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在线播放:高中英语人教版选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature Warming up Pre-reading甘肃省 - 金昌

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高中英语人教版选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature Warming up Pre-reading甘肃省 - 金昌

视频标签:The power,of nature


视频课题:高中英语人教版选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature Warming up Pre-reading甘肃省 - 金昌

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高中英语人教版选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature Warming up Pre-reading甘肃省 - 金昌

1.Help the Ss improve their reading ability.
2.Help the Ss learn about the exciting job of volcanologists.
The Ss are interested in the topic, so I designed the period from different interesting jobs.
1.Help the Ss understand the passage better and finish the related exercises smoothly.
2.Help the Ss understand the passage better.
活动1【导入】Step I. Greetings
Step I. Greetings
活动2【作业】homework checking
Step II. A piece of reading dealing with.
Step III. Presentation
Introduce the title of the unit: The Power of Nature.
Introduce some natural disasters including volcano eruption.
Help the Ss know sth about volcanoes and volcano eruption..
Introduce an exciting job of volcanologists.
Main idea conclusion
Three parts division
The best choice choosing.
First reading
Careful reading: mainly by question answering.
Part 1: Why does the writer say that he has the greatest job in the world?
Why is a volcanologist’s job important?
Where is Mount Kilauea?
Part 2:What made the author realize that an eruption occurred?
What did the scientists do after the eruption?
Part 3:What does the writer find amazing about volcanoes even after studying
hem for many years?
3. Summary: blanks filling.(if time permits.)
  I have the ________ job in the world. I am never _____ with it. Although it
is occasionally dangerous, I don’t mind because danger ______ me and
makes me feel ____. I think my job is the most __________ because I can
help _______ people from danger of volcanoes. I am a ___________ working
for HVO. Our work has ______ many lives but unfortunately we can not save
their _______. I have ___________ a volcano eruption in Hawaii. I was ____
asleep when my bed began _______ and I heard a _______ sound, like a
_____ passing by. Then I found my bedroom was as ______ as day, and
red lava was ___________ hundreds of meters into the air. The next day,
three of us wanted to get close to the ______. We put on _________ suits,
________, big _______ and special ______, which made us look like
__________. We slowly _____________ to the edge of the crater to collect
some _____ for __________. After studying volcanoes for many years, I am
just as ___________ about my job as before. Why? Because of their ________
and their _________ to cause great damage.
Having learned a little more about the work of a volcanologist, do you think it is an occupation you would enjoy? Why?
I think I would / would not enjoy being a volcanologist
Step IV. Homework
1. Read the passage after class and underline the sentences with present participle.
2. Do a piece of reading as usual.

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