
视频课题:人教版新目标八年级上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party?Section B 1a—1f重庆市
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:人教版新目标八年级上册Unit 9 Can you come to my party?Section B 1a—1f重庆市
人教版新目标八年级上册Unit 9 Section B 1a—1f重庆市第七中学校
1. 复习月份、星期和日期的表达。
2. 学会使用the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, weekday和look after。
3. 学会询问What’s today?及回答。
4. 用情态动词can发出邀请。
能运用月份、星期、日期和the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, weekday等时间进行对话。能熟练运用can, have to等情态动词发出邀请和作答。
培养学生热爱生活,树立健康向上的生活态度。Today is better than yesterday. Tomorrow is better for ever.
Share our love, share our happiness, share our care.
课时是人教版八上9单元的Section B 第4课时,该课是一节听说课。本课时是在Section A 的学习基础上能熟练掌握情态动词的用法,通过Can you do sth…? 进行口头对话训练,进一步帮助学生正确运用情态动词发出邀请。学习更多有关时间的名词,通过听、说训练拓展学生的听力输入和口语输出内容;同时通过对话复习What day is it today/ tomorrow/the day after tomorrow? What was yesterday/the day before yesterday? 等疑问句的问和回答,过渡到What’s today?的学习和掌握。学生通过听、说、读、写一系列活动熟练运用星期、日期表达。通过时间过渡到学生可参与的活动。我将教材内容尽量实物化、形象化、具体化。给学生创造英语语言氛围,激发学生学习兴趣,突出学生的主体作用,强调真实的实践活动,让学生在实际的操作中学习语言,使语言运用成为教学活动的核心。
学生通过Section A三个课时的学习,已经掌握了与活动有关的动词短语,并能较灵活的运用can发出邀请,也能根据自己的情况接受邀请和拒绝邀请。所以Section B的这节课,我们老师将教学重心放在了学生的语言运用和实践上,帮助学生通过复习月份、星期和日期,能灵活运用不同的时间短语及日常活动发出邀请,并能作答。把所学知识在语言实践中去灵活运用、去发现问题和解决问题,更注重学生的自学能力和小组合作学习的训练和养成教育。
教学重点:1.词汇:the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, weekday, look after
2.句型:(1). What’s today? (2). Can you do sth…? Sure, I’d love to./ Sorry, I can. I have to do…
活动1【导入】 Lead-in
Ⅰ. Lead-in. Enjoy a song before class.
歌曲 Days in the months song 可以快速让学生回忆起一年12个月。为本课学习做好铺垫。
Ⅱ. Presentation.
1. Activity 1 —Individual work. Go over the months of a year and the days of a week.
Teacher’s activities: a. Greetings and ask two questions.
b. Ask the students to write down the days and dates in the blanks.
Students’ activities: a. Answer the questions
b. Write down the days and dates.
C. Check the answers in groups.
设计意图:老师先采用Individual work让学生写下表中所缺的星期和日期,由小组开展互助共学后再校对答案。由课前的铺垫直接进入时间主线,点题明了,主题突出。
2. Activity 2 — Pair work:Learn to use the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow and weekday.
Teacher’s activities: a. Guide the students to learn the new words. Then talk about the days and the dates.
Eg. Today is Tuesday the 23rd. Yesterday was Monday, 22nd. Tomorrow is…
b. Ask them to ask and answer. – What’s today? – It’s …
Students’ activities: a. Watch, learn and talk about the days and dates.
b. Ask and answer in pairs like this.
- What’s today/tomorrow/the day after tomorrow? -It’s Wednesday, 23rd.
-What was yesterday/ the day after tomorrow? -It was…
设计意图:通过形象直观的图片引导学生学习时间词汇。活动一和活动二主要采用Presentation教学方式。老师及时给学生的tips恰到好处:Today is better than yesterday, Don’t wait till tomorrow. 引导学生学会正确把握时间。
1. Activity 3 — Pair work: Learn to use the new phrases and question sentences to practice in pairs.
Teacher’s activities: a. Show the model to practice the conversation.
b. Ask them to play a guessing game.
Students’ activities: a. Please practice the conversation with your partners.
b. Have a guessing game.
设计意图:通过问题What’s today? 句型引导学生畅谈星期、日期。设计的guessing game活动是对已学过的时间名词和句型的又一次复习,让学生在课堂上能更直接形象地复习词汇,熟练运用句型,同时更能调动学生的思维和积极性,活跃课堂。
2. Activity 4 — Individual work: Circle the activities after watching the video.
Teacher’s activities: a. Play the video.
b. Show the answers.
c. Guide the students to talk about the activities like this:
A: Can you… with me? B: When?
A: … B: Sure, I’d love to. / Sorry, I have to…
d. Show some pictures, let the students to talk about them.
Students’ activities: a. Watch the video and circle the activities.
b. Students show the answers.
c. Talk about the activities according to the model.
e. Review the activities and the usage of have to.
When we are ill, we have to ___________.
3. Individual work-Listening practice.
Teacher’s activities: a. Play the tape and guide the students how to get the useful information.
b. Let the students listen again for more listening practice.
c. Ask the students to show the answers.
Students’ activities: a. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.
b. Then listen again and fill in the blanks.
c. Give the answers and learn more about the useful words.
设计意图:通过听力训练,培养学生在语境中能快速、准确捕捉关键信息的能力, 对重点短语和句型在掌握的基础上能灵活运用。此环节主要采用Practice教学方式,旨在训练学生“听”的能力。
活动4【活动】 Group work
Ⅳ. Activity 5 — Group work: Discuss in groups and make up a conversation about the activity.
Teacher’s activities: T: Here are four activities to celebrate (庆祝) Christmas. Each group may choose (选择)
one activity. Please discuss with your group mates and make up a conversation.
Students’ activities: a. Leaders lead the members to discuss and make the conversation like the example.
b. Show the conversation in groups in front of the blackboard.
(L=leader(组长),A= student 1,B = student 2,C= student 3)
L: Hello! We’re going to _____________________. Can you come to join us?
A: When is it?
L: It’s on _____________________.
A: ___________________________.
L: What about you, B?
B: ___________________________.
L: Would you like to come, C?
C: ___________________________. What can we do?
L: ___________________________.
C: Where are we going to meet?
L: ___________________________. OK. See you then.
设计意图: 通过小组合作、组长带领组员运用本节课所学的时间短语、日常活动短语及重点句型进行小组对话,学生由上一步的受控活动进入到自主活动,由操练到熟练。学生作为表演者,教师作为引导者﹑裁判。考察学生的综合语言运用能力。这一活动体现了新课标的教学特点及在交际中学习语言的教育学原则,符合“能力的形成和发展离不开实践活动”的心理规律。活动四主要采用Production教学方式,培养学生的合作精神。
活动5【导入】Ⅴ.The ending of the class. T: On Christmas Day
Ⅴ.The ending of the class.
T: On Christmas Day the most important thing is that we share our love, care, happiness with families, friends and even strangers (陌生人).
Ss: Let’s share our love!
Let’s share our happiness!
Let’s share our care!
设计意图: 本课节课主要采用 Personal ability教学方式,其目的是对学生进行德育教育和文化渗透,形成具有独特个性能力的优秀学生,并培养学生热爱生活,树立健康向上的生活态度。
优点:1. 本课对教材整合合理,从复习星期,日期和月份入手,层层递进,过渡到有关日常生活的动词词组,最后提升到小组合作设计圣诞节活动,梯度有序的学习过程更好地达成了语言目标。 2. 自始至终的活动教学,实物化、形象化、具体化的教学内容充分调动了学生的积极性,有效地引导学生进行探讨学习,并对学生活动进行了形成性评价。 3. 作为听说课,大量的听说训练活动有机结合,使教学重心始终在语言运用实践中得到体现。
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com
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