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深圳市小学英语优质课3AM2《Unit6 Me》Period1-深圳市龙华



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深圳市小学英语优质课3AM2《Unit6 Me》Period1-深圳市龙华

The teaching plan of Unit6 Me, Module2 Book3A

授课教师   学科 英语
教学内容 沪教版英语三年级上册Module2 《 Unit 6 Me》Period 1 适用年级 三年级
Teaching contents 1.Words: bright, round, face, hair, nose, mouth, head, eyes, ears, eyebrows
2.Sentence patterns: My…is… and…
1.To enable the Ss to use the main sentence patterns and words correctly.
2.To enable the Ss to use more words and sentences they have learnt to express themselves: big, small, tall, short, long ,black, cute, beautiful.
3.To develop Ss’ abilities of listening , saying, reading, thinking and writing.
4.To enable the Ss to know the manners of making friends.
Important points 1.Master the new words: round, bright. And use more words to describe themselves.
2. Distinguish the usage of is and are.
Difficult points 1.Ss can distinguish the usage of is and are.
2.Ss can use the sentences: My…is… and…
/My…are…and…. to describe themselves correctly.
Teaching Aids PPT, word cards.
Procedures Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Purpose
Warm-up 1.Greetings.
2. Sing a song.
3.Review the sentences by asking questions: What do you like? What can you do?
4.Draw a picture about teacher’s face.
2. Sing the song with the teacher.
3.Listen carefully and answer the teacher’s questions.
4.Review the words: face, hair, nose, mouth, head, eyes, ears, eyebrows.
Lead-in Show a video about Xingxing  Primary School Ss. Encourage the Ss to make friends with Xingxing Ss. Listen and watch the video carefully. 创设情境,贯穿整体,激活学生学习的兴趣。
Play a self-introduction about a girl. Stick the words or sentences on the board. Listen carefully for two times. First, they listen and choose the right student. Then They tell the teacher what they can hear. 突出听说领先,老师通过整体对话输出让学生在语境中习得语言。设置两次不同的听的任务驱动,培养学生良好的倾听习惯和能力。
2.Face&round:1)Phonics teaching:round,found,ground.2)Show a chant about 3words. 3)Guide the Ss to use: My…is…and… to describe spider man’s face and Ss’ faces. 1. Learn to read words by patting body parts.
2. Chant with the teacher.
3.Think and use the main sentence to describe the pictures and the Ss themselves.
教师通过运用不同方式呈现新知和学习新知,让学生通过乐于参与的方式,在chant ,games, pair work中轻松,愉悦地进行及时的口语交际,学以致用,避免了枯燥无味的跟读。
3.Mouth&hair: 1)Show pictures.2)Guide the Ss to look into a mirror and use the sentence in the single form to describe themselves. 1.Ss think and use the sentence: My…is…and…to describe themselves
4.Eyes& bright:1)show Ss how to remember the word,eyes.2)Guide them to tell more words of the body parts in pairs: one,two, two ears. one, two, two hands…3)Show the main sentence: My …are…and…
4) Guide them learn the word,bright .
1)Ss learn the way to remember the word,eyes.
2)Ss tell more words of the body parts : one, two, two ears. one, two, two hands…
3)Learn to say the plural form sentence.
4)Learn to say the word.
Guide the Ss to distinguish is and are by doing a matching game.    Follow the teacher and play the game.                  用游戏方式进行学法指导,让学生自己总结区分is和are 区别。
1.Show an example of  self-introduction by looking at the mirrors.
2.Guide the Ss to talk about themselves in pairs.
Ss look at the mirrors and introduce their facial parts in pairs. 利用学生好动、爱演的性格,给学生设计了,和老师交朋友做示范;通过小组合作的形式,和同学交朋友进行操练;通过录像自我介绍和星星学校交朋友进行展示;最后给星星学校的学生写一张明信片作为回礼四层任务,为培养学生的合作意识和综合运用语言的能力,使不同程度的学生都有展示自己的机会。                                
1. Make a friend with a student.
2.Guide them to make friends with deskmates.
3.Take a video for the Ss. Make friends with Xingxing Ss.
4. Ask some Ss to give suggestion and evaluation.
1. Teacher and one student show an example of making friends.
2.Introduce themselves and make friends with deskmates.
3.Take a video for the Ss. Make friends with Xingxing Ss.
4. Give some suggestion.
Guide them to write a postcard. Ss write about themselves.
Extension Lead Ss to know the manners of making friends and make friends with others. Ss learn to know the manners of making friends and make friends with others. 引导学生用正确的方式交朋友。
Sum-up Guide the Ss to think and sum up by themselves. Ss try to find out what they have learnt 让学生自己总结今天所学的内容,培养学生良好的观察能力和学习能力,引导学生总结掌握学习英语的方法。
Homework 1.Listen to the text on the page of 26 three times and then repeat after the tape. 说明:
2. Introduce yourself to your 2 classmates or 1 teacher and make friends with them. 说明:说明:

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