意义,并归纳出其核心语法规则;然后,在“睡眠问题”的主题语境下、通过单句来应用实践其语法规则;接着,通过几组对比练习区分关系代词和关系副词的用法;最后,在关于“睡眠建议”的语篇中尝试综合运用关系代词、关系副词来引导定语从句,实现知识的融会贯通。 Why:学生能感知和理解关系副词引导的限制性定语从句的形式和意义,并在具体语境中尝试恰当、准确地应用关系副词和关系代词。 |
2.学情分析 | 通过第三单元的学习,学生对由关系代词(which、that、who、whom、whose)引导的定语从句及其语法规则掌握较好,并能恰当、准确、得体地在真实情境中运用。但他们对关系副词的了解还比较浅显,没有形成结构化知识体系。关系副词与关系代词的区分,以及在具体语境中的准确运用对他们而言更是挑战。 | |||
3.教学目标 |
Through this period, Ss will be able to: 1. Language skills: understand and analyse restrictive relative clauses with relative adverbs. 2. Thinking qualities: make connections between the newly presented structure and previously learned structures; explore grammar rules in contextualized scenarios; understand grammatical items through comparison. 3. Learning abilities: strengthen beliefs in English learning and improve strategies; participate in the practice of using English actively. 4. Cultural awareness: learn about the sleep problem troubling teenagers and some tips on better sleep. |
4.*重点难点 |
Ss can understand restrictive relative clauses with relative adverbs and summarize the general rules. Ss can tell the difference between relative adverbs and relative pronouns. |
5. 教学过程 | 教学目标 | 教学活动与步骤 | 评价要点 | 时间与互动模式 |
学生通过迁移创新复习weight词汇搭配。 |
Step 1 Checking homework 1. Ss review the collocations of “weight” by sharing a short passage written before class. 2. T shows her version as a lead-in to Grammar and usage. 附:学生课前生成 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
学生能把关于weight的搭配用于理解和表达有关“健康”主题的观点;能积极、正确看待体重问题。 |
IW 3' |
设计意图:承前启后:依托Reading话题创设语用情境,引导学生运用前一课时所学的关于weight的相关搭配表达有关“健康”的观点,巩固词汇学习策略。同时,授课教师推出自己设计的包含weight搭配、又承载目标语法定语从句的语篇情境(关于Reading的summary),为下一步语法学习做好铺垫。 | ||||
学生复习由关系代词引导的定语从句。 |
Step 2 Revision 1.Ss complete a brief summary of Reading with proper relative pronouns. 2.T leads Ss to review the general rules of restrictive relative clauses with relative pronouns learnt in Unit 3. 3.T inspires Ss to think about the usage of relative adverbs. |
能在主题语境中理解和正确使用由关系代词which、that、who、whom、whose引导的限制性定语从句;能对关系副词引导定语从句产生期待。 |
CW 5' |
设计意图:用关于Reading的summary语篇呈现主题语境,承载目标语法,通过填空练习激活学生已知,复习巩固关系代词引导的限制性定语从句用法,并对关系副词引导定语从句新知识产生期待。 | ||||
学生获取由关系副词引导的定语从句的形式、意义和核心规则。 |
Step 3 Exploring the rules 1.T leads Ss to find out the restrictive relative clauses with relative adverbs in the summary. 2.Ss are supposed to understand the usage of restrictive relative clauses with relative adverbs in the context of sentences, and try to work out some rules. 3.T illustrates relative adverbs can be replaced by “preposition +which”. |
能在语篇中发现、感知并理解由关系副词when、where和why引导的定语从句;能自主梳理、归纳出其核心语法规则。 |
CW/IW 5' |
设计意图:引导学生在语篇中观察、感知由关系副词引导的限制性定语从句,并通过句子层面的理解和探究自主梳理、归纳出其核心语法规则,如关系副词在定语从句充当状语成分,关系副词可以用介词+关系代词取代等等,使目标语法知识结构化。 | ||||
学生在句子层面应用实践语法新知。 |
Step 4 Applying the rules (at sentence level)
![]() 2.T leads Ss to apply the general rules of relative adverbs in the context by rewriting the sentences using relative adverbs or “preposition+which”. |
能抓取语境信息;能理解并尝试应用由关系副词引导的限制性定语从句改写句子;能准确地用介词+关系代词替代关系副词。 |
CW/IW 10' |
设计意图:将教材的Part B1练习巧设为微信聊天界面,导入中学生“睡眠问题”,给学生提供真实情境,使语法知识功能化,具有交际意义。学生在句子层面通过改写方式尝试应用关系副词引导限制性定语从句,巩固、内化语法新知。 | ||||
学生区分关系代词与关系副词的用法。 |
Step 5 Comparing differences
![]() 2.T provides more groups of sentences for Ss to practice and further their understanding. e.g. (1) She misses those days when she used to sleep really well. (2)She misses those days (that/which) she spent with her grandparents. |
学生能判断先行词在定语从句所充当的成分,准确、恰当选择关系代词或关系副词。 |
CW/IW 7' |
设计意图:捕捉学生在尝试使用目标语法过程中的问题和亮点(Step 4句子改写练习的最后一题,在先行词相同情况下定语从句有两种不同引导方式),引导学生对比、分析、判断区分关系代词与关系副词用法的关键是先行词在定语从句中充当的成分,并通过四组例句进一步加深对目标语法的理解和运用,培养思维能力。 | ||||
学生在语篇层面综合应用限制性定语从句知识。 |
Step 6 Applying the rules (at text level) 1.T asks Ss to complete the passage concerning sleep tips (Part B2) with correct relative pronouns, relative adverbs or “preposition+which”. 2.T encourages Ss to provide their own tips for better sleep using restrictive relative clauses. e.g. (1) Listening to the music that can make me relaxed. (2) Put your devices at a place where you can’t reach them easily. |
能在具体情境中理解并准确使用关系代词、关系副词或介词+关系代词;能用至少一个定语从句介绍更多的睡眠建议,实现知识的迁移创新。 |
CW/IW 6' IW 5' |
设计意图:基于前面目标语法知识的整合,学生在关于“睡眠建议”的语篇情境中滚动式强化知识的应用实践,并尝试在句子层面的迁移创新,提高整体语言知识运用能力。同时,也获取关于促进睡眠的建议。 | ||||
6.板书设计 |
![]() ![]() |
7.作业布置 |
1.Go through Grammar Notes from page 99 to 100. (通过参看语法笔记部分更好地构建目标语法的体系化。) 2. Finish Part C on page 76. (通过单句填空练习在单句层面巩固新知,突出综合运用。) 3. Talk about your sleep problems. / Think about more ways to deal with sleep problems. Use at least one restrictive relative clause. (通过以“睡眠建议”为主题语境的单句造句方式实现知识的迁移创新。) |
8.教学反思 |
学生能积极参与到课堂相关联的各项学习活动中来,在每个环节基本都能达到预设的教学目标,学习效果良好。 亮点之处: 1.突出语篇承载目标词汇和目标语法的功能,让学生在主题语篇中观察、感知、理解由关系副词引导的定语从句,并自主归纳核心语法规则,激发了学生探索的兴趣,培养其自主学习能力。 2.利用语篇复习、再现旧知,呈现新知,引导学生在新旧知识间建立关联,完善关于限制性定语从句的知识体系,并通过示例、对比等方法来加强对关系代词和关系副词的不同用法的理解和判断,培养学生思维能力,优化学习策略。 3.设计多维度活动,创造真实的语言运用语境,为学生积极参与英语学习、进行沟通交流,提升语言能力,落实学科核心素养打造了平台。 改进之处: 第一环节中,在检查学生对“weight”词汇搭配的掌握并用以理解和表达有关“健康”主题的观点时,仅是请学生朗读语段不利于其他学生充分获取信息或评价作品,可以利用智慧课堂的拍照讲解功能,把小语篇直观呈现在大屏幕上,增强赏析效果。 |
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com