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Unit 5There is a big bed(Period 1) Let’s learn广东省优课

视频标签:big bed


视频课题:Unit 5There is a big bed(Period 1) Let’s learn广东省优课

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Unit 5There is a big bed(Period 1) Let’s learn广东省优课

课    题:五上 Unit 5 There is a big bed A Let’s learn
教    材:人教社PEP( 2011版)五年级上册P49
课    型:词汇教学      上课时长:40分钟
    一、Analysis of the Teaching contents教学内容与分析
年级上册Unit 5 There is a big bed,单元学习主题是家具陈
A let’s learn是该单元的第二课时,是一节词汇课,教材通
物品;能在情景中运用句型There is a/an …in/on/under/near the ….描述某处有某物。
二、Analysis of the Students学情分析
本课时关于家居物品的的5个单词或词组,其中bike,clock学生是比较熟悉的,photo在第一课时中已学习, 剩下plant, water bottle比较陌生。经过两年系统的英语学习,五年级的学生已掌握了英语的一些学习方法。在学生学习本课新词时,我根据“先学后教”的理念设计了个人自学、小组互学展学等活动引导学生尝试读出新单词,培养学生自学的能力。当学生通过旧词和发音规则读出新词后,将会体验到成功的喜悦感。
本课时要掌握的词汇难度不大,因此,我向学生提出更高的要求:用There be 句型描述自己现在的/未来的房间,完成配图作文。这一个活动的设计目的是让学生更关注语篇,通过语篇来帮助学生内化目标词句的语用功能。任何习惯的形成都需要一定时间的培养。经过前面4个单元的配图作文的训练,学生已初步掌握如何更关注语言的准确性和书写的规范,更具有语篇和整体的意识。
图为学生在课前完成的配图                       图为背面的word bank
本课从整体语言观的角度出发,采用情境教学和基于语篇环境进行设计,从语篇出发,以语篇结束,遵循篇不离境,境不离用。以“用英语来做事情”为目标,通过语篇推动词汇“音义形用”的有效教学。本课设计以介绍房间物品为情境主线,通过视频Cindy’s bedroom介绍整体呈现词汇,在情景中感知和理解词义,接着开展个人自学、小组互学展学活动掌握词的音形,再通过看图说话There is a clock./There is a nice clock./There is a nice clock on the wall.运用核心词汇和句型,然后模仿Cindy’s bedroom、ZhangPeng’s bedroom等语篇结构,描述My bedroom完成配图作文并展示介绍,聚焦核心句型There be的语用功能。活动、任务、展示各环节之间是相互连接、逐步递进的,同时体现交际功能,通过听说读写综合技能的训练、师生互动交流与合作展示来培养学生的综合语言运用能力。
四、Teaching objectives教学目标
(1)能听、说、读、写五个家居物品类的单词或词组:bike,clock,photo,plant,water bottle
    (2)能够在图片或情景的帮助下运用句型There is….描述某处有某物。
重点: 听说读写五个单词或词组以及运用句型There is…描述某处有某物。

Step 1 Warm-up and revision  热身与复习
1. Greetings  师生问好后,引入课题
T:Good morning, boys and girls.    Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhong.
 T:Today we’ll learn Unit 5 There is a big bed. A let’s learn.
2. Revision   两个活动复习有关词汇
T: First, let’s play a game:sharp eyes. Look and say the words quickly. But when you see a word with a bomb,you don’t read the word.Clear? Let’s begin.   

 (1)Sharp eyes 学生快速认读并复习已学的有关房间物品的词汇
T: Look at these words. How will you sort them?
(2)Read and sort 单词归类活动,引导学生把以上单词分成:物品词,形容词和介词。
T: Wow,cool. You’re smart. Today’s topic is about Bedroom.We can use these words to introduce our bedroom. The things in the bedroom, what are they like and where are they?
【设计意图】通过两个复习活动唤醒学生已有的旧知识,激活图式,聚焦相关词汇的语用功能:用于介绍房间的物品、物品的形状特征、物品的位置关系。用学生喜爱的略带刺激的的bomb game活动快速地调动学生的学习兴趣,为后面的词句表达、阅读和书写做铺垫。出示学习任务,帮助学生明确学习目标。
Step 2  Presentation and Practice
1. Lead-in 情景导入人物Cindy及其房间
T:Ok.Now let’s look at this bedroom. Is it a boy’s or a girl’s room?Ss: A girl’s.
T: How do you know?(引导学生关注房间物品的颜色Pink. )You’re right.It’s a girl’s room. Look at this girl. She’s Cindy. Now,let’s watch and find out:What’s Cindy’s room like?
(2)观看视频Cindy’s bedroom
(视频文本)Hello,I’m Cindy.Welcome to my home.This is my living room.It’s big and nice.Come and look at my bedroom.This is my bedroom.Look, there is a big bed.It’s pink. Pink is my favourite colour.Near the bed,there is a shelf.There are many books.I often read books.Look,that’s my desk.On the desk,there is a water bottle.It’s cute.There is a clock. It’s 8 o’clock .What’s that on the wall?There are many photos.Under the photos,there are some plants.I like my room.Do you like it?
T:What’s Cindy’s room like? Ss: It’s big./big and nice.
2. Presentation 在任务中逐步掌握词汇的音形意用
T:What’s in Cindy’s room? Show me your worksheet, let’s do Exercise 1: listen and tick,what’s in Cindy’s room? 听2遍。
T: Let’s check. What’s in Cindy’s room? 指名回答。
 Ss: There is a big bed./a clock/a plant/a photo/a water bottle/no bike.
(听力文本1)Hello,I’m Cindy. This is my bedroom.Look, there is a big bed.It’s pink.Pink is my favourite colour.Look,that’s my desk.On the desk,there is a water bottle.It’s cute.There is a clock. It’s 8 o’clock now.What’s that on the wall?There are many photos.Under the photos,there are some plants.I like my room.It’s nice and clean.Do you like it?
T:Wow,great,you have good listening.Now,look Exercise 2: Read and match. Let me show you how to do.There is a clock on the desk. It’s 8 o’clock. I think it’s for picture 2. Circle the new word, match it with the picture and then underline the key words.Can you do it?
T:That’s what we’re going to learn today.(在黑板上出示图片)There’s a clock,a photo,a water bottle,a plant.But there is no bike in Cindy’s room.
(3)Group work小组互学、展学
T: How to read these words? Look, there are some tips for you. Try to learn the new words in your group.
 (4) Look and say 看图说话
T:Boys and girls, you have a good try in words spelling.Wonderful. Now, look, there’s a clock. What colour is it?
Ss: It’s yellow.
T:So there is a yellow clock.继续出示不同的clock,拓宽学生的词汇思维:a big clock/a small clock/a nice clock.
T: Where is the yellow clock?
Ss: It’s on the desk.
T:Look, there is a yellow clock on the desk.
【设计意图】在图片和情景的帮助下运用句型There is …. 描述了房间的物品,关注物品的形状和位置。通过课件的演示引导学生说句子,从短句到长句,从易到难,层层递进。
重复以上步骤学习photo,拓展a nice photo/a funny photo/a cool photo. 句子There is a ______ photo on the wall.  通过对比掌握photo or picture的区别。
学习plant, 拓展a big/tall/green plant, 句子There is a ______plant near/on the sofa.
学习bike,拓展a blue/small bike, an old bike, 句子There is a _____ bike behind the door.
学习water bottle, 拓展milk bottle/juice bottle, 句子There is a ____________on the desk./There is an ___________ water bottle on the desk.
3.Practice 在闯关任务中操练
(1)Pair work谈论ZhangPeng的房间
T: Cindy’s bedroom is nice and big. How about ZhangPeng’s room?
Ss: ZhangPeng’s room is really nice.
T: What’s in ZhangPeng’s room?
    Ss: There’s a big bed.
T: Great. What else? Now talk about it with your partner. What else is in ZhangPeng ‘s room?
T: ZhangPeng’s room is really nice.Look, ZhangPeng comes.What does he say?
T: ZhangPeng says, “There is a computer. Let’s play computer games.” Look, there are 3 games. Game 1: Listen and number.
(听力文本2)Look, this is my room.There is a clock on the wall.There is a photo near the clock.There is a plant on the window.There is a water bottle on the desk. There is a bike behind the door.Do you like my room?

Game 2: Look and say
Game 3: Read and write
(3)Read aloud.
 【设计意图】朗读指导,注意there is a的连读。
T: We know that, Cindy’s room is nice and clean. ZhangPeng’s room is also nice and clean.But look at these two rooms. Are they nice? Are they clean? No. It’s not good. Remember: A nice room, a nice me. Try to be a good boy and good girl.
Step 3 Consolidation and Extension

  1. Pair Work 谈论自己的房间
T: Boys and girls, what’s your room like? Show me your picture, please. Now talk about your room with your partner.
  1. Write and say作文范例
T: Oh, your room is so nice. Thank you for telling me. Can you write a passage about your room? Let’s see how Cindy do it. Look ,this is Cindy’s passage. Let’s read together.
  1. Write about your room学生写作文
T: Now please write about your room.Pay attention to your hand writing. Try to write beautifully.出示评价标准,指导学生如何写话。
4. Show time
Step 4 Homework
【设计意图】 课后和同学交换阅读作文并进行星级作文的评比,进一步巩固核心句型和词汇。课外作业是课堂上学习的延续,体现课内外教学一体化。
Step 5 Summary
T: What have you got today?
T: You’re wonderful .So much for today.      
Class is over. Goodbye, boys and girls.
Ss: Goodbye,Miss Zhong.

PEP五下 Unit 5 There is a big bed  A Let’s learn 学生课堂练习纸
班级:________________    姓名:_________________

二、根据Cindy 的介绍把句子和相应的图片连起来,并圈出该物品的单词。和同桌说说你是如何找到这个单词的(用波浪线划出提示词)。


四、Game 3 : 看图片,选词填空,完成短文。


视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“big bed”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“Unit 5There is a big bed(Period 1) Let’s learn广东省优课”,所属分类为“小学英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“Unit 5There is a big bed(Period 1) Let’s learn广东省优课”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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