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人教版七年级上册Unit5 do you have a soccer ball Setion B 2a-3c北京市海淀区

视频标签:soccer ball


视频课题:人教版七年级上册Unit5 do you have a soccer ball Setion B 2a-3c北京市海淀区

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教版七年级上册Unit5 do you have a soccer ball Setion B 2a-3c北京市海淀区教师进修学校附属实验学校

[知识与技能] 1、学生能够概述并理解故事中主人公Nick,从一开始不敢说出自己的真实爱好,到敢于表达自己的真实爱好的情感变化过程; 2、学生能够梳理出文章的框架和主人公的情感变化; 3、学生能够运用所学语言,通过角色扮演或角色朗读,表现出主人公的情感变化过程。 [过程与方法] 1、学生在教师的引导下边读边思考,通过学生不断的“提问”,不断的相互启发、碰撞,激发学生的思考,以达到深入理解文本; 2、采用独立阅读、学生提问、小组讨论、小组合作表演。 [情感态度价值观] 通过对主人公的分析,学生能够理解他身上好的品质,如积极向上、勇敢诚实、善于交流等品质,这些品质将对学生自身产生影响。通过对文本的深入挖掘,让学生体会到文本的深层含义,“运动不仅能给我们带来快乐,而且还能带来友谊。”
活动1【导入】1. 情景导入,提出问题
~教学阶段 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 1. 情景 导入, 提出 问题 1. I’m slim and healthy. Guess: “What’s my favorite sport?” 2. What’s your favorite sport? 3. Raise a question and help students to wonder: “Just now, I asked you the same question. Were you nervous? But why was Nick nervous?” Try to guess the teacher’s favorite sport. Think about the teacher’s questions and begin to wonder by thinking. 激发兴趣,复习所学体育项目的单词。教师通过提问,引导学生进行情景对比,激起学生的疑问。 效果描述 一上课,让学生猜老师最喜欢的运动,调动了学生的积极性。老师让学生回答他们最喜欢的体育运动,激发了学生的兴趣。老师通过情景对比:“同样是老师问学生最喜欢的体育爱好是什么,为什么主人公Nick却回答得很不轻松?”激起学生的疑问,激发他们探究文本的兴趣。
活动2【导入】1. 阅读首段,激起疑问
~1. 阅读 首段, 激起 疑问 The first paragraph reading: 4. Show the beginning of the story with PPT. And ask students: “What do you want to know about the story?” 5. Write the three questions the students raised on the blackboard. After reading the first paragraph, the students raised their questions:  Why was soccer a safe answer?  What is Nick’s favorite sport?  Why did Nick like ice hockey, while others don’t like it? 学生带着疑问阅读文本的第一段,通过让学生边读、边思考,边提问,训练学生的自主思维。 效果描述 学生在只阅读完文本的首段后,提出了很多疑问,如:“Why was Nick nervous? Why did Nick need a good answer? Why was soccer a safe answer? What is Nick’s favorite sport? Why did Nick like ice hockey, while others don’t like it? 从学生提问的深度可以看出,学生们还是乐于思考,并且思考有一定的深度的。此时,教师板书学生提出的能有效推进后面文本内容学习的三个问题中的关键词在黑板上。以便在学生通读完全文后,让学生回答,他们自己提出的问题。在这个过程中,逐步推进本节课的学习目标。
~3 生问 众答, 深挖 文本 The first reading: 6.Ask students to read the story independently in three minutes. 7. Ask students to answer the 3 questions they raised on the blackboard. 8. Invite students to tell the main idea of the story. 9. Ask students to raise their questions about the second paragraph and try to answer them by discussion. After reading the second paragraph, two students asked:  Why did Nick come from a different place?  Why do people in Maryland like ice hockey? 第一遍默读,了解文章大意,回答刚才学生提出的三个问题。学生们在回答这些“疑问”的时候,就带出了后面文本内容的学习。 The second reading: 11.Ask students to read the story independently again and find the following details:  What was Nick’s feeling at school/ home /game/ school?  How do you know that? 12. Ask students to paraphrase the long and difficult sentences. While reading, circle the places and feelings. Try to answer the students’ and teacher’s questions. 通过第二遍细读,梳理出文章的框架结构以及推断不同场景主人公的情感变化。通过学生间的提问、回答,以及用自己的语言阐述文本中某些长难句的含义,不断激发学生与本文的互动,达到逐步深入理解文本内容的效果。 效果描述 学生通过不断地自我提问和回答,通过相互间的启发、碰撞、补充,实现了自己深入理解文本内容。在学生提问和回答过程中,出现了一些意想不到的亮点和精彩。比如,学生在回答“Why did Nick like ice hockey,while other students don’t like it?”这个问题时,就提到了文本第二段: “主人公与班上同学生活背景的不同,是因为主人公生活在马里兰州,所以他喜欢冰球,而班上同学生活在佛罗里达州,所以他们喜欢足球。”此时,我用一张美国地图,形象地呈现了马里兰州和佛罗里达州的位置,并问学生,读到这,你们有什么疑问?一个学生问:“Why do people in Maryland like ice hockey, but people in Florida like soccer?”我告诉学生这要用到地理知识解答。学生们小组讨论,根据他们的地理知识,推断出: “Because Maryland is cold, so they like ice hockey。再比如,文本中的第三个场景“在比赛场地”,需要学生根据故事的上下文,具体的语言描写,推断主人公的心情。文中的描写是:“At the game, they had hot dogs and soda. They watched the game. Dave and Tommy asked Nick many questions about the rules and the team. They watched with great interest.”有学生通过 “……asked Nick many questions about the rules and the team.” “…… watched with great interest.”这些细节描写的语言,判断出此时主人公的心情是兴奋的、高兴的,因为Nick 的两个同学,只有对冰球比赛感兴趣才会问很多关于比赛规则的问题。学生在梳理主人公情感变化的过程中,就理出了文章的框架结构。
~3 联系 自我, 拓深 理解 Post reading: 12.Ask students to answer the three open questions in a group according to the story.  What is Nick like? Why do you think so?  What do you think of Nick’s future school life?  What makes Nick’s change? 13. Invite students to share their answers with others. After discussion, the students express their different opinions. For example, “Nick was honest because he told others his favorite sport at last”…… 这三个开放性问题,是基于对文本的深入理解,既来源于本文,又高于文本。第一个问题,可以帮助学生理解主人公身上好的品质,这些品质将对学生自身产生影响;第二个问题,可以发展学生的想象力;第三个问题,促进学生理解“体育运动不仅能该给我们快乐,还能带来友谊。”有利于学生今后学会处理类似的问题,有利于学生将来更好的生活。 效果描述 学生对这三个问题进行了多角度、多方面的回答,如:“For the first question, students answered: “Nick was honest because he told others his favorite sport at last.” “ Nick was shy because he was nervous when he answered the teacher’s question.” “Nick was good at communication because when he had a trouble he asked his dad for help…….” For the second question, most students said: “Nick will have a lot of friends at school”. One student said: “He will organize an ice hockey club, and he will be a leader of the team.……”For the third question, some students said: “His dad, his classmates Dave and Tommy, and ice hockey.”从学生们的不同回答来看,他们既能基于文本理解、联系自身,又 能发挥丰富的想象力,实现了设计的意图。
~3 角色 扮演,内化 语言 Group work: 14.Ask students to role-play or role-reading the story. (each group can choose one of the places) Present the role-play or role-reading. 基于对文本的理解进行角色扮演,既可以训练学生的想象力,又强化了语言运用的能力。

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