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高中英语外研版必修3Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Reading and vocabulary四川

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视频课题:高中英语外研版必修3Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Reading and vocabulary四川

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高中英语外研版必修3Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Reading and vocabulary四川省天全中学

1. 训练阅读技巧,尤其是略读和精读的能力;
2.  了解并掌握一些重点单词和短语;
3. 通过讨论和写作,增强学生说和写的能力;
4. 学生了解沙尘暴的起因和影响,知道该做些什么去保护我们的环境。
1. 总结与环境和保护环境有关的单词和短语;
2. 提高学生抓每段中心意思的能力。
活动1【导入】step 1. Lead-in
Show some pictures of sandstorms to  students, then ask the students two questions:
1 Did you experience sandstorm?
2. What natural disaster is it?
活动2【讲授】step 2. Pre-reading
Match the words with their definitions .
 citizen          cycle (v)       dust           expert     forecast         process      situation         survive 
1. to ride a bicycle
2. someone who knows a lot about a particular subject
3. things that happen one after another , and have a result
4. someone who lives in a particular town or country.
5. very small bits of dirt or earth , on the ground or in the air
6. to continue to live after a difficult or dangerous situation or event
7. to say what will probably happen
8. everything that is happening at a particular time
活动3【讲授】step 3. Skimming
1. Match the main idea with each paragraph.
Sandstorms in Asia.
Sandstorms sometimes affect Beijing.
The government plants trees to prevent sandstorms.
Sandstorms have been a major disaster for centuries.
Sandstorms do a lot of damage to people.
Sandstorms in China appear to have increased as a result of desertification.
2.The passage structure should be:
A:   ①             B.   ①   ②            
② ③ ④ ⑤              ③ ④ ⑤             
      ⑥                   ⑥               
C.   ①
   ③ ④ ⑤
活动4【练习】step 4. Scanning
1.Fill in the diagram with one proper word.
Part I (paragraph 1)
 part II (paragraph 2-5)
 part Ⅲ(paragraph 6)
2. Choose the best answer.
 ①. A mass campaign has been started to help solve the problem of ____.
A. sandstorm  B. desert  C. water shortage  D. high temperature
 ②. The four main places in the world where there are sandstorms are ___.
A. North Asia, South America, Central Africa and Australia
B. Central Asia, North America, Central Africa and Australia
C. North Europe, Central America, West Africa and Australia
D. Central Asia, North America, Central Africa and Australia
 ③. Sandstorms begin in _____ areas.
A. countryside    B. mountainous      C. populated      D. desert
 ④. To prevent _____ coming nearer, the government is planting trees.
A. sandstorms    B. strong winds      C. deserts        D. bad weather
3. Retell the text and fill in the blanks.
A sandstorm is a major  ____  for many Asian countries. Sandstorms are strong, dry winds that carry ____. They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand _____.
The four _____ places in the world where sandstorms are found are Central Asia, North America, Central Africa and Australia. Northwest China is part of the sandstorm _____ in Central Asia.
Sandstorms sometimes come to Beijing. Citizens _____ up to an orange sky and strong winds. The storms sometimes go on all ____ and traffic becomes very slowly. The Chinese Central Weather Station is ____ to forecast a sandstorm some weeks before it arrives in Beijing, but its strength _______ people. The _____ is only 250 kilometres away to the west of Beijing. To prevent it coming nearer, the government is planting trees.
4. Fill in the tables.
Sandstorms in Asia (key words)
Strong, dry winds______, the most______ and dangerous.
Desertification;________ changes ;________ trees;_________  grass.
an______ sky, strong ______, city in a thick, brown-yellow______, move slowly, difficult to see and breathe
活动5【活动】step 5. Post-reading----discussion.
1.Work in pairs and discuss what we should do to protect our
 ①.Writing process.    
 . Make a speech.
活动6【作业】step 6. Homework
Continue to finish the speech. 

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“Sandstorms,in Asia”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“高中英语外研版必修3Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Reading and vocabulary四川”,所属分类为“高中英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“高中英语外研版必修3Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia Reading and vocabulary四川”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:9899267】 -----

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