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在线播放:威海市初中英语优质课展评Unit5 You're supposed to shake hands乳山邓玉玲(城里中学)2016.10.11


威海市初中英语优质课展评Unit5 You're supposed to shake hands乳山邓玉玲(城里中学)2016.10.11

视频标签:supposed to,shake hands


视频课题:威海市初中英语优质课展评Unit5 You're supposed to shake hands乳山邓玉玲(城里中学)2016.10.11

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:2016年威海市初中英语优质课展评Unit5 You're supposed to shake hands乳山邓玉玲(城里中学)2016.10.11

You're supposed to shake hands.
   Section B 1a-1d 教学设计
鲁教版英语教材充分体现新课改的指导思想,其内容编排仍延续了人教版中所体现出的理念,即从生活实际需要出发,生活气息浓厚,让学生能掌握生活中基本的常识交流,发展他们自主学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略。本节课主要是在Section A的基础上对礼仪习俗有所拓展,主要是介绍了不同国家(中国、韩国、印度、法国、美国)的餐桌礼仪。通过听、说、读的各种活动来进一步巩固be supposed to 结构,帮助学生来了解和熟知不同国家的餐桌礼仪。并且通过对餐桌礼仪的学习,让学生了解不同的国家有着不同的文化差异,我们要去尊重这种地区的文化差异,我们也要学会节俭,把中国的传统文化传承下去。
教学内容分析:经过Section A的学习,学生们已经学过be supposed to/ be expected to do/should的用法,已经具有了学习本节知识的认知前提,学生比较容易接收新的知识。

(2)让学生学会用be supposed to /be expected to / It's (im)polite / rude to do来表达各国的餐桌礼    
(1)能正确地运用stick...into, point at, hit, put ,start eating first, eat等动词来表达餐桌礼仪。
(2)能正确地运用be supposed to /be expected to / should/ It's +adj. to do来表达应该或被期望做
(1)be supposed to /be expected to / should/ It's +adj. to do sth. 的句型。
Before class
Enjoy the video
What can you see? 
  Did they do it right?
While class
Task1.Table manners
Step1. Free talk
 Talk about “We should eat with the chopsticks in China.”
T: Are you supposed to eat with your hands in China ?
Ss: No, We are supposed to eat with the chopsticks.
Step2. Talk about in India.
T: Are people supposed to eat with the chopsticks in India?
Ss: No, they should eat with their hands.
Step3. Work in pairs to talk about in America and in Korea.
T: Are people supposed to eat with the chopsticks in America?   
Ss: No, they are supposed to eat with the forks and knives.
T: Are people supposed to eat with the forks and knives in Korea?   
Ss: No, they are supposed to eat with the chopsticks.
     设计意图:利用不同国家的吃饭形式,采用对话的形式,不断练习be supposed to的用法,强化了学生的记忆与运用,还能帮助学生了解印度、美国、韩国等国家的餐桌礼仪。
Task 2.I can find.
Let students find the table manners in which countries.
In India, people are supposed to eat with hands.
In Korea, people should eat with chopsticks.
In America, people are supposed to eat with the forks and knives.
Task 3.Chopsticks culture.
Step1. Talk about " What should we pay attention to using the chopsticks"
T: Is it polite to point at anyone with the chopsticks?
Ss: No, it's impolite to point at anyone with the chopsticks.
Learn: point at 指向
Step 2. Talk about "What should we pay attention to using the chopsticks"
Learn: stick... into 插入
      empty /`emptI/ 空的,opposite: full
T: Is it polite to stick the chopsticks into the food?
Ss: No, it's impolite to stick the chopsticks into the food.
T: Is it polite to hit the empty bowl with the chopsticks?
Ss: No, it's impolite to hit the empty bowl with the chopsticks.
    设计意图:利用图片和动作来学习筷子礼仪,直观形象,便于学生理解和掌握在我们今后的生活中如何文明使用筷子。并且通过图片可以让学生分析该做和不该做的,自然地来运用与理解We aren't supposed to / It's impolite to do的用法,以句带词,以词带句。
Task 4.I can say.
We aren't supposed to ...
We shouldn't ...
It's impolite to ...
It’s rude to …
      设计意图:利用对话交流学习之后,再给学生提供一个综合表达的机会,更好地巩固be supposed to/ should/ It's (im)polite to 的句式,让学生在感知中来理解和运用。通过交流,帮助孩子们养成良好地习惯,学会如何文明地使用筷子。
Task 5.Other table manners in other countries.
Step1. Watch the video and say the table manners in France and Korea.
People should put the bread on the table in France.
The youngest person isn’t expected to start eating first in Korean.
Step2. How about in China.
We are supposed to put the bread on the plate in China.
The youngest person isn't expected to start eating first in China.
Task6. Mind your manners.
Circle T for true or F for false after each sentences
     设计意图:利用mind your manners再次帮助学生明了什么该做什么不该做,帮助他们了解不同国家的礼仪,也帮他们养成很好的习惯。
Task 7.Games.
Let students guess which country they can see and say what they should do and what they shouldn't do.
Task 8.Listening.
Step1.Listen and number
Before listening , let students tell Steve the table manners in China.
Step2. Listen and match
Step3. Listen and fill in the blanks.
Yang Ming: You must be excited about leaving for China tomorrow , Steve!
Steve:     Yeah, but I’m a little nervous, too.
Yang Ming: Why?
Steve:     Well, for one thing, I don’t know how to ________________
          very well…and I don’t know how to behave at the dinner table.
Yang Ming: Oh, I see. Well, one important thing is that you’re supposed to
           _________________  if there are ______________ at the table.
Steve:      That’s interesting. In the United States , it doesn’t matter.
Yang Ming: Yeah, I know. It’s also impolite to _____ your chopsticks _____
          your food. You shouldn’t __________ anyone with your chopsticks, either.
Steve:     Oh, OK.
Yang Ming: Oh, and there’s one more thing you need to know. You’re not
          supposed to _______ loudly when you’re eating dinner. Only parents are expected  to talk at the dinner table. Children are not allowed to speak.
Steve:    Wow! That’s … that’s unusual!
Yang Ming: Haha, I’m just kidding!
Task 9.Reading.
Step1.Listen and repeat
Yang Ming: You must be excited about leaving for China tomorrow, Steve!
Steve:     Yeah, but I'm a little nervous, too.
Yang Ming: Why?
Steve:     Well, for one thing, I don't know how to use chopsticks very well... and I don't know how
          to behave at the dinner table.
Yang Ming: Oh, I see. Well, one important thing is that you're not supposed to start eating first if there
          are older people at the table.
Steve:     That's interesting. In the United States, it doesn't matter.
Yang Ming: Yeah, I know. It's also impolite to stick your chopsticks into your food. You shouldn't point
          at anyone with your chopsticks, either.
Steve:     Oh, Ok.
Yang Ming: Oh, and there's one more thing you need to know. You're not supposed to talk when you're
          eating dinner. Only parents are expected to talk at the dinner table. Children are not
          allowed to speak.
Steve:     Wow! That's ... that's unusual!
Yang Ming: Haha, I'm just kidding!
Step2. Read the dialogue in pairs.
Step3. Find the differences in China and America in groups.

In China in America
You aren't supposed to ____________
if there are ____________ at the table.
 It doesn't matter
It's impolite to___________________
We should use the forks and knives.
You shouldn't __________________
We shouldn't point at anyone, either.
You aren't supposed to _______ loudly
When _________________.
It's impolite to talk with your mouth full.
Step4.Let students try to say the differences between China and America.
In China in America
You aren't supposed to ____________
if there are ____________ at the table.
It's impolite to___________________
You shouldn't __________________
You aren't supposed to _______ loudly
When _________________.
Task 10.Make a dialogue.
 Step1.  Work in pairs to make a dialogue to talk about the differences between China and America.
A: What are(n't) you supposed to do in China?
B: We are(n't) supposed to ...
A: But in America, ...
Step2. Work in pairs to find more Chinese table manners.
   stand up           pick the food for others            eat up
                     with the serving chopsticks
  eat quickly            make noise                    laugh


Task 11.Sound painting.
Task12. Summing-up
     我们学会了用be supposed to /be expected to / it's +adj. to do sth.来表达不同国家的餐桌礼仪,知道什么该做,什么不该做,从而养成良好地习惯。并且我们还学会在享受美食的同时,我们要学会节俭,爱护粮食,尊重劳动果实,尊重不同国家的礼仪,将我们中国的传统文化传承和发扬光大。
A: Look for some more table manners in China and western countries.
B: Make a card to write what manners you do every day.
六、板 书 设 计
Unit 5 You are supposed to shake hands.
We should(n't) eat with the chopsticks.
We are(n't) supposed to eat with the chopsticks.
We are(n't) expected to eat with the chopsticks.
It's (im)polite to...
It's rude...
point at
stick... into...
hit the empty bowl with the chopsticks

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