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在线播放:人教版八年级下册Unit 6 An Old Man Tried to Move the Mountains Section B (2a-2e)重庆市珊瑚初级中学

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人教版八年级下册Unit 6 An Old Man Tried to Move the Mountains Section B (2a-2e)重庆市珊瑚初级中学

视频标签:the Mountain


视频课题:人教版八年级下册Unit 6 An Old Man Tried to Move the Mountains Section B (2a-2e)重庆市珊瑚初级中学

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人教版八年级下册Unit 6 An Old Man Tried to Move the Mountains Section B (2a-2e)重庆市珊瑚初级中学

Unit6 section B 2a-2e  Teaching plans:
Teaching goals: 1. Learn something about a short play;              2. Learn about  Hansel and Gretel.
Emotion goals:1.Learn the play and learn some good things from the kids in it.             2.Learn to be brave and calm to face the trouble in the life.    Teaching steps: I   Free talk
Look at the picture of a story  and talk about sth. II   Lead in (pre-reading)
  Watch  a fairy tale and learn some new words. III.  While-reading 
1.Skimming (type&structure)
  Is it a letter or a play? How do you know?
Find the three parts of the play: background, scenes and voiceover 
2.Read the background  and answer the question.
Why did the wife tell her husband to leave the kids  die in the forest?   
Read  fast  and Match  each description with the correct scene.  
Scene 1            Scene 2 Scene 3 Scene 4 Scene 5 Scene 6 Scene 7
Seven scenes:How many times did the stepmother send the children to the forest? Twice.The first time is  scenes1-4,the second time is  scenes5-7  4.  1st time: scenes1-4 and answer. 1. What does Hansel drop along the way? 
2.Why do they do it like that?     
5.  2nd time: scenes 5-7 and tell T or F ,then correct the mistakes. 1. They   get many stones again. 
2. They get lost  because the birds eat the bread they drop. 
3. There is nobody in the house.
IV. Post-reading
Task 1.Act out some scenes you like in groups or read some aloud with emotions(感情).  Task 2.Draw your own mind map and try to retell the story in groups.    
3. Discussion
What does the play want to tell us?  V. Continue writing.
Write one more scene after they get to the house. What strange thing will happen to them? Then try to show one scene, 
G: I am so hungry. 
H:Let’s eat part of the house. 
W:Who’s that? Who’s brave  enough to eat my house? …
VII. Homework
1.Try to retell the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel. 2.Continue  writing the play.

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