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英语外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)小说阅读课-After Twenty Years四川省成都

视频标签:After Twenty


视频课题:英语外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)小说阅读课-After Twenty Years四川省成都

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英语外研版高中必修第一册(新课标)小说阅读课-After Twenty Years四川省成都

After Twenty Years
课型: Reading + Speaking
主题语境: 人与社会——良好的人际关系与社会交往
内容分析: 本篇课文节选自著名短篇小说家欧·亨利的作品《二十年之后》,小说讲述了两位好友相约二十年后见面的故事,所节选的内容呈现了主人公在约定的时间和地点等待重逢的场景。

  1. 理解课文内容,明确故事中的人物形象和特点,评价人物的行为;
  2. 初步掌握小说类文体的基本特征和常见的阅读方法,了解欧·亨利小说的主题和结尾特点;
  3. 基于已有信息发挥想象,表演故事;
  4. 联系自身实际,辩证思考,树立正确的友情观。
1.     带领学生理清故事情节,把握小说的基本特征;
2.     引导学生深入理解友谊的内涵和意义,树立正确的友情观。
1.     帮助学生在理解文本内容的基础上,想出“欧亨利式的结尾”;
2.     引导学生基于已有信息发挥想象建构故事并感受欧式结尾的“意料之外,情理之中”。
Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1
  1. Teacher asks two questions to lead in.
  2. Teacher invites a student to read the short introduction to O. Henry and others find out the information needed.
  3. Teacher invites some students to give answers in full sentences.
  1. Students share their information about O. Henry.
  2. Students listen to the introduction and complete the table.
  3. Some students give answers.
(Together for easy ones & individual for difficult ones)
To know some information about the author and accumulate literary knowledge.
Activity 2
  1. Teacher asks students to read the introductory part and together find out the information about “where/when/who”
  2. Teacher asks students some questions.
  3. Teacher presents the picture and let students predict.
  1. Students read the  introductory part  and find out  the information about “where/when/who”
  2. Students answer the questions.
To grasp the setting and character relationships of the story.
Activity 3
  1. Teacher asks students to read the first sentence to explain the way of narrating “flashback”
  2. Teacher asks the students to read the excerpts and organize the plot in order of time.
  3. Teacher invites students to share the answers
  1. Students read the first sentence and think about the way of telling stories.
  2. Students read the story excerpts and complete the tasks on their handouts.
  3. Students share their answers.
To understand the plot in order of time and Bob’s feelings.
Activity 4
  1. Teacher asks students to work in pairs and think of the possible ending to “After Twenty Years” with the help of the two questions.
  2. Teacher asks students to read the original ending and say how would Bob react.
  1. Students discuss about it and express their ideas.
  2. Students read the original ending, conclude what exactly happened and guess Bob’s possible reaction.
To practice the ability of predicting based on the information they know and make a conclusion.
Activity 5
  1. Teacher asks students to imagine what may have happened to Bob and Jimmy during the 20 years.
  2. Teacher asks students to prepare in groups(G1-4 Bob&G5-8 Jimmy).
  3. Teacher asks students to discuss and present possible answers.
  1. Students discuss about it and prepare with the help of the questions on the handouts.
  2. Students present their possible answers.
  1. To be familiar with the plot and experience the feelings of the characters.
  2. To improve the speaking skill and reasoning ability.
Activity 6
  1. Teacher gives comments on students’ performance.
  2. Teacher asks students to make their own choice.
Students express their opinions about law and friendship. To practice critical thinking and understand O. Henry’s ending is surprising but reasonable.
Homework: Retell the story with the words and
Blackboard Design:
                            A Short Story
Setting: when/ where                              feelings change
Characters: who                                  confident/hopeful/sure
Plot: what happened                               expectant
                                               disappointed/ sad…
Ending languages:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                             Reading guide for students
IAbout O Henry
  1. Complete the form after reading the short introduction to O. Henry
Personal information Original Name Date of Birth & Death Nationality Job
Main contents of his works  
Features of his stories  
  1. Vocabulary that may help you understand the story.
*scar n. 伤疤                                   drag v. 拖,拉
* dine v. 进餐                                        correspond v. 通信
*chum n. 好朋友                                     turn up (意外地或终于)出现
*chap 小伙子,家伙                                 appointed adj. 约定的,指定的
*fortune n. 大笔的钱,巨款             make one’s fortune 发财
*destiny n. 命运,天命                              strike v. 划(火柴)
*proposition n. 事业,生意                        plain adj. 简单的,朴素的
*hustle v. 拼命干,努力干                        scene n. 场景
*staunch adj. 坚定的,忠实可靠的            lose track of 不了解……的情况/动态
*excerpt n. 摘录,节选
*cigar n. 雪茄
2.  Reading map
1)  Read the introductory part and find out the key information like when, where and who
When did it happen? ___________________________________________________
Where did it happen? __________________________________________________
Who was mentioned? __________________________________________________
2)  Read the passage and find out what exactly happened in order of time.
  Time                What happened? How did the man feel?
Twenty years ago
Two close friends p_________ to meet again at the same place twenty years later no matter what would happen. The man with a scar chose to make his f_______ in the west while Jimmy decided to stay in New York.
Twenty years later
The man with a scar arrived at the a_________ place, came across a policeman who’s c_______ the area and began to tell his story.
3)  Work in pairs and guess how the story would end with the help of the following questions?
Will Jimmy show up? What may happen to the policeman and the man?
The possible ending _________________________________________________________
4)  After reading the original ending, I know that:
5)  What may have happened to Bob and Jimmy during the twenty years? Please discuss the following questions in group first, then choose a group reporter to present your possible answers.
                         The questions that may help you
  • For Jimmy
  1. Why did Jimmy choose to stay in New York?
  2. What made him a policeman?
  3. What kind of life did he live?
  • For Bob
  1. Was it easy to make a fortune in the west?
  2. How did Bob get the scar?
  3. What kind of life did he live?
*For both: How did they lose track of each other?
Tips: Try to make your presentation reasonable and logical.
6)  Think and Share
Would you do the same thing if you were Jimmy?

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