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在线播放:信息素养提升实践融合创新应用教学案例(安徽)初中英语七年级下册Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Section B Reading and Writing

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信息素养提升实践融合创新应用教学案例(安徽)初中英语七年级下册Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Section B Reading and Writing

视频标签:post office


视频课题:信息素养提升实践融合创新应用教学案例(安徽)初中英语七年级下册Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Section B Reading and Writing

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初中英语七年级下册Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Section B Reading and Writing

Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?
Section B Reading and Writing
Hu Lin  Zhong Cang Middle School
Analysis of the teaching material
【What】 本课是通过再次阅读来自Anna,John和Lisa所写的三篇小短文,让同学们梳理短文主要内容:向大家介绍他们所居住的社区,最喜欢去的地方及原因,怎么从家去往最喜欢的地方。
【Why】 让学生学会向朋友、同学等介绍自己所在的社区,了解不同社区的建筑设施,通过分享让学生有爱家、爱社区的意识。
【How】 这三篇短文分别围绕着住哪里,最喜欢的去处及原因,如何从家前往喜欢的地方几方面展开。其中也穿插了一些作者的感受,从而更能体现作者对熟知的社区或家的所在地的一份热爱之情,通过对文本的再次剖析阅读帮助学生掌握写作技巧。
Analysis of the target students
Ⅰ Teaching Objectives
By the end of the class, my students are expected to
1. get useful information by reading the passages from Anna, John, and Lisa.
2. sort out the writing framework of the three passages by some key question words.
3. write a passage to talk about their neighborhoods according to a map with the help of the mind-map and some useful sentences.
4. have the awareness to love their homes or neighborhoods more.
Ⅱ Teaching Important & Difficult Points
1. get useful information by reading the passages from Anna, John, and Lisa.
2. sort out the writing framework of the three passages by some key question words.
3. Write a passage to talk about their neighborhoods according to a map with the help of the mind map and some useful sentences.
Ⅲ Teaching Methods
Communicative teaching method;Audio-visual method
Ⅳ Teaching Aids
CAI, pads, a blackboard
Ⅴ Teaching Procedures
Step1. Pre-writing
1. Greet my students and play a video to lead in the topic—neighborhood.
2. Ask my students to read the three passages and sort out the writing framework and find out some useful sentences.
3. Show a map of my neighborhood and talk about it.
a. talk about what places they see on the map.
b. draw lines on the map and then check the answers.
c. check the directions together.
4. Watch a video and see how to give directions.
Step2. While-writing
Read the map carefully and write a passage to introduce their neighborhood. Try to use the useful sentences from the passages.
Step3. Post-writing
1. Ask my students to hand in their passages on pads.
2. Show the checklist to them and let students give stars to themselves and then to their partners.
3. Evaluate some of their passages on the pads with my students together.
4. Summarize how to write about our neighborhoods and give a sample.
5. Make sure my students have the awareness to love their homes or neighborhoods more.
 Draw a map of your neighborhood and introduce it to your classmates or your friends in English.
Ⅵ Blackboard Design
Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?
Section B Reading and Writing

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