视频标签:The Girl,the Pagoda
视频课题:外研版小学英语五年级下册《The Girl in the Pagoda.》南宁市衡阳路小学
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《The Girl in the Pagoda.》教学设计
教学内容 外研社《新标准英语》(三年级起点)五年级下Reading for Pleasure。
学情分析 五年级的学生有已经的词汇量,学习了部分动词过去式。并已经掌握一定的阅读能力,能够通过阅读理解文章大意。
语言能力 1. 在故事学习过程中理解新词:sat, suddenly, top,
in front of, later, everyone
2. 运用新词:pagoda, blew, flew, threw, hit, save , marry,
3. 能够理解故事内容,初步说出故事大意,能掌握有效的阅读技巧和阅读策略。 学习能力 学生能够掌握有效的阅读技巧和阅读策略
文化品格 领略中国神话故事魅力 教学重点 理解故事内容,体验故事人物情感,
教学难点 使用动词过去是复述故事内容和表达对故事人物的理解 教学方法 情景教学法,活动教学法,全身反应法 教辅手段
单词卡,PPT, 视频,音频
二、Teaching Procedures
Time Teaching steps Teaching Procedures Intention
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 2min Greeting Greet with Ss and ask what did they do yesterday? Greet with teacher and share what they did yesterday. Review the
verbs’ past tense. 5min Pre-reading 1) Talk about the fairy story
of Journey to the west. Encourage Ss to talk about the characters. Who do they like? Why?
1) Talk about the characters. Review some adjective and verbs.
2) Ask Ss to find out the title of the story?
3) Ask Ss to find out the characters.
4) Ask Ss to guess what happened.
2) The girl in the pagoda.
3) Students answer: a girl, a young man, a monster, a man and the girl brother.
4) Students predict.
Begin from the title. Read
Arouses students’ interest. 20 min
While-reading 1)The first read. Ask Ss read the story in three minutes and finish the match work. 2) The second read. Ask Ss to listen while reading quietly. 3)The third read. Ask Ss to read the first paragraph and answer how did
the girl’s family feel?
4) The forth read.
Ask students to fill in blanks.
The girl said:_________ The young man said:_______
5) The fifth read.
Ask Ss how did the girl get help? And discuses other way to get help.
Read the story and
finish the exercises.
Listen and read quietly.
Ss read after the audio sentence by sentence. Students answer the question and find out the key sentence.
Read the answer with proper emotion.
Read and discuss ways to get help.
Read for the main idea with the help of pictures in the exercise
Read the story with the help of the audio。
Teacher Ss to master reading skill.
Experience characters emotion.
Encourage Ss to think and express their idea.
6) The six read. Ask Ss to answer the
question by circle the key words.
Ss find the answer and circle the key words. Practice
their reading
7min Post-reading
Ask students to retell the story according to the mind map. What can we learn from the story?
Retell the story. If we are in danger, we can …. Language output.
1min Home
Share the story with you friends and family.
Reading for pleasure.
The girl in the pagoda.
课,采用了经典button-up 阅读法。每个环节的设计都要符合学生的认知特点,做到从易到难,循序渐进。
fly-flew blow-blew throw-threw save-saved marry-married
Pre-reading 的活动设计目标主要有两个:一是复习旧知,为学习新知识做铺垫;二是为
了自然地引入课题。我从日常对话开始,通过询问天气、心情、喜好等拉近师生间的距离,帮助学生把学生引入全英的语言环境,让学生习惯性用英语进行课堂问答和思考,创设情境,自然引入本课话题。本课的话题是一个中国神话故事,因此老师从What did you do yesterday?引出I read a fairy story. Journey to the west。出示西游记剧照对学生进行启发式的提问:Who do you like? Why? Do you like the monster? Why? 这样不仅预热了学生的语言表达,同时也激活了学生对神话故事里妖怪已有的背景知识。为课文的学习奠定了基础,也发展的学生批判思维能力。
在while-reading中通过不同任务逐步引导学生解决问题,找到答案,让学生学习如何提取文章关键信息,最后进行文章的复述。阅读教学中体验人物情感是读懂文本的重要组成部分。读懂文本和体验情感是相辅相成,让学生走进故事情境,进行内心与文本的对话。本课的情感体验主要放在妖怪和女孩间的对话,让学生通过语气模拟的方式表达出女孩虽然害怕但绝不同意嫁给妖怪的决心: No, I won’t. I want to go home. 和妖怪遭到拒绝后的愤怒:Then you will stay in this pagoda.。在教学活动实施过程中我除了引导和示范,还鼓励自创动作,让故事中的人物活起来。
在post-reading 中我使用思维导图帮助学生梳理和复述故事,巩固语用知识。思维导图是围绕一个中心将大脑中产生的思想以网状图形记录下来的思维模式。学生可以在思维导图的帮助下复述课文。本课中老师通过让孩子回答问题的方法找出关键词完成思维导图: Why did the girl’s family feel sad? How did the girl get help? What did the girl’s brother do?
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com