
视频标签:Is there a,post office,near here
视频课题:七年级下册Unit8 Is there a post office near here Section B 2a—2c两江
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:七年级下册Unit8 Is there a post office near here Section B 2a—2c两江新区天宫殿学校
1. 能用所学知识区描述周边环境。
2. 能理解文章大意。
3. 能够汲取有用知识点。
4. 能用所学知识复述文章。
5. 培养学生热爱家乡,热爱大自然的情怀。
1. 理解较长文章及文章中的知识点。
2. 能用所学知识复述文章。
活动1【导入】1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)
1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)
Review the names of the places, and use the position preposition to direct the way .
【教学设计说明】对地点名词和方位介词回顾,把学生分成四人一组,每组学生选择一个地点做成卡片,通过问题Where is the….? 复习方位介词。在教室里模拟真实的街区问路指路,激发学生学习兴趣,复习描述问路的词汇句型,为完成2a做好铺垫。
活动2【活动】Work on 2a
Work on 2a
Check the places near your home. Tell your partner where they are.
活动3【练习】Fast reading.
Fast reading.
Reading tip 1:Pay attention to names of the places(重点留意地点名词)
(1)Read quickly and fill in the blanks.
There is a __________ in Anna’s neighborhood.
There is a _____________and a __________in John’s neighborhood.
Lisa lives in a ________ neighborhood.
Her favorite place is the__________.
(2)Work on 2b. Read the passages. Match each passage with a map.
【教学设计说明】2b要求学生将文章和图片连线,要找出正确的图片就必须找出关键信息,Anna,John ,Lisa的家附近都有哪些地点,所以设计这个fast reading让学生以填空的方式找出这些地点,这将为完成2b连线起到一个很好的铺垫作用。
活动4【练习】Careful reading
Careful reading
Reading tip 2: Pay attention to the details(注意细节)
(1)Read the first passage and answer the questions.
Where does Anna like to spend time on weekends?
2. What animal does Anna love to watch?
3. How does Anna get to the zoo?
(2) Read John’s neighborhood and say Y or N.
1 John usually shops in the supermarket near his home.
There is a park across from John’s house.
John enjoys the clean air and sunshine , so he often sings at the park .
(3)Read paragraph 3 about Lisa and fill in the blanks.
She lives in a ______ neighborhood. There is a __________ between her house and a clothes store. But her favorite place is the ______. It is very quiet and she enjoy reading there. When she read books, time goes quickly! You can get to the library ______. Just go along North Road and turn left. It is __________ the park.
(4)2c Read the passages again and answer the questions
1. What does Anna like doing in the zoo?
2. Does Anna think monkeys are like people? Why?
3. What does John like to do in the park?
4. John thinks the best things do not need money. Do you think so, too?
5. How does Lisa get to the library from her home?
Reading tip :Make a mind map(思维导图)
John lives ... His parents ... There’s a big park … the supermarket. He often … at the park because he loves ... The best things…
To get to the park, he ...
【教学设计说明】运用思维导图,以Anna为例归纳出思维导图,再以小组合作形式讨论,运用思维导图复述John的neighborhood,最后自己思考并复述Lisa’s neighborhood。
Love your neighborhood ,Make the neighborhood better and better
活动6【作业】 Homework
1. Write about Anna’s/Lisa’/John’s neighborhood in the third person.
e.g. There is a zoo in Anna’s neighborhood. She likes to…
2. Draw a map and write about your dream neighborhood.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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