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PEP六年级上册Unit 6 How do you feel  Robin and the Ant read and write安徽省优课

视频标签:How do,you feel


视频课题:PEP六年级上册Unit 6 How do you feel Robin and the Ant read and write安徽省优课

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PEP六年级上册Unit 6 How do you feel  Robin and the Ant read and write安徽省优课

Knowledge Objectives
Help students learn the new words “ant, worry, stuck, mud, pull”.
Help students read the story and know “Be happy to help others.”
Ability Objectives
Cultivate students consciousness of cooperation.
(2)Improve the students’ ability of reading and speaking.
Emotion Objectives
(1)Increase the students’ reading interests.
(2)Help students know “Be happy to help others.”
Students in Grade 6 already have a basic command of English. They have mastered a certain vocabulary. They can read and understand this story by themselves. It can help students improve their ability of reading and will lay the foundation for future learning in junior high school.
Key points
(1)Help students learn and use the new words “ant, worry, stuck, mud, pull”.
(2)Improve the students’ ability of reading and speaking.
Difficult point
Improve the students’ ability of reading and speaking.
4.1Teaching Procedures
Step Ⅰ Warm-up
1. Greet students.
2. Enjoy a song: If you are happy, clap your hands.
  [Purpose] Singing a song together can attract students’ interests.
Step Ⅱ Lead-in
Show some pictures of expression to students and ask them to say the English words.
 eg. happy, angry, sad, afraid,worried
Invite students to put the pictures under the English words on the blackboard.
 [Purpose] Review the words about expression we learned last class and prepare for the story we will read.
Step Ⅲ Pre-reading
1.Ask students “How do you feel now?” and let students answer.
2.Show a picture of Robin to students and ask “How does Robin feel?”
 Students answer “He is happy!”
 Teacher asks, “Why is Robin so happy?”
 Lead students to read the story and find out the answer.
Step Ⅳ While-reading
1. Let students read the story quickly and answer the question:
  What does the story tell us?
A.We should always be nice to each other.
B.We shouldn’t hurt ants.
Check the answer.
[Purpose] Help students know the general idea of the story.
Let students read the story carefully and number the pictures.
 Students have 3mins to read the story again and number the pictures in correct order.
 Check the answer.
 The answer is 4-3-1-2
Let students read the story the last time and complete the sentences.
  The ant is_____________.
  Robin is stuck and_____________.
  The ants are strong. They__________________.
  Now everyone___________________.
  Check the answer.
  The answer
  afraid, worried, pull Robin out of the mud, is happy
4. Play a game.
  Tell students to play a game “I’m a little star!”
  Students should read the requirements and do the actions.
  Show some sentences to students one by one. 
  Play the tape, students listen and repeat.
  Show the requirements, students read and do the actions.
  The sentences are as follows.
  (1)Robin is going to sit on the grass.
  (2)Wait!  Please don’t sit on me.
  (3)Don’t worry. Little ant. I won’t sit on you.
  (4)Robin is stuck in the mud. He is worried.
  (5)Let us help you!
  (6)They pull Robin out of the mud.
  [Purpose] Students read sentences and do the actions. It can help students to understand the story much better and prepare for the next role play.
Step Ⅴ Post-reading
1. Let students work in four and role play the story.
  One student is narrator, one is Robin and another two are little ants.
  Tell them that Robin and little ants should do the actions.
  Show the brief story to students.
  [Purpose] It can help students to cultivate the consciousness of cooperation and improve the ability of speaking.
The last sentence of the story is “Every one is happy!”
 (1)Ask students the first question “Why is little ant happy?”
   Students think about it and answer.
   Tell students that little ant helps Robin out of the mud, so he feels happy.
 (2)The second question “Why is Robin happy?”
   Students think about it and answer.
   Tell students “When Robin need help, little ants give a hand to Robin. So he feels very happy.”
   Tell students if you help others who need help, you will be happy.
   Show two words “help” and “happy” to students. And help them to understand “If you help the others, you will feel happy.”
3.Show a picture to students and tell them “The brothers help a disabled student to go to school, and three of them feel happy.”
  Encourage students to be warm and helpful people and tell them “If we are warm and helpful, our life will be full of sunshine and love.”

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