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人教版八年级下册Unit 6 An Old Man Tried to Move the Mountains Section B (2a-2e)河南省 - 新乡

视频标签:the Mountain


视频课题:人教版八年级下册Unit 6 An Old Man Tried to Move the Mountains Section B (2a-2e)河南省 - 新乡

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人教版八年级下册Unit 6 An Old Man Tried to Move the Mountains Section B (2a-2e)河南省 - 新乡

人教八年级下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains
Section B (2a-2e)  Hansel and Gretel
I. Teaching objectives
1. Knowledge objectives: students will be able to
(1) Grasp the words——wife, husband, whole, scene, stone, shine, lead, voice, brave, a fairy tale,  find the way out, lead sb. to.
(2) Know the structure and characteristics of the play. 2. Ability objectives: students will be able to
(1) Apply proper reading skills while reading: predicting, skimming, scanning, summarizing and critical thinking.
(2) Try continuing writing the play by imitating the structure and characteristics.
(3) Perform the play vividly with proper intonation, stress, facial expressions and body languages according to the roles’ characters.
3. Emotional objectives: students will be able to Hold a positive attitude towards difficulties. II. Key points
1. Grasp the important words and phrases.
2. Know the structure and characteristics of the play. 3. Grasp some certain reading skills. III. Difficult points
1. Perform the play vividly.
2. Try continuing writing the play IV. Teaching methods
PWP, Situational Approach V. Teaching aids PPT, sticky notes
VI. Teaching procedure           1. Warm-up
(1) Show the students a picture of the play——Snow White and a video of the play——Cinderella, which were performed in our school.
(2) T: They are adapted from fairy tales. Do you know the fairy tale about Hansel and Gretel? 2. Pre-reading
(1) What kind of text is it?  A letter, a play(戏剧), a short story or something else? (2) What features do the play have?  Scene, dialogue 3. While reading (1) Fast reading
① Read the first paragraph and try to say what it is mainly about. 
Background information about this play: when, where, who, what, why, how... ② Encourage the students to predict what the author tells next. E.g. What was the plan? Did the children die at last?... (2) Careful reading
① Match: try to find out the main idea of each scene. 
                                     Match each description below with the correct scene. ②Read the text again to get more information.  Scene1-3
1). Hansel went outside to get something in the _________.
  2). The children must go to the forest with their ______ to get ______.    3). Hansel dropped ___________ along the way.    4). Why did he do this? Scene 4-7
  1) They have no more______ the second time    they went out.
  2) What did Hansel decide to do this time?
  3) They had to keep walking in order to ________________.   4) They found a house made of stones.   (T or F)   5) They wanted to live in the house.  (T or F) ③Thinking: H&G got lost the second time.Why? 
If you are Hansel, do you have any other good ideas to find your way home?
④After reading, it’s time to challenge your memory. Finish the task with your book closed. Number the events<1-7> in the order they happened. VII. Post-reading
1. The two poor children were forced to save themselves because of their stepmother’s decision. So try to tell this mother’s personality. And then analyze the other characters’ personalities. Wife: rude, fierce, bad-tempered...  Hansel: brave, confident, clever...
2. Role-play: their personalities are so clear for us. Since this is a play, the most interesting and exciting part is acting it out and enjoying the performance.
 Before and after the performance, call students’ attention to the characters’ mood, tone, intonation, facial expressions and body languages. And then vote for the best performance. 3. The children walked to a wonderful house at last. Whose house is it? 
Discuss: What kind of person do you think she is? What will happen next? Fly your imagination. VIII. Homework
1. Add an ending to the story. (At least 60 words).  2. Practice acting the whole play. 3. Finish your workbook.(P62). 

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“the Mountain”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“人教版八年级下册Unit 6 An Old Man Tried to Move the Mountains Section B (2a-2e)河南省 - 新乡”,所属分类为“初中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“人教版八年级下册Unit 6 An Old Man Tried to Move the Mountains Section B (2a-2e)河南省 - 新乡”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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