视频课题:高中英语人教版选修十Book10 Unit 3 Fairness for all Reading浙江省衢州高级中学
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Teaching Design for Book 10 Unit 3 Fairness for all
本单元的主题是“废除种族隔离,实现人人平等”,旨在让学生了解20世纪50至60年代美国存在的种族隔离情况及广大黑人为废除种族隔离制度而做的各种努力。Reading 部分选取的是一篇黑人妇女(Maryann Jones)写的日记,这篇日记真实地记录了标志50年代民权运动开端的蒙哥马利市黑人妇女(Rosa Parks)抵制公共汽车上的种族歧视事件,通过作者本人的亲身参与,以第一人称叙事方式让学生体会当时黑人拒绝乘坐公共汽车的决心和团结一致进行斗争的精神。文本的处理上主要集中在黑人所面临的unfair situation和他们为改变现状而fight against 这两方面。该课本人采用的是基于主题意义探究的教学实践方法,课堂以学生为主体,体现学生主动发现过程,遵循从表层信息走向深度学习的认知规律。具体分为三个层次的活动:第一层活动:获取和梳理与主题相关的事实性信息。 1. 教师通过《绿皮书》中一小段视频及头脑风暴的方式来激活学生对于黑人所面对的不公平待遇的主题背景知识2. 给学生第一篇日记的内容,找出该日记中黑人所面对的不公平对待以及他们的反应从而引出bus boycott。3. 把文章剩余部分发给学生,让学生通篇全读,获取大意。之后教师给出4个围绕bus boycott的问题,通过小组合作方式来帮助学生理清事件经过。学生在整理这四个问题的过程中也就对黑人反抗的决心和作出的努力有了一个基本的了解。第二层次:阐释、分析、判断所获取的相关主题信息,形成自己的观点。1. 理清整个事件经过后,回到“是什么使得黑人赢得胜利”的问题上来,学生发表自己的观点;教师进一步要求学生去文章中找相对应地能够支撑他们观点的句子,让学生在理解语言表层信息的前提下聚焦文本深层的信息。2. 解读最后一篇日记里的a small blow for liberty来检验学生对该抵制事件意义的理解,进而引出文章标题 The Start of Civil Rights movement。3. 通过寻找问题“but who knows where it 'll lead?” 的答案,学生知晓黑人之后在教育,选举,住宿,工作等方面赢得的平等权利,进一步加深学生对这次抵制事件意义的理解。4. 让学生理解“All men are created equal”这句与主题语境相关的句子,让学生自主探究出本单元的主题“Fairness for all”。第三层次:将所获取的主题相关知识、观念迁移运用到新情境中。这部分以家庭作业的形式检验:以笔头作业的形式让学生描述课堂开始前放的视频内容,尽可能运用本节课学习的单词,在新的主题情境中运用所阅读的主题信息表达观点。
Teaching goals:
(1) The students will be able to know some words and expressions about unfairness and use some of them in homework writing activity (boycott, prohibit, offence, seperation, hostility, constitutional 等 ). (2) The students will be able to learn some unfair situations of the blacks in 1950s and explore the cause, process, result of the Montgomery bus boycott in groups of four.
(3) The students will be able to speak out their opinions about what made the victory by analyzing the sentences in the passage.
(4) The students will be able to have a better understanding of the theme “Fairness for all” .
(1) Explore the cause, process and result of the Montgomery bus boycott in groups of four. (2) Speak out their opinions about what made the victory by analyzing the sentences in the passage. (3) Understand the theme “Fairness for all” . 教学难点:
(1) Speak out their opinions about what made the victory by analyzing the sentences in the passage. (2) Explore the significance of the success of the Montgomery bus boycott.
Step One. Lead-in 视频导入主题
T: what can you see in the video? S: Dr. Don was treated in an unfair way.
T: Yes, at that time the blacks were looked down upon. T: What was his reaction in the video?
S: He refused to use the toilet and went back to the hotel.
T: Yes, sit down please. Actually, this unfair situation was quite common at that time. Do you know some other cases? Ss: ...
用《绿皮书》里的一段视频引出黑人所遭遇的不公平对待。学生通过头脑风暴的方式回答第三个问题 Do you know some other cases?从而唤起已有背景知识。第二个问题what was his reaction?则是与文本中黑人积极反抗不平等待遇形成呼应。导入部分三个问题皆为下面文本阅读做好主题铺垫和内容预设。
Step Two. The first diary 引出公交抵制运动
T: The passage here is another example. Read it, and try to find unfair situaion the blacks faced and their reactions?
(2mins later...)
T: Who can tell me what unfair situation the blacks faced? S1: The blacks should sit in the worst seats on the bus.
S2: Unfair system prohibited the blacks from sitting where they like on the bus. T: What’s the meaning of “prohibit” ? S2: Prohibit means forbid.
S3: It is regarded as an offence if blacks sits at the front of a bus. T: What’s the meaning of “offence”. S3: Offence means crime.
T: In face of this unfair situation, what were the blacks’ reactions? S4: Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. T: That means they refused to follow the rule
S5: King and the other black leaders in Montgomery have seized on this incident and decided on a collision course to change the law. T: What does this sentence imply? S5: They decided to fight against the law.
T: Actually, they decided to start a campaign, can you find the name of it? S6: A boycott of the buses and trolleybuses. T: Do you know the word “boycott”?
S6: Refuse to buy or use sth as a way of protesting. [设计说明]:
该文本较长,生词较多,考虑到学生阅读困难,在文本阅读上,先给出第一篇日记内容,从中找出公交车抵制事件的背景(即黑人所面临的不公对待),再进一步引出黑人为改变这种不公而发起bus boycott campaign。让学生了解公车抵制运动的历史背景是为了帮助学生更好地理解接下来的课文内容——运动的整个过程。
Step Three. The remaining part of the passage 通过小组活动处理公车抵制运动的起因,经过和结果 Activity1: Prediction
T: What may have happened next? Ss: ...
Activity2: Reading (Individual work)
T: Read the remaining part in silence and try to catch the main idea. Activity3: Group work
(1) T: Here there are 4 questions for you to better understand it. Work in groups of four and one for each question. 学生先以小组的形式读四个问题,组内分配问题(一人负责一个) 2mins (2) T: Now, try to find the answer separately. 学生独立找自己问题的答案 2mins (3) T: Now, share your answers with your partner 学生分享自己问题的答案 3mins
T: All right, let’s check if you have got all the information. Q1:What incident set off the bus boycott?
S: Rosa Parks was arrested by the police for not giving up her seat to a white man. T: What’s the meaning of “arrest”
Q2: What did the blacks do during the bus boycott?
S: They went to work on foot or in taxis. They refused to shop downtown. Q3: What did the whites do during the bus boycott?
S: They shouted abuse at the blacks and bombed the leader's houses. T: What’s the meaning of “ abuse” and “bomb” S: They announced the boycott was over. Q4: What was the result of the bus boycott?
S: The US Supreme Court declared separation on buses was not constitutional
Step 4. What made the victory(discussion) 通过文本细节分析推理来提炼观点 T: The blacks won the victory. What was the date of their victory? S: November 13,1956.
T: As we know, the story began on December 4th,1955. how long did the boycott last? S: About one year.
T: The campaign lasted a whole year. Can you imagine its toughness? S: Yes.
T: But in the end they won it. Can you tell me what made the victory?
Ss: Determination, Unity, Perserverance, Confidence, the Guidance of leaders; Strong will,Belief, Cooperation
T: Now, try to find some evidences in the passage to support your opinion. You can discuss with your partner.
S1: They're hopeful that they can negociate a fairer situation if all the blacks support them. T: Try to explain the sentence in your own words.
S1: The blacks were quite sure that they could reach a fairer situation if all of them got united. T: From this sentence, what do you know? S1: Unity is very important.
S2: We felt their hostility but it only made us firmer in our resolve. T: Try to explain the sentence in your own words.
S2: In face of the whites’ hostility, the balcks became more and more determined. From this sentence, we can see the blacks’ determination
S3: In face of the growing hostility of the whites and their tricks, the writer said “it must mean we're winning ”, so I think they were quite confident.
S4: We must continue till we win...houses were bombed...But this did not stop the boycott. T: What can we learn from this sentence?
S4: They insist on the the bus boycott in spite of the difficulties. So their perseverance also plays an important role in the battle.
S5: I won’t mind my tired feet tommorrow. The sentence shows the blacks determination. T: Can you explain it in your own words? S5: I will continue walk to work.
Step Five. Read for the theme 寻找公交抵制运动的意义及“人人平等”主题的探索 Activity1: Find out the writer’s feeling about the success.
T: With determination, unity, confidence and perseverance, the blacks won the campaign, all of them must have been very happy, so was the writer. Can you find some clues in the last diary. S1: Today is a red-letter day! T: How to understand the sentence? S1: The day is very important
S2: “My happiness is complete!” That means I am extremely happy。 Activity2: Find out the significance of bus boycott campaign.
T: Here, Pay attention to the last sentence of her diary “We may only have struck one small blow for liberty but who knows where it’ll lead?” how do you understand “one small blow for liberty” here? S: only one small step for liberty.
T: It means the boycott was just _________________ S: The start of civil rights movement. Activity3: Find out the topic of this unit
T: At the end of the diary, the writer raised a question “who knows where it’ll lead?” do you know the answer?
S: The sucess of the Montgomery bus boycott began the Civil Rights Movement that led to the improvement of condition for blacks people in education, housing,jobs, voting and hotels throughout the USA.
T: Yes! The blacks won eaqual rights in education, housing, jobs, voting, hotels afterwards.
T: Now I’m thinking of one sentence from the Declaration of Independence, “all men are created equal.” What can we learn from it? Ss:...
这部分着重处理公交抵制运动的意义。从作者最后一篇日记里的最后一句话中的“one small blow for liberty”入手,检验学生对本次运动的理解,从而引到文章标题上。再从日记结尾问题:who knows where it’ll lead? 上进一步验证公交抵制运动带来的实际意义。教师顺势提出美国《独立宣言》里的一句话“All men are created equal.”,让学生谈谈对这句话的理解,也即检测学生在通过这堂课之后对“人人平等”这个主题的理解。这个步骤以文本为核心,循序渐进,环环相扣,引导学生探索公交抵制事件的意义及“人人平等”的主题。 Step Six. Homework
Write a short passage about the clip with the words you have just learned in the passage. Your comments on the situaiton or the characters should be included. (at least 60 words)
[设计说明]:作业部分是检测学生将所获取的主题相关知识、观念迁移运用到新情境中的能力, 以及在新的主题情境中运用所阅读的主题信息表达观点的能力。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Fairness”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“高中英语人教版选修十Book10 Unit 3 Fairness for all Reading浙江省衢州高级中学”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“高中英语人教版选修十Book10 Unit 3 Fairness for all Reading浙江省衢州高级中学”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----