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在线播放:Unit2 Healthy Eating Period2(Warming upReading) 重庆

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Unit2 Healthy Eating Period2(Warming upReading) 重庆

视频标签:Healthy Eati


视频课题:Unit2 Healthy Eating Period2(Warming upReading) 重庆

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:Unit2 Healthy Eating Period2(Warming upReading) 重庆市

Teaching Plan (Senior Grade One       ) 
Name 王晶晶 
Level  Date 
April 6 
School Zishui Middle School No. students 
Main Lesson 
Focus(underline )  
Skills:  Speaking Reading  
Healthy Eating 
Lesson Aim(s)  For students to… (review, use, develop, practise…) 
By the end of the lesson, the sts. will 
1.Get to know and reviewsome useful words and expressions about this topic 
2. Be more familiar with reading skills: prediction, fast-reading(main idea and topic sentence of each para.), careful reading and conclusion 3. Develop the skillsof discussing problems and suggesting possible solutions by cooperating with group members 4. Be aware of the importance and how to form a healthy eating habit 
Assumptions What your students already know (about the language, an activity, the topic) that will help them in this lesson? 
1. Ss have some basic English vocabularies and are interested in the topic- eating 2. Ss know andhave knowsome basic reading skills 
3.Ss are interested in communicating with their classmate, especially in a competition activity  
Anticipated Problems and Solutions   Very specific problems and solutions in regards to classroom management of a particular stage and/or new language.   Problem Solution 
1 Unfamiliar vocabularies  
Help Ss review thenew words through sharing teacher’s experience and print them out on the handout.  
2 Long passage with lots of paragraphs 
Design tasks onthemain idea ofthetext and topic sentences of each para. Emphasizethe importance oftheframe structure of a text 
Incomplete participation in class activity  
Plan an activity, and through representation requirements more students can be involved  
Procedure section   Please include all stages, and enough detail for the reader to understand exactly what the teacher and students do  
Stage/ Activity 
Purpose(s) of stage Why will you do it? 
How many minutes? 
What will the teacher do? 
(think about your classroom instructions, CCQs and role) 
What will the students do? 
(Think about their interaction) 
Brain Storm 
Make Ss get interest in 
the topic and review new words 
1. Display some pictures of restaurants in Guanying Qiao 
and share the eating in the Qing Ming Festival  
2.Guide Ss to share their ideas and lead to some key wordsin the text 
1. Be enlightened by the pictures and video 2. share their taste for different restaurants and review some words in the text 
Make Ss predict the story of the text 2 Ask Ss predict what happenedin the picture  Predict the text according to the picture 
Fast Reading 
1.Practice the 
reading skill 
2.Get the main idea and construct of the text 5 
Make Ss read the text with some tasks (multiple choice, topic sentences matching) 
Read the text and do some tasks on their own 
Careful Reading 
reading skill 
2. Know more detailed information 
Make Ss do some detailed reading with some T/F 
questions, finding the exact place of each question in the text 
Read the text again and finish a T/F question task on their own 
1. Have a review and summary of the text 
2. Make sure most 
Students (at least 70%) understand the text 
1. Make Ss do some conclusion reading with a gap-filling task in discussion with their desk-mates 
2. Ask girls to do the summary again with some missing key words 
1.Review the text and accomplish a 
gap-filling task with their desk-mates 
2. The girls will do the summary again with some missing key words 
1. Express 
related to the topic 
with new words. 2. Be aware of  the 
importance of healthy eating 
1. Divide Ss into several groups and make Ss do a competition activity 
2. Let Judges from Ss vote for their Restaurant-X  
1. Ss will discuss the activity within their 
group and each group will give a representation 
2. Judges from Ss will vote for their Restaurant-X. 
Feedback  & homework 
Feedback and review 
after class 
1. Get to knowSs’  learning in the class 2. Remind Ss of the homework and say goodbye 
Share their points in the class and say goodbye to the teacher 
MaterialsWrite what materials you are using and where (what book, internet site, etc) the information comes from.  You must reference all handouts, and attach a copy of each 
with your plan.  
Textbook, pictures and videos(from the InternetStep Ⅳ: Feedback--what impressed(给…印象)me most in this class… 
Knowledge Ability 知识技能  
By sharing the eating in Qing Ming Festival with the teacher and classmates, I know better about useful words and expressions about this topic 
 Reading Strategy 阅读策略 
By doing different reading tasks, I get to know better about different techniques and functions of fast reading, careful reading and summary 
Commutation Skills  交际技能 
  By taking part in the Restaurant-X activity, my communicating and expressing  abilities about healthy eating have been improved, as well as cooperating with group members 
 Emotion Effect 情感熏陶  Through the whole learning, I find it importantto keep a balanced and healthy eating 增强了我关于健康饮食、均衡饮食重要性的认识 
Others… 其他…

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Healthy Eati”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“Unit2 Healthy Eating Period2(Warming upReading) 重庆”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“Unit2 Healthy Eating Period2(Warming upReading) 重庆”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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