
视频标签:working the
视频课题:unit2 working the land省优质课视频
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:unit2 working the land九台市营城第一高级中学
教学目标 评论
1.Language aims:
Learn and master the useful words, phrases and sentence patterns in this period.
2.Ability aims:
(1).Train the students’ reading speed.
(2).Train the students’ reading techniques.
(3). Enable the students to have a better understanding of the content and structure of the passage.
3. Emotional aims:
(1).Enable the students to improve their cooperative ability by joining in group work.
(2).Get the students to know something about farming and the ways to reduce hunger。
(3). Get the students to learn some noble character from Dr Yuan and learn to cherish food.
2学情分析 评论
高一学生处于高中英语学习兴趣培养和学习习惯形成阶段。他们希望在学习过程中享受到乐趣,不希望老师死板地“满堂灌”字词及语法,而学习英语的最好方法就是在“用” 中学。他们希望教师在课堂上能呈现的东西是能够激发他们好奇心和创造力,并与他们日常生活紧密相连的学习语境。一旦教师走进他们的生活,民主和谐的师生关系一旦形成,他们就愿意跟着教师走,掌握文化知识,了解学习策略,形成良好的人生观和价值观。
3重点难点 评论
Teaching importance:
Grasp the usage of some words and expressions about farming
Help to comprehend the text and master some reading skills.
Teaching difficult points:
Develop the students’ reading ability.
4.1 第一学时
活动1【导入】Leading in 评论
Leading-in Show students the poem(锄禾) to lead in the topic of this unit.
活动2【导入】Warming up 评论
Ask some students to tell the teacher how to run a QQ Farm.
活动3【讲授】Pre-reading 评论
Introduce some background information of the invention of Super Hybrid Rice and show a video of Dr Yuan
活动4【讲授】Reading 评论
Step1 Skimming
Skim the passage and answer the questions on the screen.
Step 2Listening and scanning
Listen to the record and make an information card for Dr Yuan.
Step 3 Careful reading
Read each paragraph carefully.
Para 1 Fill in the blanks
Para 2 Put Dr Yuan's biography in the right order.
Para 3 Do the T or F and choose the right answer.
Para 4 Find the topic sentence of para 4.
活动5【活动】Post-reading 评论
1.Show a set of comparison between our life and the life of those suffering from hunger.
2.Watch a video of African children.
活动6【练习】Discussion 评论
Have a discussion about how we could do to help those suffering from hunger if we had chance.
活动7【练习】Conclusion 评论
The teacher makes a conclusion.
活动8【作业】Homework 评论
Write a short composition about how to reduce hunger according to the result of discussion.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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