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初中英语牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 3 Welcome to our school Reading江苏省 - 宿迁

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初中英语牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 3 Welcome to our school Reading江苏省 - 宿迁

Unit 3 Welcome to our school 
Tang Liping 
Step 1 Lead-in Free talk. 
T: Now, boys and girls, do you have an open day in our school? Who come to school with you, your parents or your grandparents? What’s your feeling then? Nervous, happy or shy? Why? S:…… 
T:I think, if you’re happy, because you do well in your study, and your parents are satisfied with you, right? If you are shy, maybe you often make mistakes in the school. Step 2 Pre-reading 
1. Look at your paper and guess: 
T:Now, today is Millie’s open day. Her mother has come to her school.   What will Millie say?  
What will Millie’s mother say? 
You can guess according to the title、hint、pictures and body language.   S:       Welcome Millie  
         Buildings/ teachers Mother   Evaluation  Step 3 While-reading  First reading   
Read the dialogue quickly and understand the structure.  Q1.What’s the main idea of the dialogue?  
(when、where、who、what etc.)                              Topic sentence On the Open Day Millie shows her mother around the school          ( beginning) 
and introduces buildings and the teacher to her mother.  Q2.What contents(内容) does the dialogue include?  Welcome 
Buildings/Teachers          body part Evaluation 
Second reading 
Read the dialogue carefully , then discuss in pairs and find out the key words to complete the mind map. 
Third reading 
1. Read the following sentences, and guess the meaning according to the context or pictures. 
                             Let me show you around. I’m now in front of the classroom building. Try to compare two phrases: in front of 、in the front of  I’m now in front of the classroom building. Miss Tang is in the front of the classroom. 
2. Look at the picture and know the following expressions .  My classroom is on the ground floor.  British English  on the ground floor  
                                  一楼 American English  on the first floor  The classrooms are clean and bright.   
adj.  or  n.           Meaning   A. 漂亮的    B. 明亮的 3.Look at three pictures. Which is about Millie’s teacher?  Read the dialogue, and find how to describe him. He is a man in a white shirt. 
Can you summarize how to describe a person with in? n.(人) + in a + adj.(颜色)+n. (衣着)  一个(穿着…颜色衣服)的人  Fourth Reading   
Read the dialogue again and appreciating it 
 1.Do you know how Millie welcomes her mum?  Please underline the sentences. Hi , Mum. 
Let me show you around. This way, Mum . 
Let’s go to the hall ,Mum. 
What do you think of Millie’s behavior? Is she polite? 
When you welcome or guide someone for a visit, be sure to be polite and friendly. 
2. When we introduce buildings to others, we often use have or there be . Please underline them in the dialogue.  There are 18 classrooms in it. 
We also have an art room, a music room and two computer rooms. You have a library too, right 
In an article, to avoid repetition, different sentence patterns are usually used to make the article more vivid. 3. Please discuss in pairs and underline them. Is Millie’s mother satisfied with her school? How do you know that? Your school looks beautiful. The playground is so big. 
The classrooms are clean and bright. That is wonderful. It looks modern. 
He looks young.                       What usage can you summarize ? be/look /so + adj. Fifth Reading  
Read the dialogue by yourselves and try to find out if there is something difficult to understand. Step 4 Post-reading 
                            1.Discuss in pairs, make up a dialogue and write it out. 
 If your friend visits your school, how do you welcome him?  What will you introduce to your friends? And who will you introduce to him? Is your friend satisfied with your school? 2. Emotion education 
T:Do you like your school? Show the tape about school. 
My school is a place I will remember forever. It's a place that I find ,friendship and joy. 
It's also a place that teaches me precious values.  We live a very happy life here.  Homework: 
1. Read the passage fluently. 2. Complete the writing. 
3. Read the dialogue in pairs. 

Exercises for review:
Welcome to our School (Reading 1)
1.  — Is the girl       a dress your classmate?
— Yes, she is a new student in my class.
A. to                 B. on               C. in               D. with
2. Our school has a big hall. It’s the best place for         .
A. reading             B. drawing          C. meeting          D. sports
3. — Does your school have an open day?
— Yes. And parents can         our lessons on that day.
A. see                 B. look            C. listen            D. watch
4. Sally is a good girl . She often         hello to her teachers when they meet.
A. talks                B. tells            C. speaks           D. says
5. —Andy, what do you think of your teachers? — I think        are very nice to        .
A. they; us             B. they ; our        C. them ;us          D. them ; we
6. There is a big tree         our school gate. I often wait for my dad there after school.
A. in front of           B. in the front of     C. on the ground     D. in the middle of
7. — Where is the school music room ?  —          .
A. You’re welcome      B. That’s all right     C. This way, please   D. Sure
Ⅱ. 完形填空
Welcome to our school. Our school is very big  1   beautiful. There are two playgrounds and two football fields in   2  school. There are also some  3   in it and we can do many things in them. They are the Reading Club, the drawing club, the swimming club… Many of  4  are in the clubs. I am in the  5  Club. I go to the club on Monday and Wednesday. On Monday afternoon , I go to the club and draw  6   like apples and pears. On  7  morning, I go to the club, too.
The art room   8  very modern. Our school has an Open Day. The  9   is 15 October. On that day, the teachers , students and parents are all   10  . We all like that day. What about your school?
1.A. but          B. or          C. and          D. so
2.A. their         B. your        C. her          D. our
3. A. clubs        B. families     C. halls         D. buildings
4. A. them        B. you         C. us           D. me
5. A. Dancing     B. Reading      C. Swimming    D. Drawing
6. A. vegetables    B. fruits        C. clothes       D. boys
7. A. Monday      B. Tuesday     C. Wednesday    D. Friday
8. A. looks        B. watches      C. sees          D. enjoys
9. A. week        B. month       C. year          D. date
10. A. free        B. true         C. happy         D. bright
2. 我们学校有两个操场,也有图书馆。
3. 教学楼上有30个教室。
4. 我们在学校门口见面吧。

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