
视频标签:Is there a,复习课
视频课题:七年级下册Unit8 Is there a post office near here复习课 Section B 3a—3b Self check西安
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:七年级下册Unit8 Is there a post office near here复习课 Section B 3a—3b Self check西安市第七十八中学
1)知识目标: 复习巩固词汇 post; post office; library; restaurant; bank; hotel; supermarket; St(street); pay; pay phone ; park; center; bridge;
across /across from/next/next to/between/ front/in front of/ behind
1)重点: ① 巩固建筑物名称的单词及方位词。
② There be 句型。
2)难点:学会在交际中问路及为他人指路 。
3.1第6课时 (复习课)
Step1 lead-in
Task 1 Enjoy a video and answer the questions
1. Greeting each other.
2. watch the video
3.ask and answer the questions:
Where does the woman want to go?How can she get there?
Step2 Brain storm
Task 2 Ss list the places in the neighborhood
The man knows his neighborhood well, so he can help others. Do you know your neighborhood?
1.Ss list the words first.
2.Use some pictures to help them and add more useful words.
设计意图:情景中引出场所名词,引导学生积极思考,培养自主学习习惯。 渗透只有不断充实自己,在需要时才能发挥自己的作用。
Step3 Play a game
Task3 Find out the differences
We know the places well. Can you find them in the pictures?
1.Ss Find out the differences
eg. In Picture 1, the school is next to a hotel, but In picture 2, the school is next to a library.
2.Prepositions of place
3.Help me introduce my neighborhood
设计意图: 通过游戏激发兴趣,完成游戏任务的过程中复习巩固用方位介词表述事物的地理位置,培养学习的观察能力。
Step4 Summarize grammar
Task4 Summarize the usage of “There be”
There is a ... near my school. Is there a ...near my school?
1.T helps Ss Summarize the usage of “There be”.
2. Do some Exx.
设计意图:通过例句体验,引导学生自主总结“There be”句型的用法。培养自主学习习惯。
Step5 Show time
Task5 Do you know the traffic signs?
I want to buy some books.
Is there a bookstore near your school?
When we are in the street, first we must follow the traffic rules. Do you know the traffic signs?
1. Identify the traffic signs.
2.Tell the way to the bookstore.
3.Do more Exx.
Step6 Summary
Task6 Summarize the ways of ask for and give directions.
Help Ss Summarize the ways of ask for and give directions.
设计意图:合作探究,总结知识。 通过完成任务,培养合作探究的习惯和归纳知识的能力。有利于启发学生思维,提高学习效率 。
Step 7 Do exercise
Task7 Help Mike meet his friend in the airport.
Mike's friend is arriving. But Mike is busy, can you help him meet his friend in the airport? 1.Listen and answer the questions.
2.Read and draw the way.
Step 8 Homework
2. 尽可能多的用there be 句型描写一处自己熟悉的地方。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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