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在线播放:外研版高二必修4Module1 life in the future Listening and speaking辽宁省优课

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外研版高二必修4Module1 life in the future Listening and speaking辽宁省优课

视频标签:the future


视频课题:外研版高二必修4Module1 life in the future Listening and speaking辽宁省优课

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外研版高二必修4Module1 life in the future Listening and speaking辽宁省优课

1. Help Students learn how to decide the important points about listening by reading the exercises based on the listening materials before listening.
2. Train the students’ abilities to listen to the architect and the interview and do the listening exercises correctly.
3. Inspire the students to be more creative in thinking and encourage them to express themselves freely.
4. Make the students realize that everyone should treasure the present and fight for a bright future
本课的教学对象是高一年级学生,对于已经在高中第一学年学习了三分之二的她们来说,谈论未来生活是其比较喜欢的话题!听取文章主要大意,获取关键词信息不难,关键是运用自己的语言来谈论未来生活! 教师通过听、说、和讨论等一系列扎实有效的互动教学活动,拓展学生的思维空间,激发他们的想象力,提高其语言运用能力,并使他们认识到要珍惜现在,为美好的未来做充分的准备!
英语学习往往是针对听、说、读、写进行综合练训,而"听与说”是人们交际活动的最基本形式,因此"听与说"也是在语言学习中最基本、最重要的训练形式。本模块以 Life in the Future为话题,听力部分是对未来房屋的预测,使学生了解科技进步在未来生活中的巨大推动作用。语言素材涉及人类生存方式的不断演变,具有典型的时代气息,有利于学生了解未来生活,展开想象。体现了教材编写“以学生为中心”的教学理念。
1. Listen to the materials and do the exercises correctly.
2. Get the students to predict the house ,car, and school etc.of the future.
3. Let the students listen to the material, do the relevant exercises and decide the predictions.
4. How to encourage the students to talk freely and actively in imagining the future.
Procedure &Contents
Step 1: Greetings
      Greet the whole class
Step 2: Lead in  (free talk)
Sing a song with the whole class as usual: you are my sunshine. After the song, the teacher will ask the students who or what is his or her sunshine in his life.
( Find several students to talk about their sunshine ).
After the students’ talking about their sunshine, the teacher talk about her sunshine—her son. And then show the students the surprise her son has given her and describe it.
Step 3:Pre-Listening
Task one : Speaking and Sharing(in pairs)
Ask the students to work in pairs to talk about their home to the rest class. The teacher can give some clues on the blackboard.
Task Two: Predicting(individuals)
Look through the exercises and predict who is talking and what they are talking about.
Step 4: Listening (individuals)
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions on P 5 which are also shown on the screen.
Step 5: Second-listening (individuals and pairs)
Task one: listen to the dialogue again and fill in the missing parts on your paper sheet which is given by the teacher before class.
(If the students have some questions somewhere, the teacher can play the listening materials again to the whole class.)
Task two: Discussion(teamwork)
 Say which things will happen and which will not. Better give your reasons.
e.g. I think bathrooms will get bigger but I don’t think toilets will move.
Step 6: Talking about the future
Task one : whispering and guessing  (teamwork)
 The teacher will give one sentence to the first student of each group about the future. Then students in each group whisper the sentence to the one next to him. The winner team is the one that  get the right sentence using the least time.
There will be 4 timekeepers.
Task two: The future in my mind(teamwork)
Work in groups of eight. Imagine your house, school, city, car etc. of the future or yourself. Write the key words or draw a picture if possible.
The students can think about the following things
1.      How big will it be?
2.      What will be made from?
3.      What new technology will it have?
4.      How environmentally-friendly will it be?

Then present it to all.
Step Seven: Homework
1.Listen to News of CCTV9 or BBC ,VOA  as you like to practice your listening .
2. Enjoy the film named AL(Artificial Intelligence)(人工智能)
3.Finish exercises on page 70-7

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“the future”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“外研版高二必修4Module1 life in the future Listening and speaking辽宁省优课”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“外研版高二必修4Module1 life in the future Listening and speaking辽宁省优课”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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