
视频标签:Twenty Years
视频课题:Unit 4 Developing ideas----After Twenty Years淄博
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Unit 4 Developing ideas----After Twenty Years淄博
Unit 3 Friends forever
Developing ideas:
After Twenty Years
(45 分钟)内容分析:
本板块呈现了从另一角度反映单元主题的课文,语篇类型为小说。小说讲述了两位好友相约二十年后见面的故事,所节选的内容呈现了主人公在约定的时间和地点等待重逢的场景;读写部分的范文是在该短篇小说结局的基础上续写的结尾。通过这一板块的学习 ,学生能够深人理解友谊的内涵与意义,辩证地思考情与法之间的关系,形成正确的人生观、价值观,并且初步掌握小说的文体特点和小说结尾的写法。
Steps Teacher’s role Students’ activities 设计意图
Step 1 1. T shows a good books “Do you like reading?” To start the journey of 1. Ss volunteer to share their ideas. 创设情境,引出
Lead-in reading. 主题;
3 mins 2. After Ss share their ideas, T shows some pictures and leads to the 2. Ss look at the pictures to understand the 激活背景知识 article ---After Twenty Years. Introduce the author---O’Henry and background of the story.
background of the story to Ss. Let them learn some key information and background.
Read Step 2 1. T directs the Ss to read the passage quickly and know the three Ss share their answers by filling in some blanks 从语篇中提取主
within Reading for elements of a novel: setting, character, and plot. While reading, try and Ss can get a general understanding of the 要信息,通过寻找
the main idea to use key words to express the outline of the story. story. 关键信息,帮助
text 6 mins 2. T shares her understanding of the story by the time line. 学生理清语篇的结构和内容。
Step 3 1. T encourages Ss to think deeply by proposing the following two 1. Ss read the story again independently to 学生通过阅读文
Reading for questions. understand the passage, think about the 本并回答问题,
details Q1: Why did they separate 20 years ago ? questions and share the answers voluntarily. 把握小说故事情
8 mins Q2: What promise did they make in the face of the separation? 节和人物关系, T : Although they were best friends, they made very different 此外,通过体会 choices.Through the different decisions made by the two of them, 课文中的亮点表 we can see what kind of character they have. 2. Ss read the passage again and underline the 达,总结对人物
T adds: What kind of personality do they have? , and asks Ss to find key words and expressions that can reflect 性格描述的特征 out the sentences and expressions that can prove their character from their character. 和方法。
the text. 3. Ss share their answers, such as a scar on his
T directs Ss to read the first part and Para 3 and find the answers to face,lose track of each other. which describe the following questions. words, people’s look and inner feelings.
1).What does the man look like?
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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