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Unit 5 The power of nature summary the Lake of Heaven Using LanguageⅡ浙江

视频标签:The power,of nature


视频课题:Unit 5 The power of nature summary the Lake of Heaven Using LanguageⅡ浙江

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高中英语人教版选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature summary the Lake of Heaven Using LanguageⅡ浙江省衢州高级中学

1.The students are able to find the key words and topic sentence of each paragraph. 
2. The students are able to summarize the main idea in their own words. 
3. The students are able to write a topic sentence. 
4. The students are able to add some words, phrases, or even change some sentences to make it more like a passage. 
5. The students are able to write a summary on their own.
    The students have already learnt the content of the passage in the previous lesson, therefore, they should have no trouble understanding the 
main idea of the material. However, they may find it difficult to summarize the whole passage, they have no idea of where to start, thus, this lesson will help them to summarize the main idea of each paragraph and then the whole one’s.
1. Find out the key words of the first three paragraphs 
2. Summarize the main idea of each paragraph 
3. Think of a topic sentence 
4. Put the sentences into a passage (summary) 
1.Summarize the main idea of each paragraph in their own words 
2. How to write a topic sentence based on what they have got 
3. Add some words, phrases or even change some sentences to make it more like a passage
活动1【导入】the Lake of Heaven
T: What do these pictures remind you of? 
S: Tianchi. 
T: Do you still remember where it is? 
S: Changbaishan. 
T: Can you say something about it? 
S: It’s the largest nature reserve in China. 
S: It’s home to many rare animals and plants. 
T: Do you know “be home to”? 
S: Maybe it means those animals and plants would like to live here? T: Yes, you got it! Anything else? 
S: The height of the mountains here varies from …to…. 
T: Thank you. Do you know “vary from…to…?”
Ss: Range… 
T: Yes, you are right. But in this sentence, we can infer many mountains are standing here, which are of different height.
[设计说明]:用图片简单直接导入话题,引发学生对所学课文内容的回忆,引出本文的话题Changbaishan和 The Lake of Heaven. 
T: Since you’ve learnt the whole passage, can you try to write a summary of this passage within 60 words? 
T: Have you finished?
Ss: No. 
T: Is it difficult for you? 
Ss: Yes. 
T: Don’t worry, I hope after this lesson, you will know how to write a summary.
活动2【活动】Read for the key words
Activity 1: Find out the key words of the first three paragraphs 
T: Let's come back to the passage. Read it again and try to find the key words for the first three paragraphs. 
S: The first paragraph is Changbaishan. 
S: The second one is Tianchi. 
S: I think it’s “stories” for the third one. 
活动3【活动】Read for the summary
The first paragraph:
T: Well done! You’ve all got the key words. Well, can you give me some details of Changbaishan? Try to find the missing words here.
The second paragraph:
T: Quite a good job. Would you like to say something about Tianchi? Complete this sentence please.
_______________________, you’ll be greeted with other mountains and Tianchi. 
S: If you climb to the top of the mountain. 
T: Good sentence. Well, who’d like to make it better? 
S: Climbing to the top of the mountain.
T: Nice sentence! Or we can also fill in it like “ Standing on the top of the mountain”.
The third paragraph:
T: As we all know, apart from its beautiful scenery, Tianchi is also famous for its stories. So what is this story about? (fill in the blanks)
The last paragraph:
T: Let’s come to the last paragraph. This time rewrite it in your own words. 
S: I think it is used as an advertisement to appeal to visitors here, so I’d like to say “Welcome to Tianchi.” 
T: A good try. Any different sentences? 
S: Come here with your lover, it can make your love lasting. 
T: Much better. What about this one---- “Tianchi can also bring luck to lovers”?
活动4【活动】Write a topic sentence
Activity 3: Write a topic sentence
T: Now let’s see what we’ve got here. Can you think of a sentence to put here as a topic sentence?
T: Just imagine why the writer wrote this passage and what the style of this passage.
S: Changbaishan is a good place.
T: It’s Ok, but can anyone else to make it better when considering it’s a good place for …?
S: Changbaishan is a place of interest.
T: Yes! It’s a very good sentence. I’d like to give you another one, which one do you prefer?
[设计说明]:查找关键词和概括文章主旨大意是培养学生阅读能力的有效途径,也是进行概要写作的有效方法。Activity 1要求学生能在众多关键词中找出最为重要的信息。Activity 2旨在引导学生概括出每段大意,从而了解整篇文章的主旨。在平时的阅读教学中,我们会引导学生关注每段的首尾句来快速抓住中心思想,但是概要写作却恰恰要避免这一点。为了使学生更清楚、有效地通过自己的语言把握段落大意,我通过缺词填空、补全句子和改写等方法来帮助学生。Activity 3对学生而言有一定难度,因此我鼓励学生思考文章的题材、写作意图。通过pair work,学生给出了很多不同的主题句,通过引导学生比较不同句子之间的特点和侧重点,学生能够掌握如何给出恰当的topic sentence。以上三个活动帮助学生从字、词、句的角度构建好了作文的框架,为形成最后的文章奠定了基础。
活动5【练习】Wrtie the summary
T: It’s your turn to make it more like a passage, you can work it out in group of four . However, you need to remember: add some words, phrases, or even change some of the sentences to make it more like a passage. Plus, your passage should be limited to 60 words.
[设计说明]:一篇概要的最后成形与上、下文的连贯性密不可分。通过这个写作环节,学生能够对连词、短语、从句以及不同句型有更好得了解和把握。Group work的形式更有利于学生集思广益,分享成果。 
活动6【活动】Share the summary
T: Which group would like to share us your passage?
T: Now I’d like to share two of yours with you all.
T: Let's enjoy the sample together.
T: Rewrite the passage below in your own words. Don’t forget to limit your passage to about 60 words.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“The power,of nature”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“Unit 5 The power of nature summary the Lake of Heaven Using LanguageⅡ浙江”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“Unit 5 The power of nature summary the Lake of Heaven Using LanguageⅡ浙江”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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