
视频标签:冀教版,What Do You,Like to Do
视频课题:冀教版四年级下册Lesson 17 What Do You Like to Do石家庄
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:四年级下册Lesson 17 What Do You Like to Do石家庄市中山路小学
● 语言知识
2、掌握动词play的相关短语: “play basketball” “play football” “play with toys” “play with the doll” “play on the computer”及其它短语, 要求学生能听懂、会说、口头运用这些短语。
● 语言技能
教师通过展示图片、图像,做手势,使学生能够听懂相关短语,会说简单的话语What do you like to do? I like to ______. 等, 能根据要求,写出简单的句型He/ She likes to ________.
● 情感态度
● 学习策略
Structure: What do you like to do?
I like to __________.
能正确理解和运用What does he/she like to do? He/ She likes to ________.
活动1【讲授】What do you like to do
StepⅠ Class Opening and Review
Warm up
First, do some actions.
T: Please stand up/jump/run/fly /sing a song/ say hello to your friends.
[设计意图]课前的warm up, 一下子把学生的注意力集中了起来,亲切的问候缩短了师生间的陌生感,为教学做好了准备。
2. Play a guessing game.
The class are divided into two teams— T1 and T2 .
A volunteer comes to the front and look at the phrase cards that the teacher holds, then do the actions. Others guess what it is.
3. Look and say. Practice.
T: cards
S: play cards
T: checkers
S: play checkers
StepⅡ New Concepts
I like to _________.
T: Look. What is it? (The teacher shows a basketball)
S: It’s a basketball.
T: I like to play basketball. Do you like to play basketball?
S: Yes. I like to play basketball.
T: I like to play ping-pong. Do you?
S1: I like to play ping-pong.
S2: …
2. Drill
a. Ask and answer. What do you like to do? I like to ________.
T: I like to play basketball. What do you like to do? Let’s talk about these pictures with the sentence “I like to _____.”
b. Role- play in pairs.
c. Play a game.
T: Boy and girls, do you like to play games?
Now let’s play a game. Look at this picture. If you are the person in the picture, what do you like to do? T1 and T2 ask and answer one by one in your team. Which team is faster, which team will get more points.
Please look at this picture. This is a baseball/hockey game. Play baseball/hockey.
[设计意图]从短语到句型,再由句型转到语境中练习。一步一步,由浅入深有梯度的设计和操练,是教师精心设计的。 本环节的设计,同学们非常喜爱,能够使学生学习轻松、愉快,教学效果显著,课堂气氛活跃。另外,在每组游戏之后,又加以扩充play baseball and hockey, 使这个游戏的设计更富有“生命力”和 “活力”。
3. Student book
a. Listen to the tape and answer some questions.
I like to play hockey. Please look at the slide. Who are they? <Kim and Danny> Do you know what Kim and Danny like to do? After listening, answer my questions. Listen.
What does Kim like to do?
What does Danny like to do?
b. Role- play between two teams.
This time, open your book. T1 read this part, T2 read that part. I also have two questions for you.
“What does Jenny like to do?
“What does Steven like to do?
4. Practice
a. Have a chant.
First, let’s read these phrases.
Second, change some phrases.
[设计意图]chant 也是学生喜闻乐见的,把本课中重、难点融入到chant之中,既可以激发学生的学习兴趣,同时课文的重点内容再次得到了巩固.
b. Do exercises.
Do you like this chant? After class, you can change some phrases in this chant. Let’s go on. “Listen: draw lines to match the pictures.”
On the top, who are they?
On the bottom, what do they like to do?
Take out your paper.
5. Expansion
Task time: “Make a survey”
Interview your friends using the question “What do you like to do?”.
T: Take out your chart. After 2 minutes, show us your chart. Which team is more, which team will be winner.
S1: What do you like to do?
S2: I like to fly a kite.
T(to the class):What does he/she like to do?
Class: He/She likes to fly a kite. …
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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