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译林版五上Unit2 A new student的storytime江苏省 - 苏州

视频标签:new student


视频课题:译林版五上Unit2 A new student的storytime江苏省 - 苏州

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1. 掌握课文对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话。
2. 能正确的听、说、读 单词:art room, classroom, computer room, library, music room, playground.
3. 正确理解并在一定情境下表达Can you show her around?  How many…?  Is there a …?  Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.  Are there any…?   Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. Let’s go and…
4. 能正确理解序数词first, second, third的意思和用法,并能在一定情境下用句型 It's / They're on the ...floor进行表达。
学生在第一单元学过了there be句型的陈述句,能根据方位有的东西进行简单的表达;本单元中有的单词如playground, music, art这些词之前学过,在生词学习中有所帮助。本课涉及的知识点较多,除there be的一般疑问句及回答以外,还有序数词first, second,third的认读理解以及表达,对学生在掌握语言知识上提出了更高的要求。
1. 能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话.
2. 能流畅地朗读对话, 并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话
教学难点:1. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型对方位有的东西进行询问。
2. 运用所学词汇和句型和他人谈论自己的学校。
Step 1 Greetings
Step 2 Pre-reading
T: Boys and girls, first let’s do some brainstorming. Guess: what place is it?
There are some flowers in it. (生猜)  There are some toys . (生猜)
There is some food in it. (生猜)     There are some chairs in it. (生猜)
There are some students in it. (生猜到school)
T: Yes, it’s a school. (出示我们学校图片)
  Look! This is our school. Is it beautiful? (生齐答yes) 
Magic eyes
T: Boys and girls, now I’m going to show some pictures of our school very quickly. Then they will disappear. Remember what you see and tell us about it. Use these sentences:
     There is a/an…     There are…
   出示树图片,生:There are some/ many/… trees..
   出示花图片,生:There are some/ many/… flowers.
出示书图片,生:There are some/ a lot of/…books.
出示足球图片,生:There is a football.
出示凳子图片,生:There are lots of/ some/…chairs.
T: Look at the books, where are the books in our school?
   (个别生library) 出示library, 个别练读
Where is the football? 复习:playground.
Where are the chairs? 教学:classroom, 简单个别连读
T: What place is it? Guess! (个别生music room)
出示music room词卡,连读几遍
T: What place is it? Guess!  (个别生table tennis room)
出示music room词卡,连读几遍
(播放学生在电脑教室打字的视频) T: What place is it? Guess!
(个别生computer room)
出示music room词卡,个别读,多种形式连读。
(出示单词library, playground, music room, table tennis room, computer room. 齐读两遍。)
T: Now let’s read these words together. One word twice. One, two!
(闪动班级教室图片) T: Look, this is our classroom. Look around our classroom, is there a clock in the classroom?
   T: Yes, there is. (出示Yes, there is.)
 (板书,并练读句型is there a clock in the classroom? Yes, there is)
T: Is there a toy? Ss: No.
T: No, there isn’t. (出示No, there isn’t) 练读No, there isn’t并板书。
T: Are there any desks in the classroom?
T: Yes, there are. (出示Yes, there are.)
(板书,并练读句型Are there any desks in the classroom? Yes, there are)
T: Are there any sofas? Ss: No.
T: No, there aren’t. (出示No, there aren’t) 练读No, there aren’t并板书。
   T: Boys and girls, look, this is our school building. Now work in pairs. Use these sentences and pictures to practice, OK?
Ss: OK.
T: Begin!
A: Is there a/an….?  B: Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
A: Are there any….?  B: Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.
Step 3 While-reading
1. T: So, this is our school building. Look! This is Yang Ling’s school building. Look! This is Yang Ling, this is Miss Li. Who is she?
Ss: She’s Nancy.
T: Yes, she is Nancy Black. (领读Nancy Black)
 She is a new student. Today we’ll learn Unit 2 A new student. Let’s read the title together. Unit 2, one two! (生齐读课题)
2. T: Miss Li asks Yang Ling to show her around. What does “show…around” mean?
Let’s watch the cartoon and think about it.
Let’s check. Which one do you choose? A, B, or C?
Yes, C带她参观 is correct.
  领读show around.
T: Let’s make some phrases. (根据例句和图片提示组成词组)
 For example: Show Nancy around the school
Show Helen around the park
 Show Mike around the zoo
3. T: Boys and girls, to understand the story better, this time let’s listen to the recording and try to think about these three questions:
 1. How many classrooms are there in Nancy’s new school?
 2. Is there a library in her school?
 3. Where is Nancy’s classroom?
Let’s check.
Yes, there is.
On the second floor.
T: Yes, on the second floor. (重读)
T : Boys and girls, Look at this building. There are 3 floors. 教学:floor, door.
   出示on the first floor, on the second floor, on the third floor.
   First, second, third are ordinal numbers, one, two, three are cardinal numbers.
We usually put “the” in front of the ordinal numbers. Got it?
Ss: Yes.
操练两遍:one- the first, two-the second, three-the third.
操练:on the first floor, on the second floor, on the third floor.
T: Boys and girls, now you can design your school. You can say like this: The___ is on the____ floor. For example:
(教师在黑板上移动词条做示范,并进行表达:The___ is on the____ floor.)
Who would like to try? (请两到三位同学到讲台上进行演示,并表达)
4. T: Good job, boys and girls. Now you have your own school. These places are on different floors. So Nancy’s classroom is on the second floor, where is the library? And how many libraries are there? Let’s find out. Please open your books, turn to P16. Read the story and finish the form. (学生拿出练习纸,根据课文内容完成)
T: Are you finished? Now let’s check.
Where is the music room? How many?
个别生回答: on the first floor, one
Music room: 出示:on the first floor, one
教师移动词条music room到黑板上房子的一楼,边移动边说:
The music room is on the first floor.
We can say like this:
There is a music room. It’s on the first floor.
There are…     They are on the…floor.
学生齐读There is a music room. It’s on the first floor.
T: Where is the table tennis room? How many?
个别生回答:on the first floor, one
教师移动词条table tennis room到黑板上房子的一楼,边移动边说:
The table tennis room is on the first floor.
Who can say like this?
个别生回答:There is a table tennis room. It’s on the first floor. 齐读
T: Where is the computer room? How many?
个别生回答: on the third floor, two (computer rooms)
教师移动词条computer room到黑板上房子的三楼,边移动边说:
The computer rooms are on the third floor.
Who can say it?
个别生回答:There are two computer rooms.  They are on the third floor. 齐读
T: Where is the library? How many?
个别生回答:on the third floor, one.
The library is on the third floor.  
Who can say it?
个别生回答:There is one Library. It’s on the first floor. 齐读
T: Where is Nancy’s classroom? Do you remember?
生答:On the second floor.
How many classrooms are there in her school?
5. Follow the tape.
   T: Boys and girls, do you understand the story?
Now let’s listen to the recording and repeat after it. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
6. Enjoy reading.
T: Now, boys and girls, it’s time to for you to enjoy reading. Work in 3, read in roles. Practice the dialogue, you can switch roles if you want.
If you:
1.Read correctly(读得正确)☆
2.Read fluently(读得流利)☆☆
3.Read emotionally(读得有感情)☆☆☆
7. Present the dialogue.
  T: Good reading, boys and girls. Now let’s look at our books and read the story together. Unit 2, A new student. One, two!
8. Retell the story.
   T: Boys and girls, now you can try to retell the story. These sentences and what’s on the black board will help you:
T: The first two paragraphs, who can try?
T: Paragraph 3 and 4, who can?
T: Great job, boys and girls. Now let’s retell the story together.
Step 4 Post-reading
1. T: Boys and girls, I think you know a lot about school now.
Now it’s time for you to talk about our school.
T: Picture A and Picture B, each group can choose your own picture. Any volunteer from each group?
T: Who goes first? Raise your hand!
T: So this is picture A, this is picture B. Now talk about it in your group of 4. These sentences will help you. Now begin!
Our school is … (clean, beautiful, big…)
There is a/an...  It’s on the…floor.  We can…there.
There are... They’re on the…floor.  We can…there.
I like my school, do you?
2. Presentation
T: Who would like to try?
3. T: Do you like our school?
Ss: Yes!
T: Me too! We should love our school, love our life.
Let’s say together:
Ss: Love our school. Love our life!
Step 5. Homework
1. Read the story three times and try to recite it.
2. Talk about our school with your friends.和朋友一起谈论我们的学校。

视频来源:优质课网 -----更多视频请在本页面顶部搜索栏输入“new student”其中的单个词或词组,搜索以字数为3-6之间的关键词为宜,切记!注意不要输入“科目或年级等文字”。本视频标题为“译林版五上Unit2 A new student的storytime江苏省 - 苏州”,所属分类为“小学英语优质课视频”,如果喜欢或者认为本视频“译林版五上Unit2 A new student的storytime江苏省 - 苏州”很给力,您可以一键点击视频下方的百度分享按钮,以分享给更多的人观看。优质课网 的成长和发展,离不开您的支持,感谢您的关注和支持!有问题请【点此联系客服QQ:983228566】 -----

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