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在线播放:高中英语人教版选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature Learning about Language辽宁省 - 朝阳

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高中英语人教版选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature Learning about Language辽宁省 - 朝阳

视频标签:The power,of nature


视频课题:高中英语人教版选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature Learning about Language辽宁省 - 朝阳

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高中英语人教版选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature Learning about Language辽宁省 - 朝阳

1.Knowledge objects:
Get students to learn the usage of the important words and expressions.
2.Ability objects:
Develop students’ four basic abilities (listening, speaking, reading and writing.).
3.  Emotion or moral objects
Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning.
This part helps the students to master some key words and phrases.
Get students to do exercises and fully understand them.
 The important and difficult points
       Help the students learn the usage of the important words and expressions
      Get students to do exercises and fully understand them.
活动1【导入】Language points learning
Greeting and Revision
In this part, I ask students to spell my English words or phrases of this unit and then tell its meanings in Chinese. For example,
alongside  equipment    absolutely  potential  actual  questionnaire  eruption   burn to the ground   database   glance through
活动2【讲授】Language points learning
In this part, first , I ask students to find important words or phrases in the text, and then I give some explanations of the word .  Develop students’ four basic abilities (listening, speaking, reading and writing).
Language points:
1.appoint: vt 任命,委派
They appointed Tom to be head coach of our football team.
He appointed Jack to finish the tough task for our basketball team.
vt 安排,确定(时间,地点等)   appoint a time/place for
 n  appointment 约定 约会
I’d love to go there with you ,but I have an appointment with my lawyer.
   appoint sb as/to be     appoint sb to do sth
   make /have an appointment with sb
即时应用;I have got the news that they will           a new school secretary to help the principle. It is said your cousin will be         the secretary .I have made an         with him.  
2.evaluate vt 评估 评价
I cannot                        without seeing his work..没见过他的工作,我无法评估他的能力。
 evaluation  n    评估 估价 评价报告
They made an intensive evaluation of the health care program.
3.burn to the ground 全部焚毁
He has no place to live in because his house has been burnt to the ground.
burn off烧掉He was badly injured in the accident and all his hair was burnt off .
burn up  烧毁 烧得更旺  He put more wood on the fire to make it burn up .
burn down  烧毁The school has burnt down by vandals .
burn away  烧掉 The wood had burnt away to nothing.
burn to death 烧死              burn out 烧完 烧光
4.suit  n 一套外衣 套装   vt 适合 使合适
Eg: A good teacher suits his lessons to the age of his pupils.
Every member in our club has a suit .
 suit sth to sth
 suitable adj    
 be suitable for sb/sth     be suitable to do sth
(13年全国卷)This position          equally       a school leaver or for somebody who has office experience. (这个职位同样适合于毕业生或有办公经验的人)
   (14年江西)when we accept progress and adapt it to         ,a new “past” is created.
     suit  多指合乎需要 口味 性格 条件下地位 场合 颜色等
    match 多指色调 形状 性质等方面的搭配
    fit    多指大小 形状的合适。
It doesn’t      you to have your hair cut short .
Carpet should        the curtains.
The coat doesn’t       me. It’s too large.
That color         you best .
5.make one’s way 前往 行进 取得成功
She hesitated ,but made her way forward .
She hastily left the room, and made her way to the gate.
make way for  让位 让路
 All the traffic has to make way for a fire engine.
I shall make way for a younger man.
fight one’s way   奋力前进   lose one’s way  迷路 
feel one’s way  摸索前进     push one’s way挤出来 
wind one’s way  蜿蜒前进    go one’s way 走自己的路 我行我素
find one’s way 找到路 设法到达
  1.He made his way         school after a quick breakfast.
  2.Without experience on it ,we have to _______________              
  3.The truck is             its way up the  mountain.
活动3【练习】Language points learning
Step3 .Exercises
Exercise 1: Replace the underlined parts with a word or phrase of similar meaning from the text.
We received the written set of question from the company as they were eager to find out our opinion on their products.
The car drew up next to the side of our car and the driver waved to us .
The scientists were studying carefully to see how successful the experiment is .
I moved carefully over the fallen rocks and returned to the car .
I think the boy is likely to achieve success in painting, but he needs training .
The teacher was given the job because he was the best candidate.
Exercise 2: Complete the paragraph with the words in the box in the correct forms.
         burn to the ground         absolute      volcano     eruption  
         wave           fountain          ash      lava     erupt
The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD took the people of Pompeii by surprise. They had always known that the mountain was a        but it had been quiet for so long that nobody saw it as a threat .When the volcano finally did         ,it was so quick and so severe that the town was soon covered in        and          .A writer called Pliny ,who was there during the           ,described how lava was thrown into the air like a          .After it fell to earth , it turned into          of lava which travelled down the mountain faster than people could run away .It was an           disaster for those who could not escape in time. .Many of the wooden houses and bungalows in Pompeii were            ,but the stone houses remained under the ash until they were rediscovered during the 20th century
活动4【作业】Language  points learning
Do exercises on the workbook page 70 .
  Recite the key words and phrases .

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“The power,of nature”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“高中英语人教版选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature Learning about Language辽宁省 - 朝阳”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“高中英语人教版选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature Learning about Language辽宁省 - 朝阳”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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