视频标签:Looking good
视频课题:高一英语译林版必修第一册Book1 Unit4 Looking good, feeling good Grammar and usage (2)_ Restrictive relative clauses第5课时
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Grammar and usage (2)_ Restrictive relative clauses第5课时
第5课时 | Book1 Unit4 Grammar and usage (2): Restrictive relative clauses | |||
1.教材分析 |
What:在本课时里,学生将围绕“睡眠问题”这个主题,展开限制性定语从句综合知识的应用实践和迁移创新。 How:学生首先利用思维导图复习定语从句的形式和意义;然后通过单句填空练习实践、巩固关系代词和关系副词的区分;通过“睡眠问题”的语篇实践定语从句的综合知识运用;并先后以“睡眠建议”、“世界睡眠日”为语境,尝试运用定语从句提出睡眠建议、介绍“世界睡眠日”,实现从单句到语篇层面的知识的迁移创新。 Why:学生能准确、恰当、得体地使用目标语法表达思想、观点、感受;学生能用定语从句完成一个有关“世界睡眠日”的简短段落写作任务。 |
2.学情分析 | 基于前面课时的学习,学生已基本理解和掌握由关系代词(which、that、who、whom、whose),关系副词(when、where、why)以及介词+which/whom引导的限制性定语从句的形式和意义,并在主题语境下,通过句子、语篇两个层面尝试应用实践。但要巩固到位,内化新知,并进而实现迁移创新,在真实情境中正确使用,学生仍然需要更多相关联的、多形式、有层次、有梯度的练习。 | |||
3.教学目标 |
Through this period, Ss will be able to: 1. Language skills: apply restrictive relative clauses to specific situations properly and efficiently. 2. Thinking qualities: develop creative thinking by writing a short passage to introduce World Sleep Day and presenting it; collect and organize information using mind maps; further the understanding of target grammatical items through comparison; 3. Learning abilities: participate in the practice of using English actively; assess learning outcomes and optimize learning strategies. 4. Cultural awareness: improve their awareness of sleep problems and learn more about World Sleep Day. |
4.*重点难点 |
Ss can tell the difference between relative pronouns and relative adverbs and apply them correctly; Ss can share tips on better sleep using restrictive relative clauses; Ss can write a short paragraph to introduce World Sleep Day using restrictive relative clauses flexibly and effectively. |
5.教学过程 | 教学目标 | 教学活动与步骤 | 评价要点 | 时间与互动模式 |
学生概述限制性定语从句的结构化知识。 |
Step 1 Revision T leads Ss to have a simple revision of restrictive relative clauses in the form of mind map (as shown below) ![]() |
能清晰概括限制性定语从句三种引导方式:关系代词、关系副词和介词+关系代词。 |
CW 2' |
设计意图:检验学生前面课时的学习结果;借助思维导图清晰、直观呈现知识结构,帮助学生形成系统化、结构化的目标语法知识。 | ||||
学生区分关系代词和关系副词的用法。 |
Step 2 Checking the homework T checks the homework (Part C page 76) with Ss and gives some necessary explanations. |
能在句子层面正确使用关系代词或关系副词;能判断其在定语从句中充当成分。 |
CW/IW 5' |
设计意图:利用课后练习反馈了解学生对关系代词和关系副词的掌握情况,捕捉学习过程中的重难点,提升教学效果。 | ||||
学生在句子层面实践迁移创新。 |
Step 3 Applying the rules (at sentence level) 1.T encourages Ss to share more ways to deal with sleep problems using restrictive relative clauses. 2.T leads Ss to summarize the 10 tips for better sleep in the form of mind map (as shown below). 3.T plays the piano version of Sleepsong by SecretGarden. 4.T invites Ss to share their feelings about the Sleepsong using restrictive relative clauses. e.g. Sleepsong will be very beneficial to those who want to say goodbye to those days when they have to count endless sheep. |
能在单句中正确、恰当使用限制性定语从句来表达意义、情感;能分享、概括关于促进睡眠的建议。 |
IW/CW 13' |
设计意图:以“睡眠建议”为主题语境,鼓励学生在句子层面尝试灵活、准确、恰当地使用定语从句,巩固、内化目标语法新知,实现从“应用实践”到“迁移创新”。 | ||||
学生在语篇层面理解并应用限制性定语从句。 |
Step 4 Applying the rules (at discourse level) 1.T adapts the original magazine article of Part A with blank-filling exercises. 2. Ss are supposed to fill in the blanks with the proper relative pronouns, relative adverbs or preposition+which. e.g. One of the reasons why/for which people fail to get a good night’s sleep is pressure from school or work. e.g. Noise pollution and light pollution in big cities may also be the factors that/which contribute to sleep problems. |
能根据具体语境恰当、准确使用关系代词、关系副词或介词+关系代词。 |
IW 5' |
设计意图:把课本原有阅读文本改编成目标语法的填空练习,让学生可以在语篇层面进行语法知识的综合运用,使学生对限制性定语从句在结构、形式、意义等方面有更为扎实的理解和巩固,为下一步写作做准备。 | ||||
学生获取关于睡眠问题的信息。 |
Step 5 Reading for the gist T guides Ss to read the magazine article once again and get the gist in the form of mind map (as shown below). Ss will use the information as the background of World Sleep Day in their writing. ![]() |
能运用主题句阅读策略、利用思维导图概括关于睡眠问题的几个方面:现象、原因、影响等。 |
CW/GW 5' |
设计意图:通过再次阅读,学生实践阅读策略,了解文章结构,提取、归纳关于“睡眠问题”的主要信息,了解睡眠问题的严重性,为下一步介绍“世界睡眠日”的背景提供素材和真实语境。 | ||||
学生运用定语从句完成一个有关“世界睡眠日”的简短段落写作。 |
Step 6 Writing T inspires Ss to write a short paragraph to introduce World Sleep Day using restrictive relative clauses properly and efficiently. *The paragraph covers information like the background, date, aims, activities and so on. *Ss may just attempt to use one or two relative clauses. |
能在写作中尝试使用至少一个定语从句描述“世界睡眠日”。 |
CW/IW 8' |
设计意图:在介绍“世界睡眠日”的新语境中设计更有难度的练习,鼓励学生准确使用目标语法定语从句,实现语法知识由句子层面到语篇层面的迁移创新,培养学生创新性思维能力,将知识素养化。同时,分层可选择的任务(单句或段落)有效地兼顾学生个体差异。 | ||||
学生理解、赏析课堂生成的运用目标语法的语篇。 |
Step 7 Sharing T invites several Ss to share their paragraphs and make an assessment on the application of restrictive relative clauses. 附:学生课堂生成 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
能在写作中灵活、恰当地运用由关系代词、关系副词或介词+关系代词引导的定语从句描述事物,表达思想、观点。 |
CW/IW 5' |
设计意图:鼓励学生分享运用目标语法的课堂生成,呈现学习成果,师生共同理解、赏析创作的语篇,适当点评目标语法运用的准确度和效度,给出过程性评价,也为下一步布置家庭作业做好示范和铺垫。 | ||||
6.板书设计 | ||||
7.作业布置 |
1. Polish your short paragraph about World Sleep Day. (引导学生反思自己的学习效果,优化学习策略。) 2. Share your passage with your partner and make assessments about the application of restrictive relative clauses. (促进学生自主学习和合作学习,以评促学。) 3. Share tips for better sleep with those who have sleep problems. (运用英语进行有效的沟通和交流,深化主题意义。) |
8.教学反思 |
利用智慧课堂平板拍照手段辅助教学,直观呈现部分学生的段落写作,并给出实时评价,以评促学。学生在“看”中赏析语法运用,反思自己的学习效果,并优化自己的学习策略。 在课堂实际生成过程中,大部分同学知识掌握较好,表现突出,能恰当使用目标语法来描述促进睡眠的建议、表达对摇篮曲的感受,并完成关于“世界睡眠日”的简短段落写作。通过“睡眠”主题语境下的句子、语篇练习,实现语法知识的内化巩固和迁移创新,达到交际目的和语言素养的提升。 但同时授课教师也发现教学中存在的不足,如下面的学生实际生成作品中反映出的知识漏洞,定语从句缺少先行词、定语从句中的时态语态以及主谓一致等问题。真实的课堂反馈能有效反拨教学。授课教师据此确定下一步的教学重难点,结合学生问题,多角度设计句子层面、语篇层面的练习,提升目标语法使用的流利度和准确性。 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com