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威海市初中英语优质课展评Unit5 You're supposed to shake hands文登王丽君(附课件)

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视频课题:威海市初中英语优质课展评Unit5 You're supposed to shake hands文登王丽君(附课件)

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2016年威海市初中英语优质课展评Unit5 You're supposed to shake hands文登王丽君(城里中学)2016.10.11

Unit 5 You are supposed to shake hands.
Section A 3a-3c
王丽君 文登七里汤中学
Teaching aims:
Ø       Know about the customs of Colombia and Switzerland.
Ø       Compare and talk about customs in China.
Ø       Learn something from their customs.
Key points and difficulties:
Customs about Colombia and Switzerland.
Use English to express feeling and sense.
Teaching steps:
Lead in Compete in this class to get the chance to be an exchange students.
Activities before class.
Two exchange students will come to study in our school, can you help them to know about your school life and rules.
Step 1: Whole reading.
1.     Guess:
In a country it is OK to be 15 minutes late. What’s the country’s name?
A.     Colombia  B. Switzerland
2 Read the whole passage, find out if your guess is right, and answer this question.
What is the passage about?
A. custom
B. travel
Step2: Careful reading about Colombia.
1.      Read and guess the meaning of the words.
l       value
A. To consider something important
B. To consider something unimportant
l       drop by
A. To throw something down
B. To visit someone
2.      Read carefully and choose True or False.
1)  They hate people to be late.(   )
2)  Between making money and spending time with family, they prefer to spend time with family.(   )
3)  Boys and girls will kiss each other on the face when they meet.(   )
3.      Read and list the customs in Colombia according to the mind map.

Step 3: Introduce the customs of Colombia.
Liu Jie is going to travel in Colombia, can you introduce some customs in Colombia for him?
Step 4: Careful reading about Colombia.
1. Read the second paragraph and answer the questions.
1)      What will happen if you are 15 minutes late?
2)      What should you do before you visit your friends in Switzerland?
2. Read and list the customs in Colombia according to the chart.

Step 5: Introduce the customs of Switzerland.
Yu Li works in Switzerland, her mother is going to see her, can you help her mother to know about the customs in Switzerland?
Step 6: Compare the customs in the two countries. Discuss in groups about the customs in China.
Including greeting, time, visiting, plans and other things.
What have you learned this class? Students talk about the knowledge and sense they got in this class.
1.     Make a short video to introduce Chinese customs, and share it on line.
2.       Surf the internet and find out more customs in different countries. Work in groups to make a sitcom and show us next class.
 Unit 5 You are supposed to shake hands. 导学案
Learning Goals学习目标:
Ø       Know about the customs of Colombia and Switzerland.了解并能介绍哥伦比亚和瑞士两个国家的习俗。
Ø       Compare and talk about customs in China.对比谈论中国的习俗。
Ø       Learn something from their customs.从他们的习俗中学习感悟生活中我们应该怎么做。
Learning Steps学习步骤:
导入: Compete in this class to get the chance to be an exchange students. 本节课最积极最了解外国习俗的人将会获得成为交换生的机会。
Step 1: 课前活动。Two exchange students will come to study in our school, can you help them to know about your school life and rules.帮助交换生了解学校规则及生活。
(小提示:准时,迟到,做作业,课堂上听音乐,吃东西,打架,打扫教室,排队,保持安静 …… )
You are supposed to….
You are not supposed to….
It’s impolite to….
You’d better….
You can’t….
Step 2: Guess. 读前猜测.
In a country it is OK to be 15 minutes late. What’s the country’s name?
A.      Colombia  B. Switzerland
Step 3: Read the whole passage and find out if your guess is right, and answer the question. 通读验证猜测并回答问题。(用笔划出答案所在的句子)
What is the passage about?
A. custom (/ˈkʌstəm/习俗)
B. travel
Step 4: Guess the meaning of the words. 根据上下文猜测并选择下列单词的意思
1.                 value
A.  To consider something important
B.   To consider something unimportant
2.                 drop by
A.  To throw something down
B.   To visit someone
Step 5: Read carefully and choose True or False.
细读第一段并判断正误。(T / F)(划出答案所在的相关句子)
1.                 They hate people to be late.(   )
2.                 Between making money and spending time with family, they prefer to spend time with          family.(   )
3.                 Boys and girls will kiss each other on the face when they meet.(   )
Step 6: Read and list the customs in Colombia according to the mind map.阅读第一段归纳填写哥伦比亚人的习俗。

Step 7: Introduce the customs of Colombia. 刘杰要去哥伦比亚旅游,你能给她介绍一下哥伦比亚的习俗吗?根据思维导图记忆格伦比亚人的习俗。
Step 8: Read the second paragraph and answer the questions. 细读第二段并回答问题。(划出答案所在的相关句子)
1.       What will happen if you are 15 minutes late?
2.       What should you do before you visit your friends in Switzerland?
Step 9: Read and list the customs in Colombia according to the chart. 阅读归纳瑞士人的习俗并填写表格。

Step 10: Introduce the customs of Switzerland. 于莉的妈妈要去瑞士看望于莉,你能帮他了解一下瑞士的习俗吗?根据表格记忆瑞士人的习俗。
Step 11: Discuss in groups about the customs in China. 小组合作对比谈论介绍中国的习俗。
Summary: What have you learned this class? 你学到了哪些知识?体会到哪些感悟?
1.       Introduce the customs in China. Use your phone to make a short video and send it on line to the exchange students. 介绍中国习俗并用手机拍摄成微视频。
2.       Surf the internet and find out more customs in different countries. Work in groups to make a sitcom and show us next class. 网络搜索更多外国习俗,小组合作排演与习俗相关的情景剧。

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