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人教版选修8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions (Period 1 Warming up and reading)新疆 - 伊犁

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视频课题:人教版选修8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions (Period 1 Warming up and reading)新疆 - 伊犁

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人教版选修8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions (Period 1 Warming up and reading)新疆 - 伊犁

Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 
(Period 1 Warming up and reading) 
Teaching aims and demands: 
u Enable students to talk about inventors and inventions. u Learn about the stages used in producing an invention. u Enable students to get a good understanding of the passage. 2.过程与方法目标: 
u Communicative method to make every student work in class. u Use different reading strategies to finish the reading tasks. 3.情感态度与价值观目标: u Don’t be afraid of failure.  
u Know the importance of applying for a patent. 
Teaching important points: 
u Enable students to learn about the stages used in producing an invention. u Enable students to get a good understanding of the passage. 
Teaching difficult points: 
u Enable students to know the criteria of an invention. 
Teaching methods: 
Task-based method , competition, group work, discussion. 
Teaching aids: 
Teaching steps:  
Step1. Warming up 
T: Today we are going to learn a very interesting topic---inventors and inventions.   As we all know, inventors are very important to our society, and also inventions are very helpful and useful to us. Now let’s look at some great inventions together. (Show some pictures of great inventions) 
Then let students tell the differences between invention and discovery. 

An invention is something that is created by a human being. 
A discovery is merely making known something that already exists in nature. Sometimes a discovery may lead to an invention. 
T: Now let’s look at some pictures, what inventions can you think of ? (Lead in the reading text) 
Step2. Fast reading  
Ask students to go through the passage quickly and finish the following two tasks. (1). Match the main idea with each part. 
Part 1 (para.1      )               Do some research Part 2 (paras.2-3    )               Find the problem Part 3 (paras.4-6    )               Apply for a patent 
Part 4 (paras.7-8    )               Three attempts to catch the snakes (2).What does the writer mainly tell us about? A. Introduces what the problem of snakes is. B. Tells us how to get patents. 
C. Introduces what the problem of snake is and her mother wants her to catch them. D. Introduces her idea of trapping the snakes and her application for a patent. 
Step3. Careful reading(reading competition) 
Divide the whole class into two groups, let them read the passage carefully and have a reading competition. 
(1). Part 1 (Para.1) :Find the problem.(Listen to the tape and answer the two questions.) ² What was the problem? 
    Snakes came near the house now and then, and they seemed to have made their home in the courtyard. 
² Why did the writer feel proud? 
    Because it gave her a chance to distinguish herself and invent something to catch the snakes without hurting them at the same time. 
(2). Part 2 (Paras.2-3): Do some research. (Listen to the tape and answer the three questions.) ² The writer researched the ________ of snakes. 
² The writer decided to catch the snakes in ___ possible approach.     A. the first                B. the second     C. the third               D. every 
² The third approach is to ________ the snakes so that they would become sleepy and could be 
easily ________. 
Suggested answers: habits, C, cool, caught  
(3).Part 3 (Paras.4-6): Three attempts to catch the snakes.(Fill in the blanks ) The first attempt: The second attempt: The third attempt: 
(4). Part 4 (Paras 7&8) : Apply for a patent.  True or False 
①. Only a scientific theory or mathematical model can be applied for a patent. (     ) ②. The criteria of your patent is hard to get because it must be creative. (     ) 
③. Your product must be different from everybody else's if you want to receive a patent. (     ) 

④. If your invention passes the test, your application for a patent will be published 12 months from the date you apply. (     ) 
Step 4. The stages of producing an invention 
①Finding a problem ②Doing research  
③Thinking of a creative solution ④Testing the solution 
⑤Deciding on the invention ⑥Applying for a patent 
Step5. Watch a video about some great inventions Step6. Discussion: 
T: As students, we can also invent many useful and helpful things. Now, let’s have a discussion. Imagine if you were a great inventor, what do you want to invent? Why?  eg:  
(1). I want to invent a kind of robot , it can sweep the floor, wash clothes, water the flowers and cook dinner for me. Besides, it can talk with me, it can be my best friend. I think it must be a wonderful invention.   
(2). I want to invent a machine which can cross the time and space. It can make me know how the universe come into being.    
Step7. Homework: 
u Retell the passage. 
u Write a short passage about the things you want to invent. 
Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 
(Period 1 Warming up and reading) 
The main idea of each part: 
Part 1 (  para.1  ) :   Find the problem             
Part 2 (  paras.2-3 ):   Do some research                 Part 3 (  paras.4-6) :  Three attempts to catch the snakes Part 4 (  paras.7-8) :   Apply for a patent

选修八Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 阅读课导学案

1. in the countryside______________  2. call up _____________   3. now and then ________________
4. get rid of  __________________   5. set about ________________6.decide on_________________
7. seize the opportunity____________ addition______________
1. Lead-in
Invention & Discovery
An invention is something that is ______ by a human being.
A discovery is merely making known something that already _____ in nature.
2. Fast reading
(1). Match the main idea with each part.
Part 1 (para.1      )               Do some research
Part 2 (paras.2-3    )               Find the problem
Part 3 (paras.4-6    )               Apply for a patent
Part 4 (paras.7-8    )               Three attempts to catch the snakes
(2).What does the writer mainly tell us about?
A. Introduces what the problem of snakes is.
B. Tells us how to get patents.
C. Introduces what the problem of snake is and her mother wants her to catch them.
D. Introduces her idea of trapping the snakes and her application for a patent.
3. Careful reading
(1). Part 1 (Para.1) :Find the problem.
² What was the problem?
² Why did the writer feel proud?
(2). Part 2 (Paras.2-3): Do some research.
² The writer researched the ________ of snakes.
² The writer decided to catch the snakes in ___ possible approach.
   A. the first                B. the second
   C. the third               D. every
² The third approach is to ________ the snakes so that they would become sleepy and could be easily ________.
(3).Part 3 (Paras.4-6): Three attempts to catch the snakes.
The first attempt:
Bought an ______________ and froze the bowl Added the ice-cubes on top of the bowl to keep it ________ 
Placed the bowl over the snakes’ _________ in the morning         Covered the bowl with a large _______                                        ________the bucket and the bowl         The snakes were less ______ but they were still too fast for me
The second attempt:
l Placed the bowl over the snakes’ habitat in the evening.
l Once picked up, the snakes tried to ______ me.
The third attempt:
Repeated the ______ procedure        Carried a small_____         Collected passive snakes         ________ the snakes back into the wild
(4). Part 4 (Paras 7-8) : Apply for a patent.
True or False
①. Only a scientific theory or mathematical model can be applied for a patent. (     )
②. The criteria of your patent is hard to get because it must be creative. (     )
③. Your product must be different from everybody else's if you want to receive a patent. (     )
④. If your invention passes the test, your application for a patent will be published 12 months from the date you apply. (     )
4. The stages of producing an invention
①Finding a problem       ②Doing research        ③Thinking of a creative solution
④Testing the solution      ⑤Deciding on the invention⑥Applying for a patent
5. Discussion:
If you were a great inventor, what do you want to invent? Why?
Future Machine
As we know, our environment has been ________ (serious) polluted, I want to do something for our living ___________ (surround).
Now I am an _______, I will invent a machine that can change the rubbish ______ fresh air and water. The machine will be made of ________ (stain) steel. It is __________ (convenience) for us to operate. If we all use this kind of machine, the world will become better and better. If I can  _______ (success), it will be a _____ (merrily) thing.
In a word,_____ after we go one more step can the world be a giant step. Wish me ____ (lucky)!
u Retell the passage.
u Write a short passage about the things you want to invent.
Failure is the mother of success. - Thomas Paine 
We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. -- Mattin Luther King

6. Discussion:  

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