必修一 Unit 1 A New Start
Developing ideas—High School Hints
: 人与自我——学校生活、积极的生活态度语篇类型:访谈
本课选自外研版新教材必修一 Unit 1 A New Start 单元中的
Developing ideas —High School Hints 板块。
【What】毕业生 Lisa 回母校参加校园广播节目“School Talk”,围绕 “高中学习与生活” 从学长的视角,就高中生活可能会遇到的问题给学弟学妹一些合理建议。在访谈中,主持人通过三个问题:刚开学时什么对你有所帮助、如何应对新的挑战以及如何摆脱失望的情绪,引出本次采访的主题,即高中生会遇到哪些困难、问题。Lisa根据自己的亲身经历分别对这三个问题提出了自己的建议,最后 Lisa 还引用了一位美国作家 Maya Angelou 的一句名言作为建议,以此来告诉学弟学妹要有积极的生活态度并乐于助人。
【Why】通过 school talk 中的 interview 栏目引导学生换位思考并产生同理心,有助于高一新生对接下来的高中新生活做好各种准备尤其是心理准备,遇到问题要学会以积极的心态来解决问题,以此辅助学生快速适应高中生活。
本次授课对象为高一学生,在知识水平和知识储备方面,经过初中的学习,学生能够基本上掌握 1200左右的词汇,因此他们能够较为顺利的阅读文本信息并能理解大意。但毕竟是刚刚步入高中不久,学生们正处于慢慢适应全英课堂的过程中,大部分学生课上能积极踊跃的思考问题,但尝试用英语主动站起来表达观点的学生为少数,尤其是农村学生,需要给与一定的时间。他们学习比较刻苦,性格内向腼腆,课堂气氛不活跃,也就是说从语言技能方面讲,他们的读写能力明显好于听说能力。本课的主题是“高中阶段的建议”,正符合当前学生的实际,由于刚刚开学不久,学生对于高中的新生活也充满了好奇和期待,同时,不可避免的会遇到一系列的问题和困惑,所以学生对本课的学习充满兴趣,希望他们通过本课的学习,能够学会用积极的心态来面对和解决高中新生活中遇到的各种问题和困难,快速适应高中生活。
1. 通过图片、词汇云和文本的标题,预测文章的主要大意,并在随后的阅读中进行验证并逐步对文章大意进行深入理解。
T: Before our class, I’d like to say sth. to you. I know all of you are very excited, because after this class,you will be free for mid-autumn day. But keep calm,I have some requirements for you. All of you should fix your attention on our lesson,And I expect you to be active and confident in our class,And be crazy about English.
Step 1 Revision and Lead in
T: Life in senior high school is so colorful. We have various after-school activities. But they can take up a lot of time. So how to manage your busy schedules?
S: 1. List the things we’re going to do.
Record the time it takes to do the activities.
Only do one thing at a time.
Do important things first.
T: Besides time management, in high school, you must have manyexpectations, so what do you want to achieve at high school? List these things in the order of importance and number them. (You can discuss in your group.)
S: ….(Open. They share their own opinions)
T: But on the way to achieve them, there must be some difficulties and challenges. To solve our problems, we need to find some resources to help us, but how can we do it ? Now please turn to page 8 and 9. Look at the window frame under the picture.
Q1. Look at this window frame, what’s this about?
S: …(One channel from a school website, or a public account of school) Q2. What does ST stand for? S: School Talk. 追问:How many people have subscribed it?
S: 3,101.
T: Did the viewers like it or not? So, to solve our problems, this might be a good choice.
Q3. What is the topic of today’s School Talk ?
S: High school hints. 追问:What does “hints” mean? (suggestions)
【设计意图】导入新课,引入话题。通往成功的路途往往不会平坦,那么,为了解决我们遇到的难题,我们需要寻求帮助获取所需资源,所以引导学生观察并识别课文中图片下方的界面,了解新媒体语言,从而发现学校的网站或者公众号会是一个不错的选择,今天 School Talk 的话题就是 High school hints。根据标题和图片,预测篇章的主要内容。此环节也是为了考查新课标语言技能中学生“看”的能力,培养兴趣、指点方法、训练思维。
Step 2 Reading I. T: What is the genre? S: Interview.
T:Look at the word cloud. Predict what is talk about in the interview.
S: ….(Open.)
T:… the size of the colored words catch your sight, or it is in the order of importance. Keep them in mind and later, you will understand.
Read para.1
T: What will be talked about at the beginning part of the interview? S: Greetings and the purpose of the interview.
T: How is the interview developed?
S: …by asking and answer the questions. T &S:
Read through the passage.
T: How many questions does the interviewer ask? And what are they?
S: 4.
S: Q1. What helped when you first started high school?
(老师板书学生找到的问题 1 中的关键词)
T: How did Lisa answer it?
S: Orientation Day.
追问:What do you know about Orientation Day? (学生回答后播放超链接)
T: What did Lisa suggest on Orientation Day?
S: …make some new friends, keep an open mind and take part in as much as possible.
S: Q2:How did you deal with new challenges, like starting new course?
T: (板书问题 2 关键词)
S:…go all out and see what happens.
T: What do you think Lisa means by “If you fail, no problem – next time you can fail better”?
S: …(Discuss and share.)
T: What was her attitude toward failure?
S: She was brave and she figured that she should go all out and not be afraid of failure.
T: …if you meet with some difficulties or challenges, it doesn’t matter. Just keep trying and never give up.
【设计意图】学生找出问题2,整合 Lisa 给出的答复,形成自己的建议。在学习理解类的基础上,结合自身实际,讨论并分析、阐述“建议”背后的价值取向,逐步实现对语言知识和文化知识的内化,加深对主题意义的理解。
S: Q3 How did you deal with the disappointing moments?
T:(板书问题 3 关键词)What about her ideas?
S:…(find out the answer)
T: Can you summarize Lisa’s advice with your own words?
S: Never give up and keep working hard, because we do sth. for the love of it, not just about winning.
【设计意图】通过问题引领,学生找出问题3,梳理、概括 Lisa 的观点,并能用自己的话阐述、内化 Lisa 给出的建议。这是一个从学习理解到分析评价的过程,引导学生的思维由低阶向高阶稳步发展。
S: Q4 Is there anything in particular that you’d like to share with us?
T: (板书)what did Lisa suggest?
S: Be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud. Give our friends a hand when they need it.
T: Do you know of any similar sayings towards “Be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud”?
S: Be the sun in somebody’s winter days.
T: …help our friends when they are in trouble. A friend in need is a friend indeed. It’s better to give than to take.
IV. Think and share
T: Q1. How did the interviewer respond Lisa’s answer before asking the next question?
S: Giving comments and showing agreement. Actually, it is transition.
T: 追问 Q2. How did Lisa answer the questions? What do you think of Lisa when she met challenges?
S: First, she listed her problems or difficulties and then solved them.
T: 追问 What do you think of Lisa when she met challenges?
S: confident, brave, optimistic, never give up……(students’ own)
【设计意图】引领学生通过 Lisa 的回答去深入思考并评价 Lisa,学习她在遇到困难和挑战时变现出的优秀品质,加深对主题意义的理解并让学生有所触动。
T: Q3. Which piece of Lisa’s advice is the most helpful to you? Why?
S: …. (Students’ own experiences and share)
T: 追问 Q4. Having you experienced some challenges about starting high school? How did you deal with them?
S: …. (Students’ own experiences and share)
T: Sometimes, methods are more than the problems.
【设计意图】迁移创新类活动。学习了 Lisa 的优秀品质,相信学生们都感触颇深,有所收获,请学生结合自己的实际来分享这四条建议中哪些对自己最有帮助,并说明原因。进一步理解文章的主题意义,并联系自身实际,加深对高中生活的理解和思考,也体现正确的价值观,“方法总比困难多”,给学生正面积极的引导。
Step 3 Giving a speech
Give a speech to the new students on their first day at senior high to give them some suggestions. (以迎新日学长报告团代表的身份)
Requirements: 1. List the problems they may face.
Discuss in your group and mate notes of the problems and givereasonable suggestions using what you have learnt.
Organize your speech and invite a group leader to present.
T: How to organize your speech?
S: Beginning: Greetings + brief self-introduction + purpose.
Body: Talk about the problems + give your advice
Ending: End by summarizing the main points of your speech./ express your thank / hope/ wishes.
T: Prepare your speech in your groups. 【设计意图】分组讨论之前,先让学生思考如何组织演讲稿。对于篇章结构之前已做好铺垫,学生并不陌生,老师稍作补充即可。然后学生组内讨论,准备演讲稿。之后,邀请代表上台演讲。
Step 4 Summary
1. Make a short summary of the speech.
2 Teacher’s words:
Maybe our teachers are very strict. Maybe some of our courses will be quite difficult. But worrying about it beforehand will not help us at all. The only thing we can do is to go into our classes with a positive attitude. Remember: our hard work will pay off one day!
Step 4 Homework
Write a letter to our school net to talk about the new school life.
Many problems have been solved so far with the help of Lisa and your partners. But maybe you still have other problems about your study, our school clubs, social relationships or future majors etc, you may write a letter to our school net to seek help.
【设计意图】把课上所学的知识赋予新的情境,以学生给学校网站写信的形式考查学生创造性解决问题、表达观点和态度的能力,实现深度学习。通过阅读、讨论、分析文本以及前几节课的铺垫,对于新环境中可能会遇到的问题和解决办法,学生有了一定的了解,但是很多新生肯定还有很多困惑。通过这个环节给他们一个“发声”的途径,向学校网站写信,寻求同伴、老师、学长甚至是学校各层级的领导求助。希望通过这种方式能够让学生更快更好地了解新学校的方方面面,有助于更快的适应新生活。在后续的presenting ideas 环节会分享展示学生求助之后来自学校各界的建议。同时也为单元的Project奠定基础。
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