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鲁教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 7 I used to be afraid of the dark.SectionA 1a-2d_山东省 - 烟台

视频标签:afraid of


视频课题:鲁教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 7 I used to be afraid of the dark.SectionA 1a-2d_山东省 - 烟台

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鲁教版初中英语八年级下册Unit 7 I used to be afraid of the dark.SectionA 1a-2d_山东省 - 烟台

Unit 7 I used to be afraid of the dark. 
(Section A 1a-2d) 
Period 1   1. Language goals 
1) To review the words and expressions to describe the appearance and personality of people 
tall, short, outgoing, quiet, funny…… 
2) To learn to talk about how people have changed using used to+verb  2. Ability goals  
Enable the students to talk about appearances and personalities. 3. Emotion goals  
Enable the students to deal with changes correctly. 4. Teaching important points 
The structure “used to do ” Period 2 Step I Lead-in 
 Show some pictures of myself. Let the students find the difference. I had short hair in the past. But now I have long hair. 
  I used to have short hair in the past, but now I have long hair. Used to do something  
(设计意图: 从自身的变化,引出本节课的重点句型,直观形象,易于学生接受。) Step II Presentation  1. Guessing game 
Show some pictures of stars. Let students practice the sentence structure used to 
(设计意图:通过展示明星小时候和现在的照片,让学生进一步了解used to do 的用法。而且通过明星小时候的照片猜是哪位明星,能够激发学生的学习兴趣,吸引学生的注意力。) 2. Look and say  
                            A: What’s she like? 
B: She used to be …, but now she is… 
(设计意图: 进一步巩固used to do 的用法。加深理解。) Step III Listen to 1b and check the answer. 
Step IV Listen to 2a and check the words you hear. Step V 2b Listen again and complete the chart. 
(设计意图: 通过听力练习,培养学生养成正确的听力习惯,训练学生听音获取处理和使用信息的能力。简单有效的听、说、读训练,发展语言技能,提高学生运用英语的能力。) Step VI 2c  
1. Listen to the radio  
(设计意图:听并且模仿其语音语调。) 2. Read by yourself. 
(设计意图:大声的朗读,拒绝“哑巴式”英语。) 3. Answer the question What did Bily use to be? 
(设计意图: 通过这个问题,让学生加深对这个对话的理解。也训练学生的阅读理解能力。) 4. Role-play the conversation. 
Boys and girls have a competition. Let’s see which group can do better. (设计意图:训练学生的语音语调,纠正学生的发音。) 5. Exercise 
Fill in the blanks according to the conversation. 
Alfred and Gina were at a party. It’s been three years since they last saw their primary school classmates. Billy has changed so much. He _________ so shy and quiet. And his face always ___________ when he ________ girls. He _____________ in the library every day. He studied hard and _______________ on his exams. He used to ______________ and also __________ thin. But he is big and strong now. Also, he is so popular now. (设计意图:让学生从整体上把握这篇对话,而且所填词也是本节课的重点,写下来能进一步加深印象。)  
VII Describe your friend. Try to use the words and sentence structure Appearance: height, build, hair, glasses… 
                            Personality: quiet, friendly, funny, shy, serious, active… 
Eg. Lucy is my best friend. She used to be quiet in the past, but now she is funny. (设计意图:这是本节课最后的巩固环节。将used to do 落实到笔头上。) VIII Summary 
(设计意图:总结本节课的重点,加深学生的印象。) IX Practice 
(设计意图:随堂检测。检验学生是否掌握本节课的内容) X Homework 
Write a short passage about the change of yourself in the past and now. 

Unit 7 I used to be afraid of dark
(Section A 1a-2d)
I .objectives
1. To review the words and expressions to describe the appearance and personality of people
tall, short, outgoing, handsome, funny, humorous…
2. To llearn to talk about how people have changed using used to+verb
II. Show the pictures of mine. Then let’s have a guessing game and show the important sentence structures
A: What’s he like?  B: He used to be short, and now he is tall
Tips: used to do 过去常常
III. Listen to 1b 2a and 2b
IV.1. listen to the radio, and then read by yourself.
2. Answer the questions
 What did Billy use to be?
3. Role-play the conversation.
V. Fill in the blanks according to the conversation.
Alfred and Gina was at a party. It’s been three years since they last saw their primary school classmates. Billy has changed so much. He _________ so shy and quiet. And his face always ___________ when he ________ girls. He  _____________ in the library every day. He studied hard and _______________ on his exams. He used to ______________ and also __________ thin. But he is big and strong now. Also, he is so popular now.
VI. Describe your friend. Try to use the words and sentence structure.
Eg. Lucy is my best friend. She used to be quiet in the past, but she is funny now.
VII. Exercise.
X. Homework
Write a short passage about the change of themselves.

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