视频标签:Sea Stories
视频课题:泉州市中学英语课堂实录比赛(北师大版)Module 3 Unit 7 Lesson 4 Sea Stories
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泉州市中学英语课堂实录比赛(北师大版)Module 3 Unit 7 Lesson 4 Sea Stories
组 别 __英语_________
设计主题:_Module 3 Unit 7 Lesson 4 Sea Stories___
教学设计内容 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
设计主题 |
Module 3 Unit 7 Lesson 4 Sea Stories | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
根据本课的教学要求(补足课文缺失的部分句子)及学生的学情,加上通过阅读积累,希望学生可以将所学内容应用到实际生活中,本人设计了这堂融合阅读技巧及写作,口语呈现为一体的课堂。 |
2.教学背景分析 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
教学内容分析: 本篇课文的主题是海上故事,是单元话题“故事”中的一个冒险故事,培养学生根据上下文填入缺失句子的能力,使学生在提高阅读能力的同时,培养危机意识。话题有趣,故事情节跌宕起伏,通俗易懂。 学生情况分析: 本篇课文的教学对象时高一学生,通过将近一学期的学习,学生的认知水平有所提高,对阅读信息的获取、处理、分析能力有所进步。学生对课本里的艺术话题较为感兴趣,学习积极性高。 |
3.教学目标分析 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. 语言知识目标:①复习本课里的新单词、词组。②练习本文的阅读技能。③复述和归纳课文。 2. 能力目标:提高阅读能力:通过上下文提示填入缺失句子 3. 情感目标:了解并学会在危机关头如何应对 |
4.教学重点、难点分析 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
教学重点: 1. 如何运用各种阅读技巧获取阅读信息、处理阅读信息。 2. 培养学生的语言运用能力和合作能力。 教学难点: 根据文章的积累写作并在课堂呈现 |
5.教学过程设计 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
步骤1:lead-in 引入 (2分钟) Students watch a short video about some disasters that have happened during the past one year made by myself. 设计意图: The story to learn in this class is about a man having a narrow escape from a disaster, so I found some other kinds of disasters to lead the students into the atmosphere. 步骤2:Pre- Reading :Warm-up/ word-building(5分钟) word – building The students are grouped and they are required to give the answers about the words as quickly and accurately as possible. 设计意图: This activity is intended to check the students’ work in prevision and to prepare the students for the vocabulary needed for the lesson. 步骤3:While- Reading (7分钟) Activity one: Video --- Story telling Students watch a video made by the teacher about some broken-down plots of the story in the lesson. Activity two: Short- term memory challenge The students will be given hints and they are required to recite sentences from the text. 设计意图 Activity one: This activity is to visually and audibly input the story to the students and prepare the students for the next activity about short-term memory. Activity two: The activity is to encourage the students to output what they have just learnt and to help them consolidate the target language in this lesson. 步骤4:Reading Strategy ---- Sequencing (4) Reorder a passage The students are given a passage of 4 paragraphs. The paragraphs are in random order. The students use the reading strategy learned in this lesson and put the paragraphs in order using limited time. 设计意图 This activity is to put into practice the reading strategy the students have learnt. 步骤5:Post- Reading: Writing and Speaking(10分钟) The students are given example of the dialogue they are to make, and then they will be given enough time to create a situation and find a way out if they come across those situations. 设计意图 The activity is to subconsciously introduce Subjective Mood and to help the students to be prepared for unexpected disasters by equipping them with some life skills. 步骤6: Wrap- up (6分钟) Activity one: Self- assessment ---- Exit Slip The students are given a sticker to write down self-assessment about their achievements and questions in this lesson and they will stick the sticker on a Target board to show their understanding of the lesson. Activity two: Homework Write a story imitating the one in this lesson, which can be the students’ own experience or something happening to their friends or they can even make up a story. 设计意图 Activity one: This activity is to help the students to review and summarize the lesson on their own and to independently find out the possible problems in learning. The teacher can decide from the information put on the sticker how much and how well the students master the knowledge and skills learnt. Activity two: The homework is to help the students further understand the article and to encourage the students to use what they have learnt |
6.教学评价设计 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Group 1 Group 2 Group3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group7 Group 8 Scores: Total:
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com