视频标签:What time,is it
视频课题:PEP四年级下册Unit 2 What time is it Part C Story湖北
教学设计、课堂实录及教案:PEP四年级下册Unit 2 What time is it Part C Story湖北省 - 宜昌
PEP四年级下册Unit 2 What time is it?
Part C Story time教学设计
学情分析:四年级学生处于英语学习的关键期,对英语学习既感兴趣,又出现了掌握程度的差异。但学生对于故事教学热情较高,往往经过一个单元的学习能通过故事配图大致了解故事的内容,并能根据本单元的语言知识点还原故事内容进行表演。根据故事情节进行排序是学生普遍较感兴趣内容,但故事的续编或是重新编写故事都因情景创设的需要及学生语言储备的需要显得较弱,需要加大学生对相关知识点的储备和利用信息技术手段进行情景的创设。 教学目标:根据《英语课程标准》要求,故事教学需要学生在真实、完整的语境中接触、体验、理解语言,故本节课的教学目标设定为:
1、知识与技能目标:根据学生英语学习程度的差异,优等学生需要会读并理解Wake up,wait,April Fool’s Day, I’m late for school. 学困生要求理解这些单词短语或句子的意义。 2、过程与方法目标:
(1)通过情景创设信息技术手段帮助学生理解故事大意; (2)通过自然拼读法尝试读会:Wake up,wait,以及late;
3、情感态度与价值观:培养学生遵守时间与了解特色文化。 4、文化渗透点:愚人节的文化 教学重难点:
1.巩固本单元的语言点:What time is it? It’s time for/to„„ 2.了解故事的因果关系,体会愚人节文化。
3.尝试根据固定的情景续编故事,达到学以致用的目的。 教学准备:PAD,一体机 教学过程: 活动一:Assessment
T:Boys and girls, in this class,we have 9 groups.If you do well in the class,you can get 1 point. At last, which group get high score,you can choose the box first.ok? Ss:OK!
【设计意图】通过现代信息技术手段解决学生及时评价,避免了繁琐的评价工具准备,同时通过评价激励获得较多分数的一组优先选择场景,这样既进行了有效评价,也跟后续活动紧密结合。 活动二:Warm up
T: Hello,boys and girls. Ss:Hello,Miss Du. T:How are you?
Ss:I’m fine, thank you.
T:Now,let’s sing a song “what time is it?”Ready? Ss:Go.
Sing the song together game together.
【设计意图】通过歌曲的方式进行时间的复习,重拾本单元时间难点,既活跃气氛又复习旧知。 活动三:Review
T:Now,Sharp eyes!Look at that clock, What time is it? Ss answer.
Use the same method to review another time and things.
活动四:Understand the story (1)T: Look, What can you see? S1:I can see Zoom and Zip„„
T:What can you hear?(播放闹钟的声音)What time is it now? S1: It’s 7o’clock.(将钟表时间放大)
T:It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time to get up. But Zoom is sleeping now,so,Zip says:(边说边圈a-e) wake up.
启发学生拼读出wake, 然后读出词组wake up。See them, they call somebody get up.(ppt3)师教生读,点生读。
(2)T:Zip wants Zoom to get up,what does Zoom say, Let’s see it. (看第二幅图片)(ppt5) T:观察学生,
预设一:S1:Zoom says,I want to sleep.
T:Yes, now,you are zoom, I’m zip. “Wake up, Zoom, it’s time to get up.”
S1: I want to sleep.
T: The others, You are zip.together. Ss: Wake up, Zoom, it’s time to get up. S1: I want to sleep.
T:Who wants to be Zip? Who wants to be Zoom? (选取举手的部分学生作为Zip和Zoom 进行第一幅图的练习) 视机纠正want to 和sleep的发音。 预设二:学生均不能回答
T: Zip says. “Wake up, Zoom, it’s time to get up.”Zoom wants to sleep.(是用肢体动作表示Zoom 还想睡觉),so , he says:Mmm, I want to sleep.(肢体动作表示)教读want to sleep. T: I’m zip.You are Zoom.
T: Wake up, Zoom, it’s time to get up.
Ss: I want to sleep.
T:Who wants to be Zip? Who wants to be Zoom? (选取举手的部分学生作为Zip和Zoom 进行第一幅图的练习) 视机纠正want to 和sleep的发音。
【设计意图】通过两幅图片的观察,理解第一二幅图的内容,解决重点部分。 (3)T:Zip wants Zoom to get up,but Zoom wants to sleep. What will happen? Can you guess?
评价语:Good writer./wonderful idea!/I want to do it„„
(4)T:I know all your ideas. Does Zoom get up or sleep again? Let’s read your books .Open your book on page 21.Look and read it. Does Zoom get up or sleep again? 学生看文本故事内容,尝试找到答案。 Ss: Zoom gets up.
T:Why? Read picture 2 to 4 in your groups,then talk about your answers.
小组看图进行讨论。 T:Time’s up. (ppt6)
Ss: It’s eight o’clock.It’s time to go to school./I’m late for school.(教授late,指出a-e组合发音,引导学生拼出late)
T:Now,let think it .(通过信息技术设计的课堂活动帮助学生梳理前面故事的关键信息)
T:But,is Zoom really late for school? Now, let’s watch it.Work in groups and try to find the answers.
【设计意图】通过看视频、看书以及卡通的图片表示形式进一步理解故事意思。 (5)T: Is Zoom really late? Ss:No.It’s 7 o’clock.
T: Really? You see it’s 8 o’clock .Now, you say it’s 7 o’clock.Why is the time different? 预设一:学生用中文表述Zip 调了时间。(评价)
T:Yes, zip changes the time.Why does zip change the time? Now ,let’s see. (微视频嵌入,介绍愚人节文化) 预设二:It’s April 1st.
T:Yes, On the calendar, today is April Fool's day. Zoom is April Fool .( 微视频嵌入,介绍愚人节文化) 教师教授April Fool
T: On April Fool's day, you can play jokes,but not too much.(ppt8) (6)T: You know the story,this time, Complete the dialogue. (出示提示)First,read the pictures ,then, read the dialogue, at
last,complete the dialogue. Do it in your groups.(选取一组在讲台前完成)
T:Now,let’s check.
【设计意图】通过故事句子和图片配对,帮助学生理清故事脉络,了解故事前因后果,同时邀请一组在电脑上完成,充分发挥信息技术手段的作用。 (7)T:I think ,all of you are very smart.And I also want to hear your beautiful voice. Now,let’s listen and imitate. 学生跟读
T:Roles pay.学生分组跟读(Group and group)
Group work.(组内角色扮演读,信息技术切入点:学生根据前面所学情况运用PAD解决不会读或是不懂的单词或句意) Act out.
【设计意图】PAD操练并自学,激发学生学习兴趣,同时,也能根据学生掌握情况自行调控,考虑到了学生的差异性。 活动五:Development T:Your action are perfect.Because today is April 1st
,Zip has a joke to Zoom.And now, they are at school.Challenge your imagation, what happen then? There are 4 signs , in the computer room, in the school canteen, in the classroom, On the playground,Which group has the high score,you can choose first„„. Now,let’s look it (教师和本组组长进行示范) it’s your turn.
【设计意图】故事拓展采用续编的形式,结合本文文化渗透点进行有效延伸,通过适当的语言支架和场景提供,让学生在理解故事的同时培养语言表达能力。 活动六:Summarize and homework
T:You do very well,so today we have no homework. Ss:Yeah!
T:April fool! Homework!(PPT)
Homework:1.Finish your own ending and share.
2.share more storys bout time with your friends.
【设计意图】紧扣单元主题和故事内容,通过语言主题“what time is it? It’s„„.It’s time for/to„„”以及文化主题愚人节,双线并进,既巩固知识,又培养情操。 板书设计:
Unit 2 What time is it?
Part C Story time
April Fool’s Day
It’s time to go to school.
April 1st I’m late for school.
April Fool
视频来源:优质课网 www.youzhik.com