
视频标签:watch a,game show
视频课题:人教版八年级上册Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Section B 2b山大附中
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教版八年级上册Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show Section B 2b 山大附中
Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?
Section B 2b Task paper
I. Rewrite the text---fill in the blanks with the words and phrases of the text.
Cartoon is one of the most famous symbols in American ________. The first cartoon
Steamboat Willie _________ _________ in 1928. It was a great success. The cartoon character with two round _________, Mickey, was cute, funny and brave. He tried to _______ any ________. And he was always ready to_________ his________. In the end, his dream always came true through the efforts(努力). Mickey brought _________ __________ (普通人) happiness and hope. So Mickey was so successful that he had a __________ on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1978.
II. Group work: An interview activity(采访活动)
Work in groups. One works as a reporter(记者), he interviews the other three.
The reporter may ask the following questions:
1. Which Chinese cartoon character can get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?
2. What does he/she look like?
3. When did you watch the cartoon?
4. Is he/ she lucky? What are his/ her problems?
5. What do you think of him/her?
6. What can we learn from him/her?
The others can use the following information:
Chinese cartoon characters:
Monkey King
Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf
Seven Brothers
Head Strong
Big head son and Little head father
Words and phrases:
brave try his best
helpful never give up
funny face any danger
clever interesting
creative lucky
Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow.
本课时为人教版8年级上册Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section B 2a-2b阅读部分。
先来分析一下本篇文章所处的第5单元。本单元主要围绕讨论电视节目和电影展开。Section A 部分通过图文为学生创设了“谈论电视节目”的语境,并呈现了不同电视节目类型的表达方式,以及句型A: What do you think of…? B: I don’t mind them./ I can’t stand them. / I love watching them. 用来表达对各类电视节目的偏好。本部分还呈现了谈论计划和安排的句型。主要学习不定式作宾语的用法, 如:want to do, plan to do, expect to do, hope to do等。 Section B 部分主要谈论了电影这个话题。掌握一些相关的形容词,进一步学习谈论计划和谈论对电视、电影喜好的句型。本部分的重点是学习和运用恰当的形容词进一步表述喜欢或不喜欢电视节目和电影的原因。本部分的难点是阅读和写作。
一 知识与技能
1 掌握重点词汇和句型:Do you want to watch the news? What do you plan to watch tonight? What do you think of talk shows?及答语。
2 掌握几个动词不定式的用法:want to do, plan to do, expect to do, hope to do.
二 过程与方法
交际法: 学习外语的主要目的不是在掌握语言本身,而是在发展学生的交际能力,让他们在创设的交际情景中学会知识,以便能再运用于现实交际活动中。
小组合作: 发挥学生主动性,调动学生积极合作学习的主动性。
三 情感态度和价值观
四 教法导航
五 学法导航
六 课时支配
第1课时 Section A 1a-2c
第2课时 Section A 2d-3c
第3课时 Section B 1a-2e
第4课时 Section B 3a---Self Check
七 课时分析
本节课为人教版八年级上册 Unit 5 Section B 2b,课型为阅读课。话题为米奇,语言知识是”What do you think of…”及描述性形容词。从话题上讲,米奇作为卡通形象,受到学生们的欢迎,贴近学生的生活。从语言知识上讲,学生在Section A 部分已经学习了不同类型的电视节目,并能简单描述自己的喜好;Section B第一课时中学生学习了描述性形容词,为学生阅读本节课语篇及语言输出进行了知识铺垫。在本节课中,学生将通过阅读语篇巩固本单元目标语言。
1.识记重点单词和短语:culture, common, appear, unlucky, be ready to
2. 巩固形容词和目标语言What do you think of…?
1. 能够通过阅读提高把握细节信息的能力。
2. 能够通过阅读谈论对卡通的看法和喜好。
2. 学习米奇的精神,敢于面对困难 To be brave and never give up.
1. 阅读中把握准确的细节信息。
教材分析 本节课为 Unit 5 Section B 2b,课型为阅读课。话题为米奇,
语言知识是”What do you think of…”及描述性形容词。从话题上讲,米奇作为卡通形象,收到学生们的欢迎,贴近学生的生活。从语言知识上讲,学生在Section A 部分已经学习了不同类型的电视节目,并能简单描述自己的喜好;Section B第一课时中学生学习了描述性形容词。在本节课中,学生将通过阅读语篇巩固目标语言。
学情分析 1. 八年级学生对贴近生活的话题感兴趣,寻找共鸣是开启英语课堂的前提。
2. 八年级学生在语言方面已有储备,善于表达和分享。
3. 八年级学生面临学习的压力,青春期各种问题,需要有精神支撑,学会勇敢面对困难,永不放弃。
教学目标 通过学习,学生能够达成以下目标:
1.识记重点单词和短语:culture, common, unlucky, be ready to
2.巩固目标语言What do you think of…?并能够运用所学形容词如smart, creative, successful等进行回答。 能力目标:
1. 能够通过阅读提高把握细节信息的能力。
2. 能够通过阅读在真实的情境中谈论对卡通的喜好及原因。 情感目标:
1.了解米奇在美国文化中的地位及历史背景,同时了解中国文化。 2.学习米奇永不放弃、敢于面对困难的精神。
教学重难点及教学策略 教学重难点:
1. 阅读中把握准确的细节信息。
2.运用形容词谈论卡通形象和喜好及原因。 教学策略:
1. 阅读策略:以history和spirit为主线,环环相扣,引导学生掌握语篇逻辑,获取准确信息。
2. 设计读后采访活动,巩固目标语言。
Step I Lead in
1. Free talk --- Culture symbols.
What is He Ze famous for? ----Peony. It is a symbol of He Ze. When we talk about Shandong, we think of________. When we talk about China, we think of _________. Students talk about the symbols of He Ze, Shandong and China. 以文化象征为切入口,从菏泽牡丹到山东(一山一水一圣人)再到中国,层层递进。 卡通也是文
2. Cartoon is also a symbol of culture. Do you know the Cartoons? (Show the English names of cartoons and ask students to see the Chinese names.)
3. Mickey Mouse. In America, there is a very famous cartoon. It is a black mouse with two large round ears. Who is it?
Students guess the Cartoons with the
English names.
Students guess the famous cartoon in America. 国著名卡通--米奇。
Step II Skimming
Read 2b and find out the main idea.
Students read 2b quickly and choose the main idea.
Step III Detailed reading
Para 1--Mickey's history.
1. Read and answer the questions.
a. When and where did Mickey first appear? b. Who was the man behind Mickey? c. What did he do in the 1930s?
2. An introduction of the Great Depression. What happened to America in the 1930s? Play the music and pictures to let students know the background information.
1. Students read paragraph 1 and answer the questions. 2. Students see the pictures with music and learn the background information.
补充经济大萧条背景,让学生在音乐和图片中感受当时美国人的感受。 随后播放《威利号汽船》可以发现影片给人们带来了极大的欢乐。
3. How did the people feel at that time? What should be done? At this time, Steamboat Willie came out. Suppose you were Americans at that time, and you went to see the movie. How will you feel? 4. Watch the Steamboat Willie. Was he lucky at that time? Para 2--Mickey's spirit.
1. Read Para 2 and fill in the blanks. Mickey was _______ and had many problems such as _______or ________. 2. He was like a common man. But, did he lose hope? What did he do? He always tried to________. He was always ready to_________. 3. He win at last. He has a great spirit. Summary
He has a special history and a great spirit. That is why Mickey became one very famous symbol in American culture. 3. Students talk about their feelings and Americans' feelings after
seeing the pictures.
Watch the movie.
Students read paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks.
Para 3--Mickey's popularity
1. Read Para 3 and answer: What happened to Mickey on November 18, 1978? Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 2. An introduction of Hollywood Walk of Fame Use pictures to help students know more about it. Mickey is the first cartoon character to have a star.
3. He’s not only a cartoon but also the spiritual support of a generation.(一代人的精神支柱) A name to remember A generation to inspire 记住一个人的名,激励一代人的情 Today's Mickey
1. Mickey Mouse changed during these years. How old is Mickey now?
2. Where can we see Mickey? --In Disneyland.
Read Paragraph 3 and answer the question.
Learn something about Hollywood Walk of Fame
Step IV Extension
1. Read the passage again and fill in the blanks. 2. Free talk---What can we learn from Mickey? He is... brave/ clever/ never give up 3. Group work. An interview activity. Which Chinese cartoon do you think can get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? Work in groups. One works as a reporter, he interviews the other three.
Students read the passage and fill in the blanks.
Talk about what they can learn from Mickey.
Work in groups and make an interview.
训练语言组织表达能力 3.使目标语言情境化 激发学生学习兴趣 巩固目标语言知识
Step V Homework
You must
Write a news report of this interview and send it to the school radio station(学校广播站). If you can
Design your own cartoon.
教学特色 1. 以文化视角切入主题,补充文化背景知识,拓展学生思维。 2. 以米奇成为美国文化象征的历史和精神原因为主题贯穿阅读。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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