
视频标签:Looking good
视频课题:高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Integrated skills(2)_ expressing your opinion about plastic surgery第7课时
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Integrated skills(2)_ expressing your opinion about plastic surgery第7课时
第7课时 |
Book1 Unit4 Integrated skills(2): expressing your opinion about plastic surgery |
1.教材分析 |
Why:学生能够对整形手术有辩证的看法并且有理有据。 |
2.学情分析 |
经过第一课时的阅读与听力环节,学生已掌握关于整形手术不同看法的表达;课后已让学生查询更多相关资料,学生已经有丰富的语料支撑。但是对于关系副词引导的定语从句的使用不够熟练。 |
3.教学目标 |
By the end of this section, students will be able to:
1. write an argument essay on plastic surgery with PRE structure;
2. adopt a critical attitude towards plastic surgery. |
4.重点难点 |
Students can write an argument essay expressing opinions about plastic surgery based on what they’ve learnt.
Students can use examples, facts, quotation and statistics to make their argument essay more convincing. |
5.教学过程 |
教学目标 |
教学活动与步骤 |
评价要点 |
互动模式 |
回顾第一课时内容,为写作做好铺垫。 |
Step 1 Homework check
Review the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery together.
学生能够用一些关键词总结出整形手术的优缺点。 |
CW |
设计意图:引导学生分析并整合第一课时中的多模态语篇输入和课前自主收集的信息,为之后的议论文写作训练做好铺垫。 |
为写作的结构和语言打下基础。 |
Step 2 Pre-writing
Activity 1
Learn about an argument essay:
(1) What is an argument essay?
(2) Why should we write an argument essay?
(3) How to write an argument essay?
Activity 2
Learn about the structure and language:
(1) What is the PRE structure made of?
(2) What kind of language can make your argument more convincing?
Activity 3
Make your essay convincing:
1. We are living in an age when _______.
2. Plastic surgery provides a platform where _________.
3. The reason why ______ is that _______.
4. As an old saying goes, _____________.
5. As _______ once put it, ____________.
6. About ________ people who have received plastic surgery are not satisfied with the results. |
学生能够通过句型结构练习使自己的议论文更具说服力。 |
IW |
设计意图:学习议论文语篇PRE结构、语言特征,搭建议论文写作框架,利用关系副词引导的定语从句,举例,列数据的方式使引论文更加具有说服力。 |
运用所学知识,写一篇表达对整形手术看法的议论文。 |
Step 3 Writing
T provides a sample pattern for Ss, has Ss write individually and offers help when necessary. |
学生能够运用所学知识独立表达观点,摆出事实论证。 |
IW |
设计意图:承接第一课时听、读、说的内容,逐步引导学生运用PRE结构,进行课内独立限时写作。 |
互相学习,互相帮助,共同进步。 |
Step 4 Sharing
T has students exchange their works and recommend the best to the whole class. |
学生能够积极分享,主动参与。 |
PW |
设计意图:指导学生进行同伴评价,培养学生的主动反思、合作学习的意识与能力。鼓励学生积极争取练习和运用英语的机会,培养乐于分享个人观点、虚心向同伴学习的态度。 |
辩证思考,正确对待整形手术。 |
Step 5 Critical thinking
T shows a video to students and asks a question: What on earth influences these teenagers?
After that, T tells Ss the connection between social media and anxiety for appearance. Finally, T asks Ss to think about who can define beauty. |
学生能够对整形手术有更深入的思考。 |
CW |
设计意图:引导学生独立思考和批判性思考,积极健康生活,不受社交媒体干扰。 |
6.板书设计 |
7.作业布置 |
1. Polish your argument essay.
2. Think about the question: Who can define beauty? |
8.教学反思 |
通过对议论文格式与语言特征的学习,学生们能够使用PRE格式和具有说服力的事实来支撑自己的观点,完成一篇关于整形手术的议论文。我在课堂上的把控和对学生们的评价上还需要不断努力。 |
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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