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统编部编版教材初中英语省优质课大赛_人教版 Go For It 九年级Unit 1 How can we become good learners Section A六安



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统编部编版教材初中英语省优质课大赛_人教版 Go For It 九年级Unit 1 How can we become good learners Section A六安

人教版Go For It 九年级
Unit 1 How can we become good learners?
Section A   1a-1c
一、.Teaching material analysis
In this unit,students learn to talk about how to study,which is very useful to students.It can help students to form their learning methods.Meanwhile,it’s helpful to raise all the students’interest and confidence in English study.Either more less advanced students will benifit a lot.Through the learning of this unit,it is easy to improve the students' knowledge level and cultural accomplishment. It is easy to carry out the students' aesthetic, interest and other aspects of education.And we can develop them imagination, innovative consciousness and cooperation.
二、Analysis of the students  
The students of Grade9 are very active and serious about what they will learn.They have learned English for some time,so they a strong basic of this subject and have collected some learning knowledge and methods,which can help them to accept different teaching ways.So the teacher can use different types of ways to arouse the students’ interest and ability,such as role-play,games and exercises .
三、Teaching Tools
四、Teaching Procedures
Period 1 Section A 1a-1c
Period 1(1a-1c)
一、Teaching aims
1. Knowledge objects
(1)熟练掌握下列词汇: aloud  pronunciation  discover   repeat  note   pronounce  increase  speed   partner  create  active  connect  review  knowledge  wisely born   attention
work with friends      ask the teacher for help 
read aloud   look up   practice pronunciation 
connect…with…        pay attention to 
--How do you study English?  
--I learn English by doing...
2. Ability objects
 Lead students to find out the best ways of study and enhance their confidence in the future study.
二、Teaching difficult and important points
1.Teaching important points
1) Master the key words and sentence structures in this unit
2)Master the structure:by doing sth
3)Develop students’ listening,speaking and writing skills
2. Teaching difficult point
1)Master the structure:by doing sth
2)Learn to talk about the ways of study
三、Teaching procedures
I Lead-in:Greeting&warming-up
  Provide a question “As junior3 students,how do you feel about your life?”,and then conclude the students’ feelings about this question and give them some encouragement and confidence.Then enjoy a music together with students,whose name is Hall of Fame and whose lyrics are very encouraging.
Purpose:By listening to the music,students’interest and fight spirit would be aroused.Through the question,we can lead into today’s first topic ‘what is a good learner’ successfully.
II Presentation
Step1:Talk about what a good learner is.
  This part,we simply talk about what qualities a good learner should have.I will give my own views about this topic and encourage students to have his or her own opinions.
Step2:Talk about how to be good learners.
  Through telling students there are many ways and steps,we transition to our today’s word study.In this part,I’ll use many ways to teach new words.Words discrimination,words game(fast reaction)and some exercises will be used for helping students memorize new words.These methods are not only funny but also efficient.
Step3:Talk about how you study&study English.
  Let students think about how they study English to lead into our discussion about learning methods.Through explaining some different learning ways,conduct students to discover and conclude the common point of the phrases about learning ways,that is “by doing sth”.And then give some examples to help students understand this structure and the usage of the structure.During examples,guide them to read the dialogue to improve their speaking and listening skills.
Step4.Do a PK.
  I’ll divide students into two groups,GroupA and GroupB.There are some different questions for them to compete with each other.The purpose of this part is to consolidate what we learned just now and arouse students’ devotion.
 Role-play.I’ll give students about one minute to prepare it.They should make a conversation like my example dialogue with their partner.And after their finishing,two groups will be invited to perform their conversation in front of class.
IV.Game time
  A romantic game will be given to my students.On the sreen,there are many stars and hearts,which means my students are the brightest stars in my heart.Then I’ll explain the rule of this game and do it with students.In the end,let’s look at the last result and give congratulation to the winner and some encouragement to the other group.
V Summary
In this class, first,we’ve mainly talked about “good learners”and “What is a good learner?”.Then we mainly discussed “How to  become good learners?”At last,I want to say “No matter how you study,there is one thing in common.That is ‘Where there is a will,there is a way.’”
VI Homework
The winner:Make a conversation like 1c.
Other groups:Draw a mind map and make a conversation like 1c.
Blackboard design

Unit 1 How can we become good learners?
GroupA                  GroupB
★                         ★
∶                         ∶


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