视频课题:深圳市小学英语优质课沪教版二年级上册Module2《Unit6 My hair is short》
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深圳市小学英语优质课沪教版二年级上册Module2《Unit6 My hair is short》
授课教师 | 学科 | 英语 | |||
教材版本 | 沪教版英语二年级上册 | 适用对象 | 二年级 | ||
教学设计背景 | 本主题教学内容来自沪教版二年级上册Module2 My family ,my friends and me第六单元。本主题内容在一年级学过五官的基础上的拓展与延伸运用,这一课时重点学习hair, head和句型My ...is/are...难点是区分is和are单复数的使用。学生能够运用重点句型描述自己和他人的特征。 | ||||
教学设计思路 |
本课时选自沪教版二年级上册Module2 My family ,my friends and me第六单元第一课时,话题内容是“My hair is short”,选择的内容整合了一年级所学过的有关五官、颜色、描述外貌特征等词汇,“I’m…”“I have ...”等句型。充分考虑到二年级学生天性活泼,有好奇心,求知欲强,注意力持久度不够等特点,我设计了 “Magic water”为主线,通过自己努力获得Magic water帮助Giant三次变身,开头以“箱子寻宝”小游戏带动孩子们的学习积极性,满足孩子好奇心,引出Giant五官特征,自然过渡到新单词新句型的学习,其中在教学过程中,以自编歌谣、chant,学法指导、自然拼读法,小游戏等激发学生观察、思考,培养学生听说读思的能力。 在综合输出环节,我设计了帮助Giant三次变身的活动,给孩子们设计了听说练习,从Giant变成小老鼠,再从小老鼠变成狮子,最后狮子又会变成什么动物呢?提出这样的一个问题引发学生思考,发散思维。从输入到输出,教学内容循序渐进,由易到难,以螺旋上升、逐步递进的梯度,分层进行评价奖励,鼓励学生尽量多说,培养学生关心自己,关心身边的人,了解每个人都是独一无二的,尊重每个人的不同之处。 |
教学内容 |
1.单词: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hair, head 2.句型: I’m… My…is… My…are…. I have… |
教学目标 |
知识目标:能认读hair, head两个新单词,并用My…is/are…来描述自己的特征。 能力目标:能运用本课的句型描述自己的脸部特征。 情感目标:培养孩子爱护自己五官的情感。 |
教学重点 |
1.正确读出单词hair, head, 2.掌握句型My… is…和 My… are…。 |
教学难点 |
1.学生能够正确区别is和are的用法,并正确使用。 2.学生能够灵活运用重点句型来描述自己的五官: My…is…/My…are…. |
教学方法 | 整体听说领先法,任务驱动法,游戏法,学法指导法,互助合作法 | ||||
教具 | PPT;word cards;masks | ||||
教学步骤 | 教师活动 | 学生活动 |
组织教学及复习 |
1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song.<head,shoulders,knees and toes> 3. Game: What is it? (Get one paper from the box and describe the picture loudly. Review the words:eyes, ears, mouth, face, nose) 4. Look at the picture. Who is he? 5. Learn the word “giant” 6. Game: Little train |
1. Greetings. 2. Sing the song with the teacher. 3. Get one paper from the box and describe the picture loudly. T:What is it? S: It is a... T: What are they? S: They are... 4. He is the Giant. |
新知导入 |
1. Listen to a tape, and then ask the children to repeat one word or one sentence. 2. Learn the word: head bread weather breakfast feather leather 3. Watch and chant: Head, head, head. My head is big. Head, head, head. My head is small. 4. Listen to the Giant, and ask the students to repeat the sentences that they heard. 5. Learn the words: hair air fair chair hair 6. Let’s sing: My hair is long. My hair is long. Long, long hair. My hair is long. My hair is short. My hair is short. Short, short hair. My hair is short. Ask the students whose hair is long to stand up and sing. And then ask the students whose hair is short to stand up and sing. 7. Listen to the Giant and ask the students to repeat the sentences that they heard. My eyes are big. My ears are small. |
1. Listen to the tape carefully. Choose the correct pictures on the board and repeat the sentences that they heard: My head is big. My nose is red. 2. Learn the word: head 3. Watch and then chant! 4. Listen to the Giant and repeat the sentences: My mouth is big. My hair is short. 5. Learn the word: hair air fair chair hair 6. Let’s sing: My hair is long. My hair is long. Long, long hair. My hair is long. My hair is short. My hair is short. Short, short hair. My hair is short. 7. Listen to the Giant and repeat the sentences. My eyes are big. My ears are small. |
新知呈现,巩固与应用 |
1. Ask the children to put “is” and “are” in correct places. 2. Listen. The giant wants to get into the castle. But he is so big. The door is small. How can he get in? Help the giant and give him to drink the “magic water”. See what will happen and then ask the students: Look, what is it now? 3. Wow. It is a mouse now. Now you are a mouse now. Can you describe yourself? Try it. Talk with your partners. Wow, I am a mouse! I have a ______. My _____ is _____. My ____ are _____. 4. Ask two or three students to drink the “magic water” and say: Wow, I am a mouse! I have a ______. My _____ is _____. My ____ are _____. 5. The mouse get into the castle. But it meets a cat. What does the cat say? Now you are the cat. Please try to describe yourself. (Work in pairs) Cat: Look at me! My ____ is _____. My ____ are _____. I can _______. I want to eat you! 6. Let’s help the mouse. Drink the “magic water” that you have got right now. See what will happen. This time what will the mouse be? Listen and choose. And then ask the students,what is it? Listening text: My eyes are big. My ears are small. My head is big. My hair is long. 7. The cat runs away.but the lion is hungry now. It can only eat the apples on the tree. But it is not tall enough. Let’s help the lion. See what will the lion be? Please think about it and draw it down. Then talk with your partner. Look. I’m a ____. My ____ is _____. My ____ are _____. |
1. Put “is” and “are” in correct places. 2. It’s a mouse. 3. Talk with the partners. Wow, I am a mouse! I have a ______. My _____ is _____. My ____ are _____. 4. Drink the “magic water” and say: Wow, I am a mouse! I have a ______. My _____ is _____. My ____ are _____. 5. Look at me! My ____ is _____. My ____ are _____. I want to eat you! 6. Listen and choose. It’s a lion. 7. Draw on the paper and talk with the partner. Look. I’m a ____. My ____ is _____. My ____ are _____. |
小结 | Guide the Ss to think and sum up by themselves. | Ss try to find out what they have learnt | |||
作业布置 | 1. Draw a picture of yourself and try to describe yourself to your friends or parents. | ||||
板书 |
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视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com