视频课题:NSEFC小说欣赏入门 Unit 1 The Open Window阅读课-浙江金华第一中学
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NSEFC 小说欣赏入门 Unit 1 The Open Window阅读课 教学设计 一.教学分析 1.教学内容分析
文本选自NSEFC小说欣赏入门 Unit 1 The Open Window。该小说改编自与欧亨利齐名的英国著名短篇小说大师萨基的《敞开的窗户》一文。萨基擅长在小说中铺设伏笔,制造悬念,给小说以出其不意的结尾。《敞开的窗户》就集中体现了以上特点,小说英文原文不过寥寥千余字,却讲述了一个生动曲折的“鬼故事”,结构严谨,语言细腻,把小姑娘Vera的慧黠和主人公Framton的神经质刻画得惟妙惟肖。出人意外的小说结尾部分又让原本惊悚的故事平添了几分喜剧风味。人教版教材将该故事分为两个部分:第一部分是Vera和Framton的谈话,第二部分是Mrs. Sappleton和Framton的谈话, 将小说的悬念保留到了最后。 2.学生分析 (1)学生能力
Z省某重点高中国际部高一年级的学生,具备一定的词汇量和小说阅读基础。 (2)学生心理
思维活跃,想象力丰富,表现意识强,适合交互探索式阅读模式。 3.教学目标 (1)语言技能目标
能根据故事行文要素,梳理故事情节,提取行文线索词。 (2)语言知识目标
能赏析文本语言,习得以主题词为载体细节化表述; (3)学习策略目标
能通过信息查找﹑文本分析﹑总结归纳人物性格以及关注语篇逻辑; (4)情感态度目标
能在小组活动中分享资源,进行同伴评价,培养合作精神。 4. 教学重点
(2)精读学习基于主题词的细节化描述; (3)思读关注语篇逻辑和文本内涵。
5. 教学难点
(1)能根据故事要素提取行文线索词; (2)能依据文本细节描述归纳人物性格; (3)能根据语篇内在逻辑进行情节补写。
二.教学设计思路 1. 备课思路
本节课属于小说阅读课,因授课时间限制,课前笔者先让学生预习了该小说。为保留小说的悬念特点,教师在备课阶段将文本的第二部分Mrs Sappleton和Framton的对话部分进行了改编,按照阅读信息差分两次呈现,引导学生赏析语言和关注语篇内在逻辑。虽然学生提前预习了该小说,但小说的悬疑特点得到了很好的保留,为之后的课堂生成做好了铺垫。预热口语部分,教师让学生用自己的语言描绘小说插图,引入nervous一词。阅读时,教师根据文本设置三个梯度的阅读任务。第一梯度通读关注情节,教师通过四个问题和两张图表帮助学生梳理小说情节和主要人物之间的关系。第二梯度精读关注语言赏析,主题词的细节化描述,通过赏析小说第一部分人物性格以及小说高潮部分Framton所见的细节化描述,让学生习得如何从直接和间接两个层面来描述主题词nervous。第三梯度思读关注语篇逻辑和文本内涵,教师设置培养学生批判性思维的讨论题,引导学生关注文本内涵。除此之外,教师设置阅读信息差,故事结尾部分的一句话情节补写训练,引导学生更加关注语篇的逻辑性,培养学生的思辨能力。 2. 课堂流程图
3. 板书设计
Step 1 Warming-up Brainstorm for related words (2mins)
T: Today, we’re going to learn a short story called The Open Window by Saki. And before we jump to the reading part, I’d like to show you a picture related to the story. What can you see in the picture? S1:A man and a girl.
T: Yes, and a widely open window. Now let’s focus on the man’s expression. How does the man look? Can you use some adjectives to describe it. S2: Eh, I think he looks sad.
T: Yes, sad. And I think he may look a little bit nervous. When will you feel nervous? S3: Never. (Students laughed)
T: You’re such a brave boy. This morning’s loud thundering made me feel nervous. Ss: Yes.
T: Let’s find out what makes this man feel nervous.
【设计说明】 口语预热部分,教师呈现小说插图,引入nervous一词。除了激活话题词汇,也引导学生关注非文本阅读(如图表等)。通过预习,学生对该小说已经有了一定了解,通过预热部分的插图更为直观的呈现小说人物之间的关系和主要故事情节。教师在呈现图片时,特意省去了Framton透过落地窗所看,保留了小说阅读的悬念。
Step 2 While-reading (32mins) 1. Skip for structure (3mins)
T: As you’ve previewed the story, can you tell me the name of the man? Ss: Framton.
T: Yes, now let’s skip the whole story again and focus on the following two questions.
S4: He felt nervous when he met some strangers, so he went to the country.
T: Yeah, he came to clam his nerves. Do you know the meaning of ‘nerves’? Now here, I give you two choices. Which one is correct? Ss: B. the state of being worried and frightened.
T: Framton was easy to get nervous. Then, how many people did he talk with? And who are they?
S5: Two people. Mrs Sappleton and Vera.
T: How old is Vera? And what is the relationship between the two people? S5: Vera is 15. They’re aunt and niece. T: Did Framton know them before? Ss: No, they’re strangers.
T: Then why did Framton come to them as he always felt nervous? S6:His sister told him to visit Mrs Sappleton as she is a nice lady. T: Yes, then who did he talk with first? Ss: Vera.
T: Now, let’s read the first talk .
【设计说明】 通过两个问题帮助学生梳理Framton,Mrs Sappleton 和Vera之间的关系以此将小说划分为两次谈话。教师对词组calm his nerves进行重点讲解,让学生关注Framton容易紧张的性格特点,为之后的故事发展。期间穿插的问题链让学生更好了解故事发生背景。
2. Read for plot-talk 1 (8mins)
T: Read the first talk. And here are two questions for you to pay attention to. S7: She told Framton a tragedy about her aunt.
T: Let’s take a closer look at the tragedy. You got one minute to prepare to retell Mrs Sappleton’s tragedy. While retelling, focus on the basic elements of a story: When, Who, What.
S8: The tragedy happened exactly three years ago today. Mrs Sappleton’s husband and brothers went out hunting and never returned. T: Why did they never return?
S8: Because they drowned in the swamp. T: It means they .. Ss: Died.
T: Look at the picture . You will know the meaning of “swamp”. If you got drowned in this, your body..
Ss: Difficult to find.
T: How did Mrs Sappleton accept their death? Ss: She couldn’t come over.
T: That’s the reason why she kept the French window open, for she was expecting .. Ss: They are coming back.
【设计说明】 通过问题和复述环节,让学生依据故事三要素概述Vera口中有关Mrs Sappleton的悲剧,穿插提问故事相关细节为之后的猜测环节做铺垫。
3. Read for language-talk 1 10mins)
T: So after hearing the tragedy, Framton felt more… Ss: Nervous.
T: Yes, and nervous is Framton’s main character traits. Now let’s look at the chart here. Can you tell me the main character traits of Vera ? Ss: Calm.
T: We know people’s words and actions will reveal one’s characters. Now Let’s read carefully and underline the supporting description.
S9:He felt nervous, very nervous. Strangers always made him feel nervous. Waiting made him feel nervous. Talking made him feel nervous. Everything made him feel nervous.
T: Yes, what figure of speech is used here? Ss: Parallelism.
T: Yes, a very direct way to show someone is nervous. Quite impressive. What about Vera.
S11: She talked very calm.
T: Yes, a repetition of using calm. And have you noticed this sentence “her words broke a long silence.” An indirect way to show Framton is very nervous.
4. Read for plot&language-talk 2 (11 mins)
T: The talk with Vera didn’t help Framton to ease his nerves. He felt happy when Mrs Sappleton came downstairs. Now, let’s focus on the subjects of their talk and their reaction. What’s the subject of Mrs Sappleton? S12:Hunting.
T: Yeah, she talked more about hunting ,about her.. S12: Husband and two brothers. T: What about Framton?
S12:His nervous.
T: Yes, what about the reaction of Mrs Sappleton during the conversation? S13: She smiled cheerfully. S14: Yawn, alert, exclaimed.
T: Yes, then I’d like to invite one student to act out her reaction. S15 came and acted out (Ss laughed).
T: Quite a good performance. From her reaction, can you tell what she felt about this talk? Ss: Boring.
T: Yes, then what about Framton? S16: Dreadful, nervous.
T: Can you find more? What about his reaction when Mrs Sappleton exclaimed? S16: He shivered, shook his head sadly.
T: Do you know the meaning of “shiver”? From this description , we can conclude that in Framton’s eyes, Mrs Sappleton is .. Ss: Crazy. Mad.
T: Did Vera say anything in talk 2? Ss: No.
T: But she gave some reaction to their talk. Let’s read the description together.
Can you guess what Framton saw through the French open window? S17: Her husband and brothers.
T: Let’s continue the story. I’d like to invite one student to read what Framton saw and the other students try to underline the words to show Framton’s horrible feelings. S18: without making a sound , they moved closer. S19: a young voice began to sing T: Nice job, I’d like to show more to you.
( Appreciate certain words that create such horrible atmosphere like “dim, figure.” ) T: In Framton’s eyes, he thought he saw... Ss: Ghosts.
T: After seeing that, what would Framton do? S20: He ran wildly.
T: You can take out the ending part from your drawer and read it quickly.
(Ss read the ending of the story)
【设计说明】 在Talk2部分,作者对人物动作和心理有很多细致的描述,逐渐将故事推进到高潮。教师通过表格帮助学生梳理情节的同时也让学生关注语言层面,扫除生词障碍。教师在问题链中设置了推断题,让学生从细节描述中做出合理推测,培养学生的批判性阅读思维。将故事的高潮和结尾部分分两次呈现,先让学生的关注点放在故事的高潮部分,通过语言赏析环节解读作者如何通过场景描写烘托恐怖气氛。接着呈现故事出人意料的结尾,原来一切都只是Vera编造的一个故事,而Framton却对此深信不疑并且被吓到四处逃散。为之后的读后讨论进行了铺垫。
Step3 Post-reading (12mins)
T: From the ending part, we can learn that Vera made up a story. And I think her story not only deceived Framton but also our readers. Now I’d like you to read the whole story again and focus on what Vera did and describe her character traits.
Ss: naughty, interesting, smart.
T: I think her character traits help her to make a convincing story.
T: In Mrs Sappleton’s eyes, her guest acted strangely. Then at that moment Vera made up another story to convince Mrs Sappleton. Please have a group discussion and find out that logical reason.
S21: I think the reason might be the guns.
T: You mean the guns may terrify Framton. What about the other ideas? S22: I think the reason might be the song.
T: You mean the London Bridge. He may have a bad experience with that. Nice guessing. Now I’d like to show you the original version of the story.
You can enjoy this part after the class. A very surprising ending.
Step 4. Homework
T: Hope you can have a better understanding of the story. There are some critical thinking questions for you to think about after the class.
【设计说明】 一节课对于小说文本解读是有限的,课后作业教师为学生设置了三个思考题,希望学生可以多角度的理解文本,思考小说的立意和主题。
语言学习者可通过接受可理解输入来提高他们的语言能力。理想的输入有以下几个特点: 可理解性,既有趣又相关, 非语法程序安排和足够的输入量(Krashen& Terrel, 1983)。基于这个特点,英文短篇小说作是非常好的阅读教材,因为其语篇短小完整、人物塑造个性鲜明、语言精练生动、文化内涵丰富,兼具文学价值和教学价值。
与输出的对应关系,对教学的反拨作用显著。就读后续写而言,它“是一种将阅读与写作紧密结合的考查形式,旨在考查学生的综合语言运用能力”,主要聚焦“把握短文关键信息和语言特点”“语言运用的准确性和丰富性”“对语篇结构的把控能力” 和“创造性思维能力”(刘庆思、陈康,2016)可见,学生要写好续写首先应当对文本语篇理解到位,对文本情节梳理清楚。由于素养是在人与情境的互动中生成的,故情境设计是培养核心素养的必然选择,提倡体验学习(程晓堂、赵思奇,2016)。
笔者尝试情境式阅读设计,根据小说主题词梳理情节,分析人物性格,设计的任务基于学生学习需求和能力要求,逐层推进。板书部分通过主人物Framton的情绪线作为小说发展曲线,更为直观的呈现作者是如何进行故事高潮部分的烘托和描述。在梳理情节的过程中,将语言赏析有机结合在一起,培养学生读写不分家的意识。问题的设置不仅仅有培养学生通用思维能力层面的,也有专注于形成学生特定思维能力的主题评述类思辨题来培养学生的评判能力。评判是批判性阅读中的常用策略,又称评价,可以是赞成、欣赏,也可以是质疑、反对,还可以是延伸、对比(张茹芳,2012)。基于思维品质的主题评述相对其他写作类型更具挑战性,是对学生语言、内容、思维的综合考查。要求学生对文本进行了细读和复读,加深自己的阅读体验和思考的同时,也提供机会让学生充分表达自己的思想和价值观,在同伴分享中得到成长,彼此间碰撞出思维火花。 1.重点突出 以点带面
2. 自主学习 协作讨论
在以读促写英文讲评课的教学过程中,教师即是引导者,又是组织者。教师通过问答﹑小组讨论﹑小组分享等课堂活动,避免了讲评课教师一人独大,鼓励学生主动探索,尊重学生的发言,训练学生的批判性思维。在学生归纳总结和小组讨论的时候,教师不失时机的点拨、启发,在提高讨论实效性的同时,也让学生感受到自主学习的成就感。 3.语言赏析 读写共进
结合学生和听课教师的反馈,本节课仍有以下许值得思考与探讨的问题: 1.阅读的完整性
本节课为了保留小说悬念和思维逻辑培养的目的,对文本进行了逐步呈现。一定程度上破坏了小说类阅读的完整性。通常小说阅读在于一气呵成,先通读完整个故事,之后在进行情节梳理,人物性格分析和主题探讨。因本次教学设计采取了情境式阅读模式,因此在提出主题词Nervous一词之后,让学生分块细读文本,就完整性而言有所不足。 2.读后问题的完成度
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com