
视频标签:Travel journ
视频课题:Unit 3 Travel journal 高中英语人教版-杭州师范大学附属中学
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:Unit 3 Travel journal 高中英语人教版-杭州师范大学附属中学
教材分析:人教版高一必修一第三单元的阅读课Journey Down the Mekong。文章讲到主人公王坤和姐姐王薇想骑山地车旅行,于是选定了沿着云南西部的澜沧江,也就是湄公河作为旅游路线。他们选择海拔5000多米,空气非常稀薄的高山作为旅行的起点。这注定是一次非常刺激的旅行经历。通过查阅资料,他们知道了河流的特点和流向,沿途所要经过的地形等等,增长了地理方面的知识,开阔了视野。通过阅读,学生可以学到一些有关地理的单词和短语,懂得如何做好旅行前的准备工作,例如选择自己感兴趣的旅行地点,确定旅游路线,通过查地图等了解沿途的相关信息,激发学生旅游的兴趣。通过阅读,对文本进行进一步深入的解读,学生还能通过主人公王薇的言行举止了解到她鲜明的性格特征,也学会采用这种方式对身边的人的性格特征进行描述。
6.1 第一学时
活动1【活动】Warming Up and Lead In
课前:欣赏歌曲视频 When shall we travel far?
1、Warming Up (Have a free talk with the students)
T: Do you like traveling? Why?
T: When shall we travel far?
T: How was your graduation travel after junior middle school?
(Meanwhile, the teacher can also ask some more questions to make the students say something about their journey , such as their plans of trips, the difficulties they met in their journey and so on.)
2、Lead In
(1) T: Have you ever dreamed of visiting great rivers?
Present some pictures of great rivers in the world and ask students the names of some famous rivers in the world. (Yellow River, Nile, Mississippi, Thames, Mekong River)
(2) Show a picture of the Mekong River and the brief introduction of it.
Ask Ss to find out the countries the Mekong River flows through.
T: Do you know more about the Mekong River?
The longest river in South East Asia
The sixth longest river in the world
Another name in South East Asia—the Mekong River
采用谈话方式导入自然亲切,就Traveling话题作简单探讨,拉近师生之间的情感距离,营造出宽松的学习气氛,同时让学生了解世界著名河流有关基本背景,进而引出本节课的课题Journey down the Mekong。这一环节,激发了学生的兴趣和好奇心,为学生全面的课堂参与做铺垫。
1、Read paragraph 3 and find sentences to describe the pictures in the screen.
It begins in a glacier on a mountain in Qinghai.
·At first, the river is small and the water is clear and cold.
·It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys.
·It travels across western Yunnan Province.
·Sometimes the river becomes a waterfall and enters wide valleys.
·It becomes wide, brown and warm. Its pace slows.
·It makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys.
·It flows to the plain where rice grows.
·At last, the river delta enters the South China Sea.
T: What can they see when you travel along the Mekong?
活动3【讲授】Reading(paragraph 1)
2、Read paragraph 1
T: Who were eager to visit the Mekong River?
·Wang Kun and Wang Wei
(1) Let Ss read for basic information (who, when, what and how) in paragraph 1.
T: Who have the journey down the Mekong River?
T: When did they have the dream and when did they get the chance to realize their dream?
T: What was their dream?
T: How did they travel along the Mekong River? Why?
Set the stage: Wang Kun and Wang Wei, dreamed about, Dao Wei and Yu Hang , After graduating, cycle along …
Retell the story setting with the help of the basic information.
【设计说明】 通过 skimming 阅读策略,找出文章中最简单的信息,目的是教学生学会快速阅读的技巧,引领学生关注文本的主题及涉及主题的主要信息。通过复述故事背景,有助于增强他们对课文的理解,并锻炼他们的语言表达能力。
(2) Intensive reading
①Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one.
T: Why did she buy an expensive bike instead of a cheaper one?
Wang Wei’s personalities Evidence
enthusiastic(狂热的)/ considerate she bought an expensive mountain bike
persuasive She persuaded me to buy one
②They are Dai and grew up in western Yunnan Province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River in other countries.
(the minority---show Ss the picture of Dai )
③Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too.
(=Wang Wei persuaded them to cycle.)
T: Why did the writer choose these two persons instead of anyone else?
(They are Dai and grew up in western Yunnan Province near the Lancang River. Doubtlessly, they are more familiar with the landform of that area. They will be helpful in the team.)
④It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.
T: What kind of personality can you see?
⑤Now she is planning our schedule for the trip.
T: What’s this sentence doing here?
It serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following. (承上启下)
活动4【活动】Reading(paragraph 2)
(1)Read for Gist
I am fond of my sister but she has one serious shortcomings. She can be really stubborn. Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that she organize the trip properly. Now I know that the proper way is always her way.
Wang Wei’s personalities------ Evidence
I kept asking her, “When are we leaving and when are we coming back?” I asked her whether she had looked at a map yet. Of course she hadn’t; my sister doesn’t care about details.
Wang Wei’s personalities-----Evidence
So I told her that the source of the Mekong is in Qinghai Province. She gave me a determined look– the kind that said she would not change her mind. When I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, she seemed to be excited about it. When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience. I know my sister well. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it. Finally I had to give in.
My remarks-----Wang Wei’s response-----Wang Wei’s personalities
(2) An Interesting Pattern
So I told her that the source of the Mekong River is in Qinghai Province.
She gave me a determined look—the kind that said she would not change her mind.
When I told her that our journey would begin at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres, she seemed to be excited about it.
When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold, she said it would be an interesting experience.
(A parallel(平行的) structure----to emphasize 强调)
活动5【活动】Further Thinking
(1) T: Why did Wang Kun use the title Journey DOWN The Mekong?
(It begins at an altitude of 5000 meters--- It runs through low valleys to the plains, and the river delta enters the South China Sea.)
(2) Speaking and writing
Wang Wei’s personalities-----Evidence
Can you find a person with an impressive and typical personality? Show us the right one with a short story (evidence). ( 3-5 sentences )
Improve the short story and hand it in.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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