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Unit 1 Developing ideas Little white lies淄博

视频标签:Developing i


视频课题:Unit 1 Developing ideas Little white lies淄博

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Unit 1 Developing ideas Little white lies淄博

Book 3 Unit 1 Knowing me, knowing you


Developing ideas
Little White Lies 教学设计

课题               Little White Lies                                       课型            新授课
版本               外研版(2019)                            章节               Book 3 Unit 1 Developing ideas

Developing ideas-------Little White Lies板块教学设计

主题语境 人与自我——认识自我,完善自我;人与社会——良好的人际关系与社会交往内容分析      本板块呈现了本单元的第二个主要阅读语篇,文章围绕善意的谎言展开论述,属于议论文。文章结构清晰,逻辑严谨,从三个方面论述了为什么即使是善意的谎言也会造成严重的危害,从而引发学生对诚实的思考。写作部分提供了一则寓言,通过几个问题帮助学生理解其大意并引发对寓言的寓意——人与人之间保持合适距离的思考。通过完成活动任务,学生理解和掌握议论文的文章结构和观点论述的方法,进一步加深对认识自我、尊重他人、维护良好人际关系的思考。
教学目标 1. 能够独立阅读课文,理解并掌握议论文的特点、文章的组织方式等,并完成从句到段,从段到篇的表达训练;
  1. 能够选用合理、恰当的实例来论证自己的观点;
  2. 能够理解诚实的重要性,并运用本节课所学内容解决实际生活中的问题。
教学重点 1. 引导学生基于语篇学习,理解并掌握议论文的文体特点和组织方式;
2. 锻炼学生结合语境思考的能力和在语境中运用语言的能力。
教学难点 1. 借助议论文结构的学习,促进学生的分析能力、思辨能力和思维严谨性的提升;
2. 引导学生联系生活实际,学习分析问题、解决问题的方法,从而反向促进

教学策略 任务型教学法,小组合作法,交际策略和情感策略

Teaching contents                              Procedures                                     Purposes

                                                    Teacher’s activity     Students’ activity
                  Step 1               T uses questions to     Ss talk freely           1. To lead in the topic
Think and talk         guide Ss to read      about the picture      and activate the pictures. to warm up their     students’ real-life
                                                   For example:              real-life                   experiences and
  • What can you experiences        arouse their interests see from the      to read.
                                                            picture?                                                2. To introduce the
  • If you were idea of white lies to student B, how students and get them would you like prepared for the later to response? reading.
           Step 2                          1. T asks Ss to       Ss read the             To get the meaning of
          Read for style                    read the          passage and           white lies and the
passage and      answer the two style of the passage. find out the       questions.     Get them prepared meaning of     for the structure of “white lies”     the passage.
according to the author.
2. T asks Ss to choose the style of the text.
           Step 3                           T asks Ss to         Ss understand the   To understand the
Read for structure  divide the passage    frame of the       structure of the and main idea      into three parts and       passage and       passage and
summarize the        understand the   summarize the main main ideas of each     main idea of each      idea by underlining
                                                  part.                            part.                         signal words or
Step 4                    T guides Ss to learn Ss read the To arouse Ss’ deep each part with the passage and     understanding and the
Read for details             following tasks:           finish the tasks.       thinking of the
  • Appreciate the passage. poem and the purpose of it.
  • Enrich the body part by using mindmap. Summarize the results that white lies have by using Ss’ own words.
                    Step 5              T asks Ss to work        Ss work in pairs      To learn to
         Rethink and talk     in pairs and gets Ss    and find a better     communicate with
to go back to Tom’s answer. friends without white problem and make lies and to arouse Ss’
a better response thinking of the for Tim. honesty.

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