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在线播放:必修三 Unit 2 Making a difference -Developing Ideas-The Power of Good-山东省日照

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必修三 Unit 2 Making a difference -Developing Ideas-The Power of Good-山东省日照

视频标签:The Power


视频课题:必修三 Unit 2 Making a difference -Developing Ideas-The Power of Good-山东省日照

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必修三 Unit 2 Making a difference -Developing Ideas-The Power of Good-山东省日照第一中学教学设计

外研版 必修三 Unit 2 Making a difference
Developing ideas--The Power of Good
山东省第一中学 刘芹

Teaching contents Procedures Purposes
Teacher’s activity Students’ activity
Activity 1
Leading in
  1. T shows a short video about
Schindler's list and give a short introduction if necessary.
  1. Comparing
German Schindler with “British Schindler”, T asks what Winton to predict what Winton might have done based on the word cloud, the several pictures, and the
  1. T collects answers from Ss. 
  1. Ss share what they know about
  1. Ss predict what Winton might have done as required. 3. Ss share answers in class.
To activate Ss’ background knowledge and stimulate Ss to explore more through predicting.
Activity 2 Fast Reading
  1. T asks Ss to read the first paragragh and check the predictions.
  2. T asks Ss to think about the purpose of writing the first paragraph.
  3. T asks Ss to get the structure of the text, divide the text into three parts, and get the main idea of each part.
  1. Ss read the first paragraph quickly and check their predictions.
  2. Ss answer the question of the purpose of writing the first paragraph.
  3. Ss work in pairs, discussing the structure of the text, dividing the text into three parts and getting the main idea of each part.
  1. To train Ss’  reading
  1. To help Ss have a clear picture of the structure of the text and get a general undertanding
of it.
Activity 3 Careful Reading
  1. T asks Ss to read the text carefully and follow T to draw a timeline to have a clear look at the key events in Winton’s
  1. T guides Ss to speak out one of Winton’s main
1. Ss read the text again and follow T to draw the timeline. 2. Ss share answers in class, using the sentences in the text or using their own words
  1. To help Ss have a general knowledge of Winton’s life.
  2. To guide Ss to have a close at Winton’s life and his personal qualities.
  events in his life according to the timeline.
  1. T asks Ss to answer the questions based on P2-6, and encourage them to use some advanced words and expressions
  2. T asks Ss to summarise the personal qualities of
Nikolas Wenton.
to tell the main events in Winton’s life according to the timeline.
  1. Ss, working in groups, answer the questions and then share their answers in class.
  2. Based on the questions and answers, Ss choose some words to decribe the personal qualities of
Nikolas Wenton, give reasons and share them in
Activity 4
T guide Ss to decide the type of the text and summarise the order and  key elements of biographies. Ss follow the directions of T and have a basic knowledge of the order and key elements of biographies. 1. To guide Ss to understand how this biography is organized by sorting out the main events.
      2. To prepare for pracising writing a short biography.
Activity 5 Group Discussion
  1. T asks Ss to think about the Chinese saying at the end of the text “A kind-hearted person lives a long life.”
  2. T introduces He
Fengshan, “the Chinese Schindler”, who also saved many Jews during World
War and encourage Ss to find as much information about him.
  1. Ss think and discuss what the Chinese saying implies and learn about the meaning of “The Power of Good”.
  2. Ss learn about
He Fengshan, a
1. To guide Ss to recognise the power of good and establish the awareness of helping others in need. 2. To strengthen the national sense of pride.
Activity 6
  1. Prepare for a talk on the life of Sir Nikolas Winton, and share it in class next period.
  2. Go over how to write the biography of someone, preparing to write a short biography of He Fengshan,
“the Chinese Schindler”.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“The Power”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“必修三 Unit 2 Making a difference -Developing Ideas-The Power of Good-山东省日照”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“必修三 Unit 2 Making a difference -Developing Ideas-The Power of Good-山东省日照”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:9899267】 -----

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