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在线播放:Unit 4 Part B Let's learn Draw and say何旭说课实录(附课件+


Unit 4 Part B Let's learn Draw and say何旭说课实录(附课件+



视频课题:Unit 4 Part B Let's learn Draw and say何旭说课实录(附课件+

教学设计、课堂实录及教案:Unit 4 Part B Let's learn Draw and say何旭说课实录(附课件+教学设计)第十四届全国中小学信息技术与教学融合优质课大赛展示课例

Unit4 At the farm
Part B Let's learn & Draw and say
安徽省合肥市瑶海区 蚌埠路第五小学 何旭
.Analysis of the teaching material
本节课是新PEP四年级下册Unit 4 At the farm Part B的Let's learn部分, 本节课主要围绕“农场动物”这一话题展开,主要教学四种不同的农场动物:sheep、hens、cows、horses,并结合draw and say环节,让学生将所学的语言用于生活中去。
.Analysis of the students
Ⅲ.Teaching aims
A. Knowledge aims
   Key words: cow(s), horse(s), hen(s), sheep.
   Key sentences: These are sheep. They're so cute.
               Are these______? Yes, they are. /No, they aren't.
B. Ability aims
   Students can communicate with others by using key sentences in a real scene.
C. Moral aims:
   Life is beautiful,so let’s enjoy the life.
Ⅳ. Teaching key points and difficult points
A. Key points:
   The new words: cow(s), horse(s), hen(s), sheep.
The dialogues: These are sheep. They're so cute.
Are these______? Yes, they are. /No, they aren't.
B. Difficult points:
The plural forms of new word sheep; the pronunciation of new word horses. Students can make dialogues by themselves according to the context.
Ⅴ. Teaching method
the Situational Method;the Communicative Approach.
Ⅵ.Teaching aids: PPT, some cards.
Ⅶ. Teaching times: 40minutes.
1.导入环节:动作路径技术, 达到复习旧知,导入新课的目的。
Ⅷ. Teaching procedures

Steps Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Interaction pattern Purpose
Step1  Warm-up and lead-in
1. Greetings.& Free talk.
2. Review the words about the animals.
3. Lead in.
T: We can see these animals on the farm.
(Old Macdonald appears. )
T: Let’s visit Old Macdonald’s farm today.
T  to  Ss
T  to  Ss
T  to  Ss
To attract the Ss’ attention and arouse Ss’ interests.
new words
& dialogues
Step2 Presentation     new words
& dialogues
1. “horse(s)”  
①Listen to the horse sound.
②Guide Ss to read after the tape, compare  “horse” with “fork” and “for”, and try to imitate the pronunciation. Then read in groups, and in individuals.
③Clone the horse on the screen. Guide Ss to say “horses”.
④T: These are horses.They’re so tall. Guide Ss to say them.
2. “cow(s)”
①Cover the screen and show only part of the cow, let students guess.
②Guide Ss to read after the tape,compare  “cow” with “how” , and try to imitate the pronunciation. Then read in groups, and in individuals.
③Clone the cow on the screen. Guide Ss to say “cows”.
④T: Are these cows?Guide Ss to say Yes,they are.They’re strong.
3. “sheep”
①Listen to the sheep sound.
②Guide Ss to read after the tape,compare  “sheep” with “see” , and try to imitate the pronunciation. Then read in groups, and in individuals.
③Clone the sheep on the screen.
T: Can we say five sheeps? (No.)
T: We should say five sheep. They’re sheep. They’re cute.
Guide Ss to say the sentences.
4. “hen(s)”
①Show the picture of eggs.
T: Where are the eggs from?Guide Ss to say “hen”.
②Guide Ss to read after the tape,compare  “hen” with “pen” , and try to imitate the pronunciation. Then read in groups, and in individuals.
③Clone the hen on the screen.
T: Are these ducks?Guide Ss to say “No,they aren’t. They’re hens”.
T: Yes,they’re so fat.
5. Can you match?
Listen to the sounds of different animals and   match them with correct pictures.
6. Chant.
 Baaa~ baaa~ baaa~, they're sheep, cute cute                                      cute.
 Moo~moo~moo~,they're cows,strong strong strong.
 Cluck~cluck~cluck~,they're hens,fat fat fat.
 Neigh~neigh~neigh~,they're horses,tall tall tall.
T  to  Ss
T  to  Ss
T  to  Ss
T  to  Ss
Ss  to  Ss
To encourage students to master the new words.
Game time------pair work
Spin the wheel.
A: ---Are these _____?
B: ---Yes, they are./No, they aren't.
(If they did a good job, give them applause.)
Ss  to  Ss
To enable Ss to practice the new words and dialogues. At the same time it can arouse Ss’ interests.
Draw and say.
Four students work in a group. Design your own farm and talk about it in your group.
②Watch a video.
Life is beautiful,so let’s enjoy the
Ss  to  Ss
To encourage Ss to talk with others and train Ss’ speaking.
Show the key words and sentences to Ss.
T  to  Ss
To review the whole lesson.
1. Finish the exercise on
2. Talk about your own farm with your friends.
  To consolidate the knowledge.
Ⅸ. Blackboard design
Unit4 At the farm
Part B Let ’s learn& Draw and say
Boys  Girls 
☆   ☆                   ─ These are sheep.              horses
☆   ☆                   ─ They’re cute.                 cows
       ☆                   ─Are these ___?                sheep
                            ─Yes,they are./No,they aren’t.     hens
Ⅹ. Reflection
在本节课中,我以参观Old Macdonald的农场为情境,以Old Macdonald这个人物串联起教学的各个环节,以此来引起学生的兴趣和好奇心。在处理重难点的过程中,信息技术所提供的自主探究,合作学习,多重交互等学习环境,把学生的主动性,积极性充分调动起来。使学生的创新思维和实践能力在整合过程中得到有效锻炼。但是还有部分同学在合作学习中存在困难,在以后的教学中,我会关注他们并为其寻找适合他们的学习方式。

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