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英语外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)After twenty years四川省德阳

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英语外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)After twenty years四川省德阳

After Twenty Years 课堂设计
授课课题 After Twenty Years, Book 1 Unit 4 (新外研版)
学校   年级 高一
授课教师   授课时间 2021.10.21
教学目标 1. This class aims to deepen students’ understanding of the features of O. Henry’s works by appreciating the excerpt from its character portraying and surprise ending.
2. By the end of the class, students are able to come up with a surprise as well as reasonable ending based on the given information.
设计思路 Based on students’ basic understanding of the plot of the excerpt, this class mainly focuses on students’ analysis of its main characters, and then they could create a surprise and reasonable ending based on the given information.
In the end, students are guided to appreciate the original ending and get to know what kind of people the two men became, thus attracted to read the whole story After 20 Years.
学习进阶 教学活动 活动意图
Activity 1 Watch a video clip of the introduction to the excerpt To warm students up
Activity 2 Check students’ summary of  the excerpt To check the pre-class mission and make sure students understand the plot of the excerpt.
Activity 3 Listen to an introduction to O. Henry Enable students to know the main features of O. Henry’s works
Activity 4 Analyze the characters To foster students’ ability of analyzing and learn collaboratively
Activity 5 Come up with a surprise and reasonable ending To cultivate students’ logical thinking and creativity
Activity 6 Appreciate the original ending To show students a typical O. Henry-style ending and appeal to students to read the whole story
Assignment Read the whole story, think and act To take a deep dive into After Twenty Years

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