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人教版高中英语必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games“An Interview”reading 宁夏 - 银川

视频标签:Olympic Game


视频课题:人教版高中英语必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games“An Interview”reading 宁夏 - 银川

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1.Knowledge objectives
The learners will grasp and remember the detailed information of the reading material.
The learners will know more about the differences or similarities of the ancient and modern Olympic Games.
2.Ability objectives:
The learners will improve their reading ability such as skimming or scanning.
3.Emotion objectives:
1. The learners will have more interest in the Olympic Games.
2. The learners will develop their sense of cooperative learning.
This passage attempts to provide information about issues about the Olympic Games through an interview between an ancient Greek writer and a Chinese girl. The aim is to provide students with accurate information and offer them the opportunity to know about the differences and similarities of the ancient and modern Olympics. It is hoped that after reading the passage students can apply what they’ve learned to reflect on the aspects about the modern Olympic Games. 
Teaching Important Points
1. The learners will develop their reading ability of skimming and scanning.
2. The learners will learn to compare the ancient Olympics with the modern ones and have a clear idea of their similarities and differences, so as to learn more about the basic knowledge on the Olympic Games.
Teaching Difficult Points
1. How to find the implied similarities and differences by understanding the speaker’s words and intonations, and learn to use comparing and contrasting when writing.
2. Learns should think about whether the existed events about the Olympic Games should be improved and give their suggestions about the events.
Purpose: To activate students’ basic knowledge about the Olympic Games.
Task 1: Which city held/will hold the 29th/30th/31st Olympic Games?
Task 2: Brainstorm the words or expressions related to the Olympic Games.
Fast reading
Purpose: To get the students to grasp the key information about the passage as well as developing their reading ability of skimming and scanning.
Task 1: Skimming
1) Get the students to skim the passage and find out some key information like: who/what/when/why/how.
2)  Let the students to predict what questions Pausanias will ask Li Yan.
Task 2: Scanning
Ask the students to scan the passage and find out what questions Pausanias asked.
How often do you hold your Games?
Winter Games?
Do you mean the Greek world?
Where are all the athletes housed?
Does anyone want to host the Olympic Games?
Do you compete for prize money?
2. Careful reading
Purpose: To get the students to understand the text fully and know about the differences and similarities of the ancient and modern Olympic Games.
Task 1: Interview
Suppose the teacher is Pausanias and students are Li Yan. Have an interview between the teacher and the students. Students are given 5 minutes first to read the text carefully and get ready to answer any questions that Pausanias is interested.
Questions may include:
How often do you hold your Games?
How many kinds of Olympic Games are there now?
Will any athlete be admitted as competitors? Why?
Why do we call them the Winter Olympic Games?
Which events do the Summer Olympics have?
Where are all the athletes housed?
Does anyone want to host the Olympic Games? Why?
What do competitors compete for?
Task 2: Pair work
Work in pairs to find out the differences and similarities of the ancient and modern Olympic Games according to the passage.
Ancient Olympic Games
Modern Olympic Games
How many kinds
What events
Host city
Task 3: Summary
      Get the students to summarize the passage.
Think about the aspects or the key words mentioned in the passage, and then let the students work in groups of three or four to summarize the passage according to the key words, 3 minutes later get some of them to report their answers.
Show a summary for the students to fill in the blanks first and then compare it with their own.  

Purpose: To get the students to have a further understanding of Olympic Games.
Task 6: Get the students to work in groups to discuss:
 Is it good for Yinchuan to host the Olympic Games? Why?
1. Review the text and learn more about the ancient and modern Olympics
2. Finish writing a passage about whether it is good for Yinchuan to host the Olympic Games after class.

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Olympic Game”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“人教版高中英语必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games“An Interview”reading 宁夏 - 银川”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“人教版高中英语必修二Unit 2 The Olympic Games“An Interview”reading 宁夏 - 银川”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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