
视频课题:人教版新目标八年级上册Uuit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister Section B 2a —2e银川
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教版新目标八年级上册Unit 3 Section B 2a —2e银川市金凤区良田回民中学
1.学生能够熟练掌握教材中的“四会”单词、词组:serious, hard working, necessary, mirror, saying, reach, touch, share, as long as, be different
from, bring out, the same as, in fact, be similar to,并能够理解课文中出现的格言的含义:A good friend is like a mirror. A good friend helps to
bring out the best in me. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
2.学生能读懂Jeff Green, Huang Lei, Mary Smith关于朋友的个人观点并完成阅读任务。
3.通过阅读训练,学生能够学会寻找中心句、支撑句的阅读技巧, 利用scanning和skimming的阅读技巧提取语篇中的重点信息,并仿照课文结构完成书面表达练习,能够借助形容词或副词的比较级形式,完成对自己和朋友的描写。
1. 教材内容分析:
本节课的阅读语篇以交友的话题为线索,展开对好友标准的讨论及朋友之间的对比。从整体上看,Section B首先通过语言输入及对话题的讨论达到对词汇、短语等新语言知识的初步呈现,以及对Section A所学内容的综合运用,进而过渡到语篇阅读和书面表达能力的训练,最终将单元所学词汇及语法结构完全融汇到阅读和书写交流之中,并结合新出现的语言内容进一步提高语言表达能力。
2. 学生学习情况分析:
1. 读懂Jeff Green, Huang Lei & Mary Smith 关于朋友的个人观点并完成阅读任务,在阅读的过程中学会寻找中心句的阅读技巧。
2. 会仿照所学文章陈述自己的观点,会描写朋友和自己的不同特征。
3. 理解语篇中关于朋友的格言。
活动1【导入】Step 1. Pre-reading
1.Free talk.
(1)Students enjoy a song and tell the name of the song. (Chinese meaning:友谊地有天长)
(2)Everybody has friends. Students use one sentence to describe their best friend.
2. Students enjoy a video and answer some questions.
T: Look at the pictures. This is my friend Ms. Xia. Let's enjoy a video.
After the video, show three questions: (1) Who is more outgoing?
(2) Who is more serious?
(3) Are we the same?
3. Learn some sayings about friends.
T: In some ways, I’m different from Ms. Xia. But in some ways, we are the same. We both like some sayings about friends.
Show teacher’s favorite saying "A good friend is like a mirror." and Ms. Xia's favorite saying “My best friend often helps to bring out the best in me”. Students learn the meaning of new words and phrases.
【设计意图】: 通过教师本人和朋友的照片引出教师自己录制的视频,导入新单词outgoing, serious, saying, mirror, 词组be different from和be the same as, bring out the best同时导入格言,为读中活动做铺垫。
活动2【讲授】Step 2. While-reading
1. First reading
Scanning: Students look through the passage and find out the specific information---- Who are they? What are their friends’ names?
What is the main idea of the whole passage?
2. Second reading
(1) Different people think differently about friends. Students read each paragraph and answer the two questions:
①What are their views about friends? (topic sentences)
② What are their favorite sayings about friends?
Students read the three paragraphs and find out the answers.
Paragraph 1
Views: I think friends are like books----You don’t need a lot of them as long as they’re good.
Favorite saying: A friend is like a mirror.
Paragraph 2
Views: It’s not necessary to be the same.
Favorite saying: He helps to bring out the best in me.
Paragraph 3
Views: I don’t really care if my friends are the same as me or different.
Favorite saying: A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
(2) Reading skill
Students read the sentences about three people’s view again and answer “What’s the function of these sentences?”---- These
sentence give us the main idea of each paragraph, we called them Topic sentence. The rest of the sentences are called supporting sentences, they give us examples to prove topic sentence.
Teacher explains how to find the topic sentence---skim the passage.
often: ①the first sentence ②the last sentence
sometimes: ③in the middle ④use your own words to summarize
Teacher offers a short passage to practice the skill.
突破部分知识难点(as long as, necessary, reach, tough等),同时梳理文章结构。
活动3【活动】Step 3. Post-reading
1. Fill in the blanks.
Read carefully. Find out sentences which describe people’s personality, hobby and look.
Students write down the answers on the board. Check the answers.
My friend and I
Jeff Green Personality(性格) I'm_________, _______, and more_________. Yuan Li is _________.
Hobby I like _________. We enjoy ____________together. Yuan Li is _________.
Huang Lei Look Larry is _________ than me.
Personality Larry is more _________ and less______________ than me.
I always get ________grades than he does.
Hobby We both like _________, but he plays tennis ________.
However, he often helps me, so I'm getting _________at tennis.
Mary Smith Personality Carol is really _______and very _______. In fact, she is _________than anyone I know.
We can talk about and _______ everything.
2. Discussion.
Do you think Carol is Mary’s true friend? What is a true friend? Have a discussion.
3. Writing.
Do you think friends should be the same or different? Write about your friends and you.
Topic sentence + supporting sentences (looks, personality, hobby)
活动4【作业】Step 4. Summary
Summarize the main points of this class and suggest students to cherish friendship.
Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. (Section B reading)
(n.) mirror, saying topic sentences: the main idea
(adj.) outgoing, serious, necessary often: the first sentence, the last sentence
(v.) reach, touch sometimes: in the middle,
(phrase.) be different from use your own words to summarize
=be not the same as writing:
bring out the best, as long as Topic sentence + supporting sentences (looks, personality, hobby)
本节阅读课是八年级上册Unit 3 Section B的第二课时,是对Section A及Section B第一课时所学内容的综合运用,主要内容为语篇阅读和书面表达能力的训练。
本课的重点阅读策略是寻找中心句。在本课中,教师先是让学生寻找文章中三人对于朋友的观点。在学生找出观点之后,教师进行指导,指出这些句子就是文章的中心句,它们给出了每段的主旨大意,接下来让学生观察这些句子的位置,得出结论——中心句位于首句或尾句,之后教师补充中心句的另外两种不常见的情况,即位于句中或自己总结的情况。随后教师指导阅读方法,用skimming的方法,快速跳读 寻找中心句。
2.在课前,教师用手机录制了一段关于自己与朋友的视频,将视频保存在希沃课件的“我的资源”中,制作课件时,从资源中直接把视频插入白 板课件中(或者也可以保存在电脑上利用西沃资源库进行插入),在读前环节,教师播放了这段视频,学生在课堂上也会经常观看其他的视频,但是当他们看到自己的老师出现在屏幕上时,觉得非常有新鲜感,可以瞬间调动他们的学习兴趣。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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