
视频标签:冀教版英语,My Favourite,Clothes
视频课题:四年级下册冀教版英语Lesson 20 My Favourite Clothes白银市
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:四年级下册Lesson 20 My Favourite Clothes白银市平川区兴平小学
1.能听说读写四会单词clothes, our, their并能灵活运用。
2.能理解灵活运用句型Our favourite clothes are ... Their favourite clothes are ...
Teaching steps:
Sing a song“ Who is wearing yellow today?” If students wear the colour of clothes ,They can stand up and wave.(课前热身,学生唱歌的同时假如有穿这种颜色衣服的站起来挥手。设计目的:热身活跃气氛调动学生学习热情,还可以复习颜色衣服的单词,为本节课学习内容做铺垫。)
三.Review and Lead-in
1)The teacher takes out a box. There are some pictures about clothes in the box, The teacher says: "Do you want some gifts? I will give you some gifts". Let some students take out the pictures from the box. Then ask and answer: T: What's this? S:It’s a dress/skirt/coat/sweater...Then the teacher gives the picture for her/him.(老师拿出一个装有服装图片的盒子说有礼物送给学生让学生取出并说出衣服对应的单词,然后把图片送给学生。设计目的:复习服装单词,拿出盒子装衣服图片增加游戏性和趣味性。)
2)Free talk: I like…
The teacher says: Today I′m wearing a red dress because I like dresses. What about you ? Then get some students to say: I like dresses /skirts/coats/sweaters...(设计目的:训练学生用I like…说话,为学习新内容做铺垫。)
四.New concepts
1. Show the subject. Learning key words and sentences.
1)Show the subject. There are some pictues of clothes on the blackboard. The teacher asks: You can guess what we are going to learn today? Get some students to guess and say: My favourite clothes ,Then teach the new word “clothes”
The content: The teacher GuangTouqiang, XiongDa, XiongEr, MaoMao, JiJi are having an English class, They are talking about their favourite clothes.(老师光头强在给学生熊大,熊二,毛毛,吉吉上英语课,老师光头强和学生们讨论话题最喜欢的衣服是什么,从学生回答我最喜欢的衣服引出我们的\他们的最喜欢的衣服,就是由my favourite clothes引出our\their favourite clothes,从而引出新单词our, their,新句型Our favourite clothes are …Their favourite clothes are …并在后面对学生说这是他们的学习目标并突出问你们今天要学习什么,为导出新学习目标做准备。)
3)Show the teaching aims.
Get some students to try to read the teaching aims.
4)Learning the new words “our” “their”
学习方法:学生试读老师教读分组读再由小声到大声读,力 求读法多样,增加趣味性。再让学生拼写单词并完成板书,写新单词“our” “ their”在黑板上。
5) Learning the new phrases :my favourite clothes/ our favourite clothes/ their favourite clothes.
Learing the new sentences: Our favourite clothes are …/Their favourite clothes are …
Lead -in:Two bears need some help, the computer shows the two Bear’s questions:
The first question: Can you read?
Ask students to read and say: my favourite clothes, our favourite clothes, their favourite clothes, Our favourite clothes are …/Their favourite clothes are …(通过两只熊需要帮助提出问题让学生去读,幻灯设计逐一呈现,从短语到句型,由易到难,层层递入.)
The second question: Can you put them in the order?
Let students put the words in order. Then put them on the blackboard.(黑板上贴单词卡片,是把句型Our favourite clothes are …/Their favourite clothes are …单词次序打乱,老师先示范再让学生排列顺序,完成新句型的新授并完成板书。)
6)Practice : Our\Their favourite clothes are…
Four students make a group,The teacher takes out the picture of clothes, Two students say:Our favourite clothes are …The other students say:Their favourite clothes are …
7)Let’s chant.(通过唱读来巩固所学物主单词和新句型。)
2. Listen and say.
Listen. Let the students finish the listening material.
The listening material:
I like skirts. I like skirts. I like skirts.
We like skirts.
__________ favourite clothes _______skirts.
He likes shorts. She likes shorts. He likes shorts.
_____ like shorts.
______ favourite clothes _________shorts.
Check and practice.
Get students to fill in the blanks, Then get three or four groups to act and say.
3. Read the text.
4. Make a group to practice the dialogue.
Four students make a group,They take out their clothes,Then practice the dialogue.
5. Act and say:
Get three-four groups to act and say, Ask students to talk about their favourite clothes.
The computer shows the new words and sentences, Let students fill in the blanks.
The content: Jenny wants to buy clothes for her father and mother. Jenny says to her father: What are your favourite clothes? Her father says: My favourite clothes are coats. Her mother says: Me too, Our favourite clothes are coats. She buys two coats for her father and mother. Her mother is very happy. She says :“Thank you ,Jenny!”
Get some students to read, Then let some students to talk about their father’s and mother’s favourite clothes. Then the screen shows:Take care of your father and mother. Love your family and love your friends. Love everyone.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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