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在线播放:小学英语译林版六年级上册Unit 4 Then and now (Story time) 江苏省 - 无锡

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小学英语译林版六年级上册Unit 4 Then and now (Story time) 江苏省 - 无锡

视频标签:Then and now


视频课题:小学英语译林版六年级上册Unit 4 Then and now (Story time) 江苏省 - 无锡

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Unit 4 Then and now
一、教学内容: Story time 二、教学目标: 1. 知识目标:
能听懂、会读、会说e-book, mobile photo, newspaper, radio, telephone, TV 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语… years ago, ….和Now …  2. 技能目标:
能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 能正确使用一般过去时态和一般现在时态表达过去和现在的事情。
3. 情感目标:通过学生的合作活动,使学生产生用英语交流的积极情绪。 三、教学重点:
能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容  四、教学难点:
能正确使用一般过去时态和一般现在时态表达过去和现在的事情。  五、教学准备: 课件 板书  六、教学过程:
Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1. Greeting. 2. Free talk.
T: We know each other very well. First, try to say sth. about me. PPT出示老师生活中的照片
S: You’re tall. / Your hair is long. / You like going shopping. … b.让学生看图说些老师三十年前的事情。 T: I think you’ve known me well.
同时PPT 出示老师现在情况的文本。I’m tall. My hair is long. I can speak English well…
T: Here are some pictures for you. PPT呈现一些老师小时候的照片。 T: It was me thirty years ago. PPT出示 “thirty years ago”
让学生欣赏照片并提问What could I do thirty years ago?同时PPT呈现此问句。 T: OK. I think you’ve known sth. about me thirty years ago. Let’s do the judgement.   True or false.
PPT: Thirty years ago, my hair was long.     Thirty years ago, I could sing.
    Thirty years ago, I could speak English well.     Thirty years ago, I could teach.
Ss judge and correct the wrong answers.
T: What could I do thirty years ago? 综合图片信息回答问题。 c.对比两个时段的图 让学生初步了解then and now并揭题  T: Thirty years ago, I could do a lot of things.
Look, I have changed a lot thirty years ago and now.
T have a lot of changes then and now. PPT同时出示两个时段的图片并对应呈现单
                                     词 then / now.
  揭题 T: Today, we’ll talk about Unit 4 Then and now?   跟读、齐读题目
(设计思路:Free talk中通过谈论老师现在和过去的事情,激发学生用已知的内容进行语言表达,并借助这两个时段的照片由此引出then and now,让学生形象感知题目的意思。)  
Step 2 Presentation and practice.
1.整体观看课文录像,了解文中有哪些人物过去和现在有改变。 T: I think everyone has some changes then and now. Right? Ss: Yes.
T: Our friend Mike and his family also have changed a lot then and now.
  First, let’s watch the cartoon, then tell me who has changed a lot in this passage? Ss观看录像并回答问题。
T根据学生回答依次竖列板书人物Mike, Mike’s father, Mike’s grandpa, Mike’s mother.
2.自己朗读课文,完成38页的练习。 a. T (指黑板人物)We know Mike ,Mike’s parents and grandpa have changed a lot then and now. 并在人物旁板书 then / now.
T: This time, let’s read the passage again. Find out the changes about his family, then finish the blanks on page 38.
b. 首先老师示范Mike的练习,然后让学生完成其他人的练习。 (PPT 呈现Mike的表格) T: For example ,Mike’s changes. Which part can tell us in the passage? Ss: The first part.
T: Read the first part by yourselves. Then find out what he could do in the past and what he can do now. When you are reading the passage, you can circle the past things and underline the things now. OK?
PPT: Tips: 阅读时圈出过去的事,划出现在的事。
课件同时呈现第一部分指导学生圈出could read and draw/ could not write ,直线划出do many things.
表格:Mike : couldn’t write
T: Read the passage and finish the blanks. 3.同桌相互讨论38页的练习。 T: Have you finished? Ss: Yes. / No. (Hurry up)
T: This time you can talk about the changes with your partner. Just like Yang Ling and Su Yang.
PPT呈现表格下方Yang Ling和Su Yang 对话的图片。 T: One will say the things in the part.
One will say the things now. Work in pairs. Ss学生同桌交流。
                                     Mike (了解couldn’t=could not)
T: OK. Let’s try to talk about them one by one.
  First, let’s talk about Mike. Which pair would like to try? S1-S2: talk about Mike. PPT 呈现表格,并板书 couldn’t write (couldn’t = could not) / can do many things T: What could he do in the past? Guess, what can he do now? 引导学生回答问题。
Mr Brown (教授telephone / mobile phone 并了解它们的不同之处;了解anywhere)
T: This is Mike. What about Mr Brown? Which pair would like to try? S3-S4: 描述Mr Brown PPT呈现Mr Brown表格
T: Twenty years ago, he wrote letters to friends and used the telephone. 并板书。 教授telephone
T: Now he uses a mobile phone. 引出单词 mobile phone并教授单词。 区别telephone和mobile phone
T: What’s the difference between the telephone and the mobile phone?
S: We can use the mobile phone everywhere. We use the telephone only at home and in the office.
T: So which one do you like better, a telephone or a mobile phone? Ss: A mobile phone.
T: Because we can use it to call people everywhere. What does the sentence mean? Here I give you two choices. PPT 呈现两种选择A: He can call people in the office. B: He can call people no matter(无论) where they are. 引出单词everywhere 并教读。
T:So the mobile phone is much more convenient than the telephone. PPT呈现第二段内容并齐读。
Grandpa (教授单词radio / newspaper / Internet / an e-book ) T: Next grandpa. Which pair would like to try? S5-S6描述爷爷过去和现在的生活。并板书。
PPT呈现表格内容 并出示单词radio和newspaper
T: Thirty years ago, grandpa used the radio and the newspaper for news. Do you know the radio? Ss: Yes.
T: Do we use the radio for the news? Ss: No.
T: Sometimes when we are driving the car , we listen to the radio. Right? Ss: Yes.
T: Do we use the newspaper for news? Ss: Yes.
T: I think we still use that. But nowadays , more and more people prefer to use the Internet for news. 呈现单词Internet.
                                     T: Except for getting the news, what else can we do by using the Internet?
S: We can make friends/play computer games/listen to music/do shopping/read e-books…
呈现案an e-book
T: Nowadays we read e-books. What’s the difference between a book and an e-book? S: The e-book is a machine. The book is made of paper.
T: Maybe a book is cheaper than an e-book. But when we buy ten books, they are heavier than an e-book. And the e-book contains lots of books. So e-books are much more convenient. 呈现第三段课文,齐读。
Mrs Brown (理解from all over the world) Ss合作完成表格,并板书。 PPT呈现表格内容
T:Now we know Mrs Brown has e-friends from all over the world. What does it mean?
I also give you two choices. A: She has e-friends from different countries.                       B: She has e-friends in China. Ss: A.
T: That’s right. Let’s read it. 齐读最后一段内容。
5.跟读课文,并自内分角色复述课文。 a.
T: So we know the changes about Mike’s family. Let’s read the passage after the tape. Ss跟读课文。 b.
T: Great. Let’s read the passage one more time. Pay attention : Work in 4.
Each one chooses a part to read.
Use the phrase on the blackboard and make a report about your part. PPT呈现tips
Ss: 四人小组合作 Show time
c. 看着板书和老师一起复述课文。
T:We’ve known Mike and his family changed a lot then and now. I think their life is fashion and happy now.
                                     Step 3 Consolidation
T:We know Mike and his family’s changes then and now. How about you or your family? You can choose one family to talk about . Such as: I want to talk about ______.
       His/Her name/My name is ________.        He/She is _______. / I’m _________.
       _______ years ago , he/she ___________./I’m ___________.        But now, he/she _____________. / I’m _________________. 教师可根据学生描述的内容进行全班提问。
(设计意图:继续利用课本上的知识活用到生活中,介绍自己或家人的变化,这就要求学生在看懂理解的基础上进行表达,并要求全班参问答他人的变化,更好地调动学生的英语思维 。)  
Step 4 Homework
1. Listen and read Story time. 2. Retell Story time by P38.
3. Bring two photos(during your kingdergarden years and in the present ) and think of the changes between two photos(P40)  
                    Unit 4 Then and now
Then(…years ago)             Now  (P38页的表格)
Mike      couldn’t write                 can do many things           couldn’t=could not
Mr Brown   wrote letters                 writes e-mails
           used the telephone             has a mobile phone
Grandpa    listened to the radio         reads and watches news on the Internet            read newspapers for news       reads e-books
Mrs Brown   made friends at …           has e-friends from all over the world             Bought things from …        does shopping on the Internet

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