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在线播放:小学英语译林版六年级上册Unit 4 Then and now (Story time) 江苏省 -启东

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小学英语译林版六年级上册Unit 4 Then and now (Story time) 江苏省 -启东

视频标签:Then and now


视频课题:小学英语译林版六年级上册Unit 4 Then and now (Story time) 江苏省 -启东

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Unit4 Then and now

一、教学内容 Story time 二、教学目标
1. 能听懂、会读、会说e-book, mobile phone, newspaper, radio, telephone, TV 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语…years ago,…   Now, …
3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 4. 能正确使用一般过去时和一般现在时表达过去和现在的事情 三、
1. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语…years ago,…   Now, …
2.  能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 四、教学难点
能正确使用一般过去时和一般现在时表达过去和现在的事情 五、
2、学生准备:预习Unit4 Then and now Story time,跟录音朗读三遍,圈出新单词
和新单词过去式。访问家人过去和现在衣食住行等变化。 六、教学过程 Step1 Warm-up 1. Greetings
2.  T: I’ll show you a picture. Look! This is a lovely baby. She is a famous star now. Who is he? Can you guess?
Ss: …
(显示Kimi图和音乐) S1:He’s Kimi.
3. T: What couldn’t he do then? Can you guess? Perhaps he couldn’t … then.
Ss: …
T: What can he do now?  Ss: …
揭题 T: Today our topic is then and now. Learn:Then and now
                                     Step2 Presentation and practice 1. Paragraph1 (1) Listen and answer
T: This is our friend---Mike. What could he do six years ago? What can he do now? 录音:Hello! I’m Mike. I could read and draw six years ago, but I couldn’t write. Now I can write, read English, ride a bike and play the football. ●What could he do six years ago?
He could read and draw, but he couldn’t write. ●What can he do now?
He can write, read English, ride a bike and play football. Learn:Now he can do many things. 1. 总结 T: This is the change of ability. (2) Read after the computer. 2. Paragraph 2-4
T: Mike has the change of ability. How about his family? Do they have any changes? Look! They are Mike’s family. Can you guess? Who are they? Ss: …
(1) Watch, match and say
T: Who were they? Watch the cartoon and try to match the pictures. Then tell me how many years ago?
Check. T&Ss: He/She was ×××           years ago. (2) Paragraph2
T: The appearance of Mike’s family has changed. Are there any other changes in his family? First, let’s have a look at Mr Brown. Please read Paragraph2 carefully and underline verbal phrases: What did he do twenty years ago? What does he do twenty years ago? Check:     Learn:write---wrote
                 a mobile phone (实物)                  anywhere(动作演示)
Read the phrases after T
总结T: This is the change of communications. (3) Paragraph 3-4
                                     T: Mike’s father has some changes in his life. How about his mother and grandpa? Read Paragraph 3 and 4. Try to underline some important verbal phrases. Then finish the two forms on P38. Form1 Learn:read—read/e/               news               e-book(实物)
Read the phrases after T
Read Paragraph4 after the computer. 总结 T: This is the change of getting news. 
Form2 Learn:buy — bought
              has e-friends from all over the world (图片T: Maybe she chats with
her e-friends on the QQ. Maybe she writes emails to her e-friends.)
does shopping on the Internet  (图T: In China, people does shopping on
Read the phrases after T
Read Paragraph3 after the computer.
总结 T: This is the change of making friends. This is the change of doing shopping. Step3 Consolidation and production 1. Read in groups (1) Read after one. (2) Read together (3) Read one by one 2. Read together 3. Retell
T: There are different kinds of changes in Mike’s family. Can you choose one to describe it according to the phrases on the blackboard? Talk with the partner. 4. T: There are different kinds of changes in Mike’s family. How about your family?
Can you talk about the changes of your family? Finish the form. Talk in groups of 4.
5. T: Our families have many changes. Our city has many changes, too. Let’s enjoy
some pictures. 
We change the world. The world changes us. Step4 Homework 1. Read Story time 2. Retell Story time
3. Finish the workbook: Period1, Unit4. 七、 板书设计
Unit4 Then and now
There are different kinds of changes in Mike’s family. How about  your family?  Can you talk about the changes of your family?
… years
 My father   
My mother    
Unit4 Then and now
There are different kinds of changes in Mike’s family. How about  your family?  Can you talk about the changes of your family?
… years
 My father
                                     My mother    

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