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在线播放:小学英语译林版五年级下册Unit 7 Chinese festivals Grammar Fun time江苏省 - 镇江

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小学英语译林版五年级下册Unit 7 Chinese festivals Grammar Fun time江苏省 - 镇江



视频课题:小学英语译林版五年级下册Unit 7 Chinese festivals Grammar Fun time江苏省 - 镇江

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~1. 进一步巩固学过的四个节日的读音; 2. 能简要介绍人们在四个不同节日所做的活动; 3. 学会剩余五个月份的发音,拼写; 4. 学会12个月份的缩写规则; 5. 能用所给的句型说说四季人们所做的活动。
~本课的教学对象是五年级学生。经过两年的英语学习,他们已有了一定的基础.虽然处于高年级学段,但仍然活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维和抽象思维相结合,对游戏、竞赛、画画依然兴趣盎然。因此,在新语言点的学习过程中,教师要尽可能多地创造轻松、和谐的语言环境,给学生充分的语言“习得机会”,让学生在感知、体验和参与中获取知识,形成积极的情感态度和自主学习的能力。 虽然他们还存在着学习方法和学习策略经验不足等问题,但他们却有着极强的求知欲强和表现欲。我们要根据学生的心理特点在课上多以表扬为主,注重对学生英语学习兴趣的培养,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、认真想!让学生们在玩玩、做做、说说中学习英语,学好英语。在课堂上还要注重学习方法和学习策略的培养,引导学生主动地、积极地、科学地学习,让学生产生英语的持久学习力。
~1. 学会12个月份的缩写规则; 2. 能用所给的句型说说四季人们所做的活动。
活动1【导入】1. Greeting
~1. Greeting (上课仪式) T:Hello ,boys and girls . S:Hello. T:What day is it today. S:It’s Thursday/Friday. T:Are you happy today? S:Yes. T:Why?(如果无应答,I am very happy.because your school is so beautiful,and you are so lovely.) C:Many teachers come to my school. C:We have a new teacher. T: I am very happy.because your school is so beautiful,and you are so lovely.I hope we have great fun at this English lesson. T:Look ,here are some stairs .These are for boys. These are for girls.if you do well in class, you can go up stairs one by one. Let’s see who the winners are. Are you ready ? (Yes.) Sounds great!
活动2【活动】~2. Review the Chinese festivals
~2. Review the Chinese festivals T: Today, our topic is also__(指着板书)___(学生说出Chinese festivals) T:We’ve known four festivals in story time. What are they? S: Spring Festival 、Dragon boat festival 、Mid autumn festival 、Double –Ninth festival。(学生一次性不能说全的话,教师可以问其他学生:Any more?) T:(出示花) Would you please choose and say?(投影出示要求) I’ll give you one minute to get ready for it. Don’t open your books, have a try, OK? ( 可以改变底色,采用的是男女生竞赛的形式) T: We’ve known much about the four festivals.So I think(点击出示四句话) it’s easy for you .Let’s try to say (指名说).
活动3【活动】3. Teach the new months
~3. Teach the new months T:well done.look,(点击)these are seven months. How many months are there in a year? C: Twelve. T: So there’re five new months left. (教学单词,注意学法指导) T: No 1.January ,February,the next months is March Let’s have a look. March March car car,ar元音两遍,March ,you,please.…is in March. Let’s go back. The next month is April . Let’s have a look.同法教授(注意旧词引新词) What month comes after June?教学July After July,What month comes? (学生说出答案,点击出示August正音) July and August are our favourite months.Because we always have a long holiday in July and August.yes or no?) T:And the last month is …(学生说) T: it is very cold in December, and it often snows in winter.( 教学单词December)go back. T: we’ve learnt five new months.Let’s read the five new months together.who can read them? (指名读)
活动4【活动】Practice the months
~ Practice the months T: (翻开左边阶梯)Boys and girls,Look,the first stair,the second stair.what’s behind the stairs? Let’s have a look.oh,there are twelve months on the stairs. Who can read them?(先指名按顺序读12个月份,) now,Let’s read them together(打乱顺序) T: well done. (点击出示团团转)now,four students a group, please read the twelve months in order. Try to remember,don’t look at the blackboard(先请一组四人示范练习按次序一个接一个练说单词)can you do like this?go(检测两组)( 到第二组时教师:can you remember?Please turn back.) T:good job ,here’s a song about the months .Let’s enjoy it. T:Great. Do you like this song ?OK,Different festivals are in different months. (点击出示)let’s have a competition between boys and girls. Look,here’s the rule.Boys, first.are you ready?go(男女生竞赛) (在儿童节和教师节出现的时候跟学生交流一下) Teacher’s Day: Teacher’s Day is my day. You know when it is. I’m happy to hear that. Children’s Day: Children’s Day is your day.Are you happy on that day?what do you usually do on Children’s Day?(watch films ,sing and dance.) Sounds great. I believe that you always have great fun on Chilren’s Day. T:You did a good job.(点击出示)congratulations! here’s a knowledge for front of the month,we should use”in”.understand?now,let’s see Who the winners are, boys or girls ?( girls,congratulations!Boys ,come on做个加油的动作)
活动5【活动】teach the abbrevitation of months
~teach the abbrevitation of months T:指着黑板上的上月份完整形式说:the names of months are so long,can you make them shorter? Look, the firs stair,the second stair.what’s behind the stairs? Let’s have a look.(教师翻开缩写形式的阶梯) These are abbrevitation of the months 。(教师指着缩写形式带读一遍) Can you find the rules?(点击出示)(学生说:取前三个字母加一点。May 和September很特殊。在学生说的时候圈出May 与September的完整和缩写形式) T:(呈现We use the first three letters and a dot Except May and September.) May ,may they are,May has no abbrevitation .and September, the first four letters and a dot. T:(点击出示知识链接)now,l et’s learn more about the month. listen carefully.Are you clear? T: do you have magic eyes?here are some abbreviation in the pictures. Who can find and read them ?let’s have a competition. Boys first.Are you ready?(教师提示学生举手说,进行竞赛。)
活动6【活动】Look and say T: Excellent
~Look and say T: Excellent .(点击出示圆盘)We have known there are twelve months in a year.(点击出示)How many seasons are there in a year? C: Four (点击出示) T:What are they? (学生说:they are spring …依次点击出示)How can we divide the twelve months to each season?Let’s have a look. C: (带着大家一起看图说第一幅图) Spring is in ______,how about summer ?who can try to say? Summer is in ________.Autumn is in ____________.and winter is in ________________ . T: it’s spring now.Let’s talk about spring first. T:Look(点击出示weather)how is the weather in spring? T:What can you see in spring ? C: I can see some trees . T: Green trees or yellow trees? C: I can see flowers. T:: Yes ,in spring ,the flowers are very beautiful .We can see flowers every where. C: I can see butterflies . T: Yes, they like flowers C: I can see the sun. T: yes,The sun in spring is warm. T: What do you do in spring? S: I go boating. I fly kites.It’s great fun … T: Let’s try to say together(出示一句句填空板书,教师提醒学生说每句话一句,说完一句教师张贴一句。) (张贴的句型: is in …,in ,it is ….we see in .we in.
活动7【活动】Draw ,write and say
~Draw ,write and say T:Spring is my favourite season.How about you ? (出示Draw ,write and say).firsly, Four stuents a group ,choose one to draw,write .If it’s difficult ,you can’t draw well,please write in English;then,try to say in your group using these patterns;Finally,share in l class.Are you clear?. (设置音乐两分钟) (点击关闭音乐)stop drawing,talk to your partner ;try to say using these patterns.(指着板书)understand,go! (提醒学生音乐停下来的时候就是他们小组展示的时候,还要提前提醒学生只要简单的画画,画不出来的用英语写在展示板上) T:Time is up,first ,spring,Who can show and try to say something about spring?.(将图放投影上展示,学生可以借助黑板上的板书侧身说。说完了老师将它贴在黑板上,并且给予激励)next,summer,who can try?) So much for’ s homewok are布置家作。Thank you.boys and girls.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“festivals”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“小学英语译林版五年级下册Unit 7 Chinese festivals Grammar Fun time江苏省 - 镇江”,所属分类为“小学英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“小学英语译林版五年级下册Unit 7 Chinese festivals Grammar Fun time江苏省 - 镇江”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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