
视频标签:How much are,these socks
视频课题:Grade 7 Unit 7 How much are these socks Section A 1a-1c 海南省优质课
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:Grade 7 Unit 7 How much are these socks Section A 1a-1c 海南
Teaching plan for Grade 7 Unit 7 How much are these socks? 教学设计 Section A 1a-1c
教学目标: 一、 知识与技能 1. Learn the new words: much、how much、sock、T-shirt、shorts、sweater、trousers、shoe、skirt、dollar; 2. Learn the sentence patterns: How much is this T-shirt? It’s 1 dollar. How much are these socks? They’re 2dollars. 3. 通过谈论询问价格,训练学生的听说能力; 二、过程与方法 1. 通过观看图片,音标学习新词; 2. 通过实物和图片学习目标语言,以师生对话、小组活动巩固练习; 三、情感态度和价值观 1.通过买卖东西让学生懂得礼貌待人; 2. 让学生感恩父母,懂得节俭; 3. 培养学生的合作精神和英语兴趣。 教学重点: 1. Learn the new words: much、how much、sock、T-shirt、shorts、sweater、trousers、 shoe、skirt、dollar; 2.Learn the sentence patterns: How much is the T-shirt? It’s 1dollar. How much are the socks? They’re 2dollars. 教学难点: 1. 区别句型中单复数形式的转化; 2. 强化the以及指示代词:this、that、these、those的使用 教学准备:分组
T: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? Ss: ( ) T: Today we’re going to learn Unit7. Read after me, How much are these socks? (设计意图:通过英语问候让学生快速进入课堂状态) Step2: Leading-in: Watch a video about Miss Chen ( 观看陈老师周末购物的视频)
T:Before our class, I would like to show you a video about me. Qs: 1. Where is Miss Chen? 2. What are we talking about? (设计意图:通过观看老师购物的情景视频引入本课教学,学生对老师的生活比较感兴趣,易激发学生学习英语的兴趣,也为下面的教学做好铺垫) (观看完毕) T:Where is it?Do you know? Ss:( ) T:There are many clothes in it? Do you like these beautiful clothes? Ss:( ) T: Can you name these clothes?Now, let’s see.
Step3: Present the new words by pictures of beautiful clothes and Ss learn to read the words by the phonetic symbols one by one. (让学生根据音标学拼新词后再纠正发音,注意字母组合发音,教师板书单词) 1. Show pictures of a hat, a bag, and a jacket. 2. Show pictures of T-shirt, sweater and skirt. T: What’s this? Ss: ( ) 3. Show pictures of a pair of socks,shoes,shorts and trousers. T:What are these? Ss: ( ) (设计意图:从学生已知的单词过渡到新词, 先从单数名词学习再到复数学习,符合学生认知规律) Step4: Practice reading the new words and finish the tasks
1. 老师带读两遍; 2. 全班齐读; 3. 学生自读一分钟; Tasks: 1. Remember and spell the words. 2.Compitition: 老师通过闪现单词的形式,让各组学生以竞赛的方式说出 衣物单词。 T: Every student only has one chance. Are you ready? S1: S2: S3: (设计意图:通过不同形式操练单词,巩固所学新词。) Step5: Finish 1a:Match the words with the things in 1a. 1. Ss do by themselves; 2. Check the answers. (设计意图:学生自我检测单词,巩固单词,为下面教学活动做好准备) Step6: Present the sentence patterns: 1.询问单数物品的价格 T: There are so many clothes in the store, but if I want to buy them, what do I need? Show the picture of money. Ss: (Money) T: Show a T-shirt and one dollar by pictures and ask the Ss how much the T-shirt is? Ss: (One dollar) T: It’s one dollar. The whole class, it’ s one dollar. How much is the hat? Ss: ( It’s one dollar.) 用其他单数物品来操练句型:How much is …? It’s …. 2.询问复数物品的价格 T: Show a pair of socks and 2 dollars and ask the Ss how much these socks are? Can you guess? Ss: (
: They’re two dollars. Say after me. They’re two dollars. How much are these socks? Ss: ( ) 用复数物品来操练句型:How much are …? They’re…. (设计意图:先呈现单数形式的句型到复数句型,然后再分单复操练,符合学生认知规律和学生的接受能力,为下面教学做好铺垫。) Step7: Practice saying the sentence patterns by T and Ss, groups and groups. (单复数的整合操练) (设计意图:将单词与目标句型结合,操练和巩固 Step8:拓展:人民币跟美元的不同,特别是单复数形式。 (设计意图:拓展学生的知识面) Step9:Listening practice T:Look at the picture of 1a,they are go shopping in the clothes store. Let’s listen and circle the things you hear in 1a. 1. Play the recording for the first time. 2. Check the answers T: Listen again and tell me how much these things are 1. Play the recording for the second time. 2. T asks and Ss answer. 3. Read the typescripts together. (设计意图:从听单词到听价格,不仅有效提高学生的听力技能,增强学生的自信心,也为下面的教学活动做好铺垫。) Step10: Pair work Show some pictures of the things and ask the Ss to make dialogue by using the target languages. 1. 教师示范; 2. 学生练习对话; (设计意图:基于前面的教学活动基础上,学生两两对话,不仅巩固新词和句型,也为下面的活动做好铺垫。) Step11:Group work:6个小组进行活动买卖活动。
2 T: Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? Ss: ( ) T: Today we’re going to learn Unit7. Read after me, How much are these socks? (设计意图:通过英语问候让学生快速进入课堂状态) Step2: Leading-in: Watch a video about Miss Chen ( 观看陈老师周末购物的视频)
T:Before our class, I would like to show you a video about me. Qs: 1. Where is Miss Chen? 2. What are we talking about? (设计意图:通过观看老师购物的情景视频引入本课教学,学生对老师的生活比较感兴趣,易激发学生学习英语的兴趣,也为下面的教学做好铺垫) (观看完毕) T:Where is it?Do you know? Ss:( ) T:There are many clothes in it? Do you like these beautiful clothes? Ss:( ) T: Can you name these clothes?Now, let’s see.
Step3: Present the new words by pictures of beautiful clothes and Ss learn to read the words by the phonetic symbols one by one. (让学生根据音标学拼新词后再纠正发音,注意字母组合发音,教师板书单词) 1. Show pictures of a hat, a bag, and a jacket. 2. Show pictures of T-shirt, sweater and skirt. T: What’s this? Ss: ( ) 3. Show pictures of a pair of socks,shoes,shorts and trousers. T:What are these? Ss: ( ) (设计意图:从学生已知的单词过渡到新词, 先从单数名词学习再到复数学习,符合学生认知规律) Step4: Practice reading the new words and finish the tasks.
3 1. 老师带读两遍; 2. 全班齐读; 3. 学生自读一分钟; Tasks: 1. Remember and spell the words. 2.Compitition: 老师通过闪现单词的形式,让各组学生以竞赛的方式说出 衣物单词。 T: Every student only has one chance. Are you ready? S1: S2: S3: (设计意图:通过不同形式操练单词,巩固所学新词。) Step5: Finish 1a:Match the words with the things in 1a. 1. Ss do by themselves; 2. Check the answers. (设计意图:学生自我检测单词,巩固单词,为下面教学活动做好准备) Step6: Present the sentence patterns: 1.询问单数物品的价格 T: There are so many clothes in the store, but if I want to buy them, what do I need? Show the picture of money. Ss: (Money) T: Show a T-shirt and one dollar by pictures and ask the Ss how much the T-shirt is? Ss: (One dollar) T: It’s one dollar. The whole class, it’ s one dollar. How much is the hat? Ss: ( It’s one dollar.) 用其他单数物品来操练句型:How much is …? It’s …. 2.询问复数物品的价格 T: Show a pair of socks and 2 dollars and ask the Ss how much these socks are? Can you guess? Ss: ( )
4 T: They’re two dollars. Say after me. They’re two dollars. How much are these socks? Ss: ( ) 用复数物品来操练句型:How much are …? They’re…. (设计意图:先呈现单数形式的句型到复数句型,然后再分单复操练,符合学生认知规律和学生的接受能力,为下面教学做好铺垫。) Step7: Practice saying the sentence patterns by T and Ss, groups and groups. (单复数的整合操练) (设计意图:将单词与目标句型结合,操练和巩固 Step8:拓展:人民币跟美元的不同,特别是单复数形式。 (设计意图:拓展学生的知识面) Step9:Listening practice T:Look at the picture of 1a,they are go shopping in the clothes store. Let’s listen and circle the things you hear in 1a. 1. Play the recording for the first time. 2. Check the answers T: Listen again and tell me how much these things are 1. Play the recording for the second time. 2. T asks and Ss answer. 3. Read the typescripts together. (设计意图:从听单词到听价格,不仅有效提高学生的听力技能,增强学生的自信心,也为下面的教学活动做好铺垫。) Step10: Pair work Show some pictures of the things and ask the Ss to make dialogue by using the target languages. 1. 教师示范; 2. 学生练习对话; (设计意图:基于前面的教学活动基础上,学生两两对话,不仅巩固新词和句型,也为下面的活动做好铺垫。) Step11:Group work:6个小组进行活动买卖活动。
5 1. 将全班分为六个小组,每个小组都要抽签选定销售任务; 2. 由组长当店员向小组成员销售指定的物品,物品的价格已给出, 在规定的时间(6mins内)完成销售任务算完成,方可获胜。 3. 教师给出一些有帮助性的表达和示范,帮助学生完成任务 (设计意图:综合应用本课所学的知识,让学生学以致用,增强自信) Step12: Exercises 一. 看图完成句子 A: How much is the _____ ?T恤图片和价格 B:It’s ____ dollars. A:How much are these ______? 鞋子图片和价格 B:They’re 4 ______. A: How much ____ the sweater? 毛衣图片和价格 B: ____ ____ 5 dollars. A: ____ ____ are these _______? 短袜图片和价格 B: ____ ____ 3 dollars. (设计意图:让学生巩固词句,回顾本课知识点。) Step 13:Summary 1. New words:much、how much、sock、T-shirt、shorts、sweater、trousers、 shoe、skirt、dollar; 2. Sentence patterns: How much is the T-shirt? It’s 1 dollar. How much are the socks? They’re 2 dollars. (设计意图:整合本课知识点) Step14: Homework 1. Remember the new words; 2. 做个小调查,编写三个问答句,询问一下你的同学所穿衣服的价格,注意名词的单
6 复数形式哟! —How much is/are…? —It’s/ They’re…. (设计意图:复习本课词句) Blackboard Design: Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section A 1a-1c 1. New words:much、how much、sock、T-shirt、shorts、sweater、trousers、 shoe、skirt、dollar; 2. Sentence patterns: How much is the T-shirt? It’s 1 dollar. How much are the socks? They’re 2 dollars.
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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